nuzeI've changed hud fonts in the past but Hypotize hud uses this #base thing and i have no idea how it works and I can't seem to change the fonts like how I did in the past. I just want Roboto for damage numbers and surface for health/ammo, which both come with the hud afaik - what should I do to change these fonts?
Yeaaah i didn't really make it user friendly under this aspect :D what you can do is:
- first inside the clientscheme remove the // from Fonts_Game_Surface (and add the // to the nexa scheme)
- then open resource/scheme/Fonts_Game_Surface and look for GameFont22Shadow and for the name instead of "surface-medium" you will change it to "Roboto Bold"
- last under the CustomFontFiles at the end of the same file you add the path to roboto
"font" "resource/scheme/fontfiles/Roboto.ttf"
"name" "Roboto Bold"