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SteamID64 76561198058754493
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:49244382
Country Italy
Signed Up January 11, 2014
Last Posted April 19, 2024 at 3:28 PM
Posts 591 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.3 (20cm/360)
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie S1
Keyboard Fnatic Rush G1 (Cherry Red)
Mousepad SteelSeries QCK
1 ⋅⋅ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ⋅⋅ 40
#6 m0rehud fix? in TF2 General Discussion

Thats how you install the fonts screen

If it doesn't work then you have to go on C:\Windows\Fonts look for every surface named file and delete them (its safe to do don't worry) after you did that re-install the fonts (aka do whats on the screen i gave you)

posted about 6 years ago
#79 post your current tf2 setup in Customization

Go to config when i'm not in the "change everything every day period"


1920x1080 - dx81
same edited m0re hud since 2013
size 35 cross
edited comanglia gfx
g403 @ 20cm/360

posted about 6 years ago
#248 m0re hud in Customization

I think you found the fastest way to get ignored.... like seriously?


posted about 6 years ago
#5455 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
Anyone got any idea why the killfeed is going crazy?

You are missing the materials that make the custom killfeed icons work, they are on materials\vgui\logos, you might be missing this folder.

barnacan someone update this hud? thanks


SoldierDoes anybody know how to make the item quality border in the loadout/backpack page thinner? I believe Hypnotize has done this in his renditions.


The hud is old, and as you can see from the photo, the border nearly overlaps some textures and text.

You need to update the EconBorders in your clientscheme. Basically you need to replace all the BackpackItemBorder etc with the new ones. You can take the updated ones from HERE

If you don't know how to do it i made a pretty bad guide to explain it, just follow the last part of the "udpate the clientscheme" point here

posted about 6 years ago
#6 TF2 broken hud in Q/A Help
ZMaX1MUusThis is the problem Drifta, if I install a version of "Hudas Iscariote" updated I will not be able to access the community servers and MVM mode, so I use this version outdated so that I can access the community servers

You click on the "servers" button to acess the community servers and the find a game button on the top right to acess the mvm button. With my version you shouldn't have any kind of crashes as well.

posted about 6 years ago
#31 arekk hud? in The Dumpster
ottobrbare u the same barely functioning human that asked for starhud and then when i linked u it u made another post asking for starhudno sir that's the other guy


thats unlucky

posted about 6 years ago
#5434 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Thats the list of the files you need to delete in order to have the default menus!

Show Content

Delete the econ and training folders as well!
I don't know if you want the normal console/server browser back as well but just in case the file is SourceScheme.res

Some of the colors/borders and the fonts might not be default since they are controlled by the clietscheme but there isn't much you can do since they are used by the ingame hud as well!

posted about 6 years ago
#244 m0re hud in Customization
ZeLes_boyoi wounder, dose this hud have a developer console button like most of the huds have?

m0rehud button works as a console button

posted about 6 years ago
#242 m0re hud in Customization
BoxTF2To Hypnotize

I love this HUD but I found some kind of bugs:
1) When I shoot the wall or the window on a map, the holes left especially on the windows are the same as when you pull on a wall while it makes sense to make another hole on different item on the map.

2) As soon as I play on the control points maps, the number on the counter on point glitches with the "x" sign, whereas normally it must display only one number.

(For the info, I'm playing on Mac because it does support the Mac your HUD)
Can you fix theses bugs so I can play with no problems?

1) Delete Scripts/SurfaceProperties.txt
2) The X is there in pretty much every hud, unless the font in use is a only numbers font. I don't see it beign a problem unless you mean something else you have a screen?

posted about 6 years ago
#5 hotline games mousefeet in Hardware

I'm using them right now on my g403, I have them since last summer pretty much and yeah they are good probably not the best but still better than the original ones (they feet perfectly in the slots, easy to install and everything).

I also didn't feel any difference between round (originals) and sharp edges (hotline) tbh but that might just be me.

posted about 6 years ago
#240 m0re hud in Customization
Castialwhy does every eu player i see use this hud

Oh come on its the best hud since 2009...

jsuhquestion: how can i change / add a custom image background when joining a server, when joining a server the image is default tf2 hud right, can i change it? how?

Sorry for the very late answer as well. The file is StatSummary.res (Isn't there on m0rehud since is default you need to take it and add it from the base tf2 files) and then in that file you add the code for the background (after the "TFStatsSummary" code is fine)

something like:

Show Content
"ControlName" "ImagePanel"
"fieldName" "Background_Custom"
"xpox" "0"
"ypos" "0"
"zpos" "1"
"wide" "f0"
"tall" "480"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"image" "replay/thumbnails/Loading_Custom"
"scaleImage" "1"

The image vtf and vmt goes in materials\vgui\replay\thumbnails\loading_custom.vtf/vmt

morthink i need 5x4 files.

I added the 5x4 files support, I had this update ready for sooooo long but I forgot about it sry.

posted about 6 years ago
#5431 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
Jynxiianyone know how to remove this little white box?


Alright I had the fix for this ready for about 1 month and I completly forgot to public it :(

amigoHi guys. I have few issues (Hypnotize Hud):
  • Party Chat (top left corner). On each opening it makes smaller and smaller. After few times it disappear from the screen and I can't read it.
  • Sometimes after death I can't see enemy HP instead I see %something%

I'm trying to remove custom menu and other staff in this HUD that doesn't have impact on in game match layout but it is little bit hard for me cause there too many changes and new things since 2013 -_-.

Any suggestions?

1) As far as I know it happens in the default hud as well (I never use the party chat so i can't tell you more) and I don't know if its fixable, are you using the last version of the hud? since I edited it a bit to be bigger etc, if not try it!
2) Might be a TF2 bug as well since I have it with multiple huds

I can give you a list of the files you can delete in order to do this if you want!

posted about 6 years ago
#4 ETF2L Season 30 Highlights in Videos

I was wating for this, sick as always <3

posted about 6 years ago
#4 Opinion on the new etf2l colour? in Off Topic

Make it D A R K

posted about 6 years ago
#5391 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
i'm using the Hypnotize hud, it's all good but i dont like the timer being on the top left of the screen, what should i change to move it to the center ?

HudMatchStatus.res > "ObjectiveStatusTimePanel" > "xpos" "c-25"


How do i change the text colour for ubercharge percentage? Thanks in advance.

Valve hardcoded this color sometime ago and now the only way to change it is by changing the "TanLight" color inside the clientscheme.res but be aware that tanlight changes every white-ish text in the hud pretty much. I would say it is only worth changing it if you want it to be completely white (same as the ammo in clip for example).

posted about 6 years ago
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