Account Details
SteamID64 76561198116423071
SteamID3 [U:1:156157343]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:78078671
Country United States
Signed Up September 16, 2015
Last Posted September 16, 2020 at 8:48 PM
Posts 1671 (0.5 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.3
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Glorious Model D
Keyboard Mistel MD770
Mousepad Aorus AMP500
Headphones Sennheiser PC37X
Monitor MSI MAG251RX
1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 111
#1190 ESEA Season 28 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
gloperzour team mascot RETRODAVID has stepped down for personal reasons. he will be missed [*]

posted about 6 years ago
#2 MTG Arena beta codes in Other Games

dang one minute and all of them are already gone

posted about 6 years ago
#116 $100,000,000 for fortnite esports in Esports
DarkNecridRealm Royale seems to be using a way better format for their (community hosted, mind) tournaments so far:

Duos, 30 teams, play 10 games.

Uses a score system like golf (less points = better), your duo gets positive points = to their placement at the end of the game and then loses a point for every kill the duo gets.

Encourages aggressiveness to get kills, hella reduces camping, and Realm Royale is a fast enough game that 10 games doesn't take ages regardless.

TSM's Daequan actually suggested something similar to the score system that Realm Royale has currently in a video sometime back about how in pro scrims (if you believe that's a thing), people just camp, farm materials, and wait until the final circle to actually fight because there's no real incentive to kill. What they're trying to get is 1st. And while he talks about how it is in a different patch of the game, the same points that he makes still apply. Even though things like explosives (rockets, C4, hand grenades/grenade launchers, clingers) and LMGs and miniguns to a smaller extent being buffed to be sort of anti-building tools, stopping people from camping in a building, bush, or skybase for the entire match isn't something that's worth using your ammo/explosives/team resources.

Full Video
Start of change discussion
What is suggested

The way the Friday Fortnite events do their system with players is really good and should be adopted universally IMO. You're going against everyone else in the server trying to get the most kills between you and your partner. Whether or not Epic decides to have duos be the ultimate format or 4 man squads is yet to be determined last time I checked. Seemed like they were leaning more towards duos being the main format but things can change. Of course the way that Friday Fortnite does its system has its detriments, since it's played in pub squads games, but that to me seems like the right track for developing a good, long-lasting competitive system.

posted about 6 years ago
#8 lft im s29 in Recruitment (looking for team)

posted about 6 years ago
#15 Ascent.EU forfeits the season in News
syphHow was a picture taken by two people?

one person held the camera while the other person took the actual shot

posted about 6 years ago
#4 Need help with FPS in tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

are the fps drops random or during specific times in gameplay? also

SetsulYou're using a laptop.
posted about 6 years ago
#1160 ESEA Season 28 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

How many teams move on to playoffs?

posted about 6 years ago
#11 highfive quits ascent?? in TF2 General Discussion

and now he rests

posted about 6 years ago
#1112 ESEA Season 28 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
JefffffHL pugs is gonna win open
posted about 6 years ago
#191 wavesui in Customization
pizzaranassomeone update this hud, please :(

posted about 6 years ago
#6440 stream highlights in Videos

Volume warning

posted about 6 years ago
#1 My keyboard's top row doesn't work in Hardware

So I've been unable to use the top row of my keyboard (escape key and function row) for a bit now, and it's getting a bit irritating and I can't even rebind it in my keyboard's software since it doesn't register (board is FNATIC miniSTREAK)

I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling the keyboard drivers and searching for an update and nothing has worked. Should I just try and email support since the board is under warranty? Or is there something else that can be done so I don't have to go through any of that?

I think it's also worth noting that there's a reset type of pin on the back of the keyboard and either I'm a wimp and can't hold it down for the 10 seconds using what I have on hand (which was a few pens and pencils). I might be able to try digging in my dad's toolbox at home to see if he has something that can properly reset it but outside of that it seems like I'm out of options to get this fixed unless someone knows of some other way to solve this

posted about 6 years ago
#780 ESEA Season 28 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
yeah fuck that class

I mean hitscan sniper in theory has an infinite skill cap that only cheaters are capable of reaching so

posted about 6 years ago
#28 What should I get from amazon for 50$ in Hardware
vulcIf i get a 15$ mousepad I’m left with 35$ for a headset, any recommendations for the headset?
Which of the under 15$ mousepads should I get?

Considering the Corsair one is on sale that's what I'd recommend. I've never heard of any of the other brands that are in the sub $15 category in this list

Also Linus tech tips did a budget headset video that you might want to watch if you can't find any decent headsets to buy that are on sale

posted about 6 years ago
#17 What should I get from amazon for 50$ in Hardware
donovini have this headset atm i really like it
i got it on sale at best buy to try out but it noise cancels and the sound is amazing

+1 for this, although the HS50 I think is basically the same thing but without the surround sound capabilities

I've had some friends wear these out in public and according to them they don't get looked at weirdly since it doesn't look like a gaming headset to someone that doesn't know gaming headsets

posted about 6 years ago
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