After playing the cup that hosted this map alongside koth_sandstone and cp_sunshine, I wanted to share some feedback about the map.
From it seemed is that the map layout is unique and nothing to what were used to, the map was fast paced for most of the part, however at some situation when we wanted to advance forward quickly the cap time seemed quite slow than usual, which seemed odd to us and forced stalemates instead of fast pushing and quick defending.
The map is confusing, like any new map you first play, you get the hang of it sooner or later, but this map featured so many routes to flank, to get in middle, the options were almost unlimited, a good and a bad thing, which should be probably double checked.
Overall the map was very unique and quite nothing like were used to, the design is beautiful with some points of the map you'd want to stop and stare and inhale all that awesomeness.
I've managed to find one clipping bug:
Great job fubar, please don't stop making maps, you're a talented son of a bitch.
Edit: extra thing I've found, which I found amusing, an Africa continent clipping: