Account Details
SteamID64 76561197971152439
SteamID3 [U:1:10886711]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:5443355
Country United States
Signed Up October 6, 2012
Last Posted June 15, 2023 at 7:57 PM
Posts 590 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.2(0.7 scout/snipe)
Windows Sensitivity 5.5
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer DeathAdder Chroma
Keyboard Razer Blackwidow Stealth
Mousepad Razer Goliathus (L) Speed
Headphones Sennehiser HD 280 Pro
Monitor Philips 144Hz
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#1 Laptop Suggestions? in Hardware

I'm a super oldschool, everything-must-be-wired, games-on-a-desktop guy so my knowlege and experience with laptops is very minimal. My gf is completing her graduate program and is going out of state for the summer for the internship. She wants a laptop that she can play games (TF2) on and I want to get her one. The desktop is too cumbersome to take and her current laptop is old poop that is due for an upgrade.

I was wondering if anyone would have any suggestions on what to get or what kind of features to look for. This computer doesn't necessarily have to be a "gaming laptop" (unless it does, let me know). I was hoping to spend 500-600 bucks. My main requirement is that it needs to get a minimum of 60fps no matter what. Even if she's in a 33 player pub with 12 players and 8 explosions on screen I expect the fps to stay at a constant, non-wavering 60 where I will lock it. It's ok for the graphics to be medium-low, but I don't want to have to run any highframe fps configs.

Does my price range realistically match my goals? Any suggestions? I don't know how much time I have to get this before she leaves so I honestly imagine just going to best buy or something and picking it up.

Thanks in advance.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 If this is the future I am scared in TF2 General Discussion

Can we hurry up and advance this tech already so we can have a hollo-deck? Thanks.

posted about 11 years ago
#31 DM/MGE Buddies Needed in Q/A Help

Thorn nailed it in #25. You're overthinking the 'practice meta' and setting yourself up with a bad attitude which will actually hold you back. "Man I'd be winning if this guy wasn't playing so gay......" No. He's playing in a way that you seem to have no response to. Figure out the response to it. Or play just how you feel and don't be upset about losing.

Obviously counterjumping doesn't work all the time in the 'real game' but actually there's lots of times when it's a legit option. If I'm in dm and that godawful turbine map comes on I'm going to sit up on the bats and chuck stickies down on people fighting below. Why? I'm terribly inconsistent at it and I feel like I'm getting something out of it. If you don't think so I just don't give a shit. I'm there to shoot my guns and have literally no regard for the emotional states of the people running around on the floor. My attitude does not at all affect your ability to get some good dm practice in.

But yes, it's really good to have a few dedicated mge buddies to push you to your limits and force you to come up with solutions to situations.

posted about 11 years ago
#53 Instruments anyone? in Off Topic

A little bit of ... drums, guitar, bass, keys. If I didn't play video games and put that time into at least one of these I'd pretty much be invite at it by now. Shoutouts to Ibanez, Yamaha, and Axis floor boards.

posted about 11 years ago
#94 Little TF2 things that annoy you. in TF2 General Discussion
rQwireThat weird invisible spot on Gullywash DM where you cannot walkover and have to jump

This is the door to the forward spawn room below. Go run by the door and make it close. Yeah it really is annoying though...

posted about 11 years ago
#73 favorite book? in Off Topic

Ender's Game

Starship Troopers

I also remember enjoying Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six but that was really long ago and I'm not sure how much I'd like it anymore.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 In Russia. in Off Topic

Everything seems perfectly normal to me here.

posted about 11 years ago
#41 Coaches Needed for Newbie Mix! in TF2 General Discussion

I agree with the gist of what defy said earlier.

I was pretty excited to coach in newbie mixes after being asked to by its organizers but after a few mixes I quickly lost my appetite for coaching. I was only interested in playing as a medic in the mixes because I feel it gives me the best ability to teach and guide with minimal "dm-influence" on the outcomes of the fighting. These concepts I'm gonna talk about seem so basic and obvious but it looks like most people don't get it or don't care. Both mixes I played in I had to face the coach on the enemy team playing demoman on badlands while I was the medic for my team. It was absolutely crushing. Their demoman destroyed everything since he was way better than our, actually newbie, demoman. There was very little for me to teach my team outside of some setup and questions in pre-game. Once the game got started the main takeaway was that "hey, their coach is like 40x better than our average skill level on this team and is carrying the shit out of them while our coach can't really help since he's medic". I suppose I could try to stay positive but it wasn't my negativity that made things sour. My newbies were getting pretty bitter on their own, and they were right. Other coach would spearhead pushes and peeks, get two or three picks, and then direct his team to overrun us. I'm really wondering what the comms in their mumble were like and what they were learning. Maybe they were learning some good things like when to push and how to go together, but is it worth potentially ruining the impression of the game for 5 people to give 5 other people the simple joy of getting carried? There's a lot of people who, at least as far as skills vs newbies go, don't have a not-main-class. There's plenty of people who are, say, a high-IM scout that also translate to a low-IM demoman. What is even the purpose of this distinction in this setting when the coaches are trying to crush as hard as possible?

Now let's say I was playing demoman to counter the other coach. This inevitably becomes a dick measuring contest of minimal benefit to the newbies. I do not feel like I would be a very good coach from this position since I would be focusing a lot of my attention on either A) killing as many enemy newbies as I can to keep my team in an advantageous position, or B) shutting down their coach to keep him from doing the same things unto us. Perhaps I'll play an offclass such as scout who I'm extra-bad with and have litte experience. Again, I find that I'm going to be using my mental resources to manage my unfamiliar circumstances and make sure I'm pulling my weight, or carry rather than coach. I find it difficult, and maybe even a little bit dishonest, to play without trying really hard to win. This is particularly true when the coach on the other team is clearly carrying them as hard and fast as he can. These are non-issues if the coaches are PLAYING MEDIC where playing your hardest is actually a good thing. If someone says of themselves that they're bad at medic and therefore can't play it while coaching then they probably shouldn't be coaching newbie mixes. "But what about all the medic newbies that want to play?" Honestly, they can just spec the coach. Of course playing is better than watching, but at least it's live and engaging and they can ask questions. But there's an even better way: The way it used to be done. Put the coaches into spectator and have them guide their teams from above. I've seen newbie mixes from long ago done this way and they seemed really good. I can't for the life of me understand why this method was abandoned.

TL;DR - Coaches too often dm-carry their teams instead of actually working with their newbies. Coaches should have to play medic, or (even better) be a spectator and guide their teams without being on the field with them.

Shoutout to pie_hero. I've watching him coach and he's so damn good and professional, it's heartwarming. Kudos to you!

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Technology in TF2 General Discussion

The new Razer mice that are wireless are claiming performance that is practically on par with its wired counterparts but I just can't trust wireless things. If there's a wired way to do it, I will. If you want to talk about technology then what's really improved slowly (and not much at all) is battery technology. Going through batteries sucks if they're disposable. Rechargable ones become worse and worse with use, inevitably, and eventually need to be replaced. It amazes me how many devices now come with rechargeable batteries yet it's very difficult or impossible to actually get to the battery (to remove and replace it), as if to suggest that it will last forever. Finally, I like light mice (like my Deathadder) and any kind of batteries makes a mouse heavier.

posted about 11 years ago
#79 hey fog can you unban sniper in TF2 General Discussion

People are really overcomplicating this. Go to dm servers to shoot your guns at dudes. Everyone has their own sense of "fun" or "amount of learning" or "usefulness" or whatever other sort of bullshit honor that is close to your heart. The emphasis here seems to be about how butthurt people feel when they get killed by some "gay" class. Well people want to practice that class and you respawn right away, so who cares? There's no rule that says you have to have a fair chance against everyone that attacks you - that wouldn't make any sense in reality anyway. Look at the worst case scenario: If every class were allowed and there were a bunch of heavies and pyros and spies running around (I'm not condoning that), I'd still play dm and shoot them up. It wouldn't be as good for me in terms of 6s practice but I'm still shooting my guns at dudes.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 MGEit White list Question in TF2 General Discussion

I've never seen any bans but then again maybe I'm out of the loop. But people don't seem to do stupid shit like that too often so maybe I just don't realise it.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 MGEit White list Question in TF2 General Discussion

It's MGE, there is no whitelist. If mp_tournamnent was set to 1 then a corresponding whitelist could be in effect I think.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Looking for scouts and sollys for mid - high open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Dakrah doesn't like to share his candy

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Looking for scouts and sollys for mid - high open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Dakrah and Snaz are awesome! I've known them for a while now and can tell you that they're super nice, friendly, and smart players with a great attitude and tons of enthusiasm. Dakrah has a wicked work ethic and has developed good dm with his efforts. They are strong mid-open players right now but with the right (similarly minded and committed) teammates their team can start breaking into high open for sure. Do not delay, human. Talk to them right meow!!

posted about 11 years ago
#13 IM Pocket S14 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Starry is just awesome

posted about 11 years ago
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