Think I know who I am betting on to win this.
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Think I know who I am betting on to win this.
frenzy_Hildreth admin when?
Been there, done that.
Most people here don't understand what it is to be an admin, time demands being the single biggest factor required. I won't defend inconsistencies but the issue with ETF2L as a website is the best people for the role are the ones willing to give their time up for it, which varies in the quality of admin you get as hard working does not always = good, but not working always = bad. This is best relaid by this quote from DJwheat that exists on the ETF2L Staff page ( to gain an understanding of this culture.
Admin teams have a culture, like with any environment whether it is team or work-based (evidence suggests half the TFTV community have a lack of understanding of this and some veterans of the game as well) and the culture is set from the top down, if there are inconsistencies, lack of strength in leadership and issues that simply aren't being addressed (or are not appearing to be addressed) then it's a fault stemming from the Head Admins at the base that has not flowed downwards to how the website is run. It's been an ongoing issue for many years.
Like I said though - people who are average in their work but work hard and volunteer their time are always better candidates than better quality people who aren't putting the effort in. As an individual I fail to accept mediocrity when I get my wallet out and pay for something but if I am not doing it, it doesn't annoy me as much.
Best solution for the admin team is to address these issues, they're legitimate concerns (though I believe one of them referenced by Muuki is from Essentials not ETF2L) because it sets a precedent that you can't trust there will be fair competition and especially if concerns come from a Premiership player who can have influence in their views.
Rules are in place for a reason, to some when a controversial decision is taken it may upset them and has done in the past (say the Buffalo Bill situation, punishment was harsh but the rules are clear about zero tolerance to abusing admins) but if you use them as a reference point and improve parts of the rules that aren't clearly defined properly for "next time" you learn from your mistakes, you improve the league but the most important thing to do when applying the rules is to be consistent, always. Lack of consistency seeping into the league is very concerning lately.
smzithese avatars dont matter anyways every 2nd game in advanced is vs a full time pyro anyways
Not sure this is true, I haven't seen a single full time Pyro in Advanced, I wish there was a full time Pyro make it more interesting than some Div 2 player perma feeding.
The avatars are also the funniest thing I seen I am sure they work better at Beginner levels than Higher up where everyone knows everybody's main class / secondary class skills but they really are a lackluster way of substituting having people add up to Pugs on a specific class.
I been forced to play Scout / Medic more than Demo / Soldier (my avatar btw) in Invite Pugs because the system just is fundamentally flawed. I hope TF2PL is working well for Pugs on a lower skill level, which is great but really doesn't seem suited for Invite pugs, may as well just go back to PugChamp or do a doublemix.
I liked regular Arena Mode in Public servers, miss them.
He sounds like Speedy Gonzalez.
Menachem1. ban crossbows
2. all but like 3 med mains quit
3. uh
4. uhhhhhhhhh
That's not going to happen though, there were twice the TF2 players in game before the crossbow was even a thing do you think the remaining players are just here because of one unlock? Give me a break, I seen enough in this scene to know this statement is complete bullshit scaremongering crap invented in people's head to justify keeping an unbalanced unlock given preferential treatment because it's for the Medic.
Last person who told me this was a Medic main who has since quit the game and guess what, Crossbow is still allowed.
In very small amount of cases it may be true that people might want to leave the game if the Crossbow is banned, any player who is only playing the game because they allow a really poorly balanced unlock is probably same type of person who plays on DOTA and their favourite Hero gets nerfed and quit the game. I'm not going to lose sleep over it. TF2 is better if we got people who actually want to adapt to change, improve themselves and become reliant on one weapon. Valve have obviously done a poor job balancing certain unlocks, particularly Medic ones and have made them either the Crossbow or one dimensional (3 different types of syringe guns) but it doesn't change facts pointed out in this discussion.
Do the right thing and address balancing issues seriously by not being inconsistent.
Imagine i49 Cookye with Rewind LAN b4nny POGGERS
This is caused by the Trumpet sound on TF2PL.
It's actually not that bad it's more just a mainstream perception / reaction to a new form of media, as the lady said the parent company of the owners of the TV network, Comcast even own a franchise in OWL, it's a good publicity stunt for OWL and eSports in particular, the lad Jake does pretty well and if the interviewer didn't seem to have a biased agenda, just acted as the medium for the generation of normies who don't understand. This will be commonplace over the next 5 years, media like this to try and legitimize eSports in the mainstream and there will be actually commentators with an agenda who will scrutinize it in a negative way.
Not relevant to TF2 though since we're not an eSport :tf:
Raelyn"I'm trying to do what the sixes community has never done. Try to evolve our comp tf2 format to try and find the best one, one that sees all class viability and fast pace/dynamic game play
If you really wanted to support TF2's comp scene, you would be putting money towards 6s itself, even if you don't agree with it. It has prize pools and consistent LAN tournaments which I found fucking exhilarating to watch on stage.
Had a chuckle at this one, we're still at best a Semi-Professional scene with nothing to offer anyone looking to become a pro-gamer. I am sure a few thousand dollars from Sigafoo will change this(!).
With that said I agree in the general consensus of your message but then again I don't know what Sigafoo's aims are with this gamemode. When it first appeared it seemed experimental and all the evidence I saw was it would be a failure, I am all for experiments and using money to back it but got to be a point where you accept either your concept is flawed or your approach is flawed. Depending on Sigafoo's objectives is the only way you can measure success of this competition, regardless of if you like it on a personal level or if it keeps Lil' Gray fed for another month.
With that said on the whole this whole project looks from an outside perspective to be rather impact-less and divisional, which I do not support, though if I get a cat I might need to feed it and sign up. One issue I think it has it suffers from the stigma of being "Sigafoo's little project" - Rather than a unified gamemode with many, many supporters. Not involving major community leagues (whatever the reasoning given) is a mistake for sure, trying to compete with existing gamemodes, also a mistake.
Real measure of success to a gamemode or a league is, if the main driver of it disappears will it continue? I don't think so. And this isn't even my opinion, it's just a fact, I personally think 7v7 is interesting enough gameplay wise to a point I'd enjoy it and I love freshness of competitive competition but if nobody wants to play it aside for the money and barely anyone wants to watch it, then it's not going to work.
Arie + Wolf Machina + BO Jon
funhaver1998I wouldn't want you im my league anyway Hildreth!
Why not? By the sounds of it I'd be the only non-cheater in yours.
funhaver1998Although I agree with Muuki, why is the penalty for this crime so harsh? Why not just they can't play until the demos are uploaded? Too many innocent gamers have been incacerated for this petty crime and it has to stop.
If you don't think you should be harshly deterring potential cheaters to comply with AC rules then I don't want to play in any league you host.
It's not hard to record / upload demos, there is P-Rec or you can do them manually like I do every match. Is not really any excuse for an experienced player to miss 3 uploads and also I don't think Thaigrr is disputing it at all.
Protecting integrity of the league should be number 1 priority for any gaming league, not instantly banning someone for not following AC rules 3 times as per a well established and acknowledged league rule/punishment system is one way to ruin the integrity of the league.
I don't think for a second Thaigrr is a cheater but it's not a good precedent to set in such a high profile occasion. The argument to delay banning people to protect the competition is secondary to the integrity of the league, full stop and if you think this is a good idea you should resign as Head Admin because you're clearly not fit to run a league.