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Signed Up December 4, 2013
Last Posted June 24, 2021 at 10:24 AM
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#5726 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
solly6How can I edit the font of console texts?


posted about 6 years ago
#5723 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
billwis it possible to change the HealthDeathWarning value in HudPlayerHealth.res for separate classes? (the value that determines when HP starts to flash red)

If you're fine with reloading the hud when you switch classes, you sorta can.

The easy way is to setup each class cfg to run either cl_hud_minmode 0 or 1, and make the HealthDeathWarning depend on that. The obvious limitation being that there's only 2 colors to pick from, and you can't use minmode for anything else, and reloading the hud via cl_hud_minmode will make switching classes take up some extra time (if your computer's good it'll be pretty small, if it's bad it'll be killer).

There is a way to make all classes have a different hud, but it involves each class cfg echoing a #base to the class specific files and logging that to a .txt file that itself gets loaded by #base by hudplayerhealth.res, and then reloading the hud so that the #base gets used. Bigger limitations, because that file has to get flushed out frequently (wouldn't be an issue if you could log to the top of a file, but you have to append unfortunately). Much harder to get working and with much bigger limitations.

Otherwise, there are no known ways to get class-specific huds, and I'd suspect any way of finagling the health panel itself to do what you want without the above would be orders of magnitude harder if they're even possible.

posted about 6 years ago
#19 Question about veganism in The Dumpster
VisFuxxAt the end of the day it's just means of virtue signalling with the (sub?)conscious attempt at social leverage. They, even if they refuse to admit it, merely want to be perceived in a good light. Nothing else.
Normies gonna normie. In much of the same coin you'll have people praising their meat-eating as some epic pwnage to vegans. Nothing more than social masturbation to validate their position among their group, a classic "us vs them" shitflinging contest that gets tiring the millionth time you witness it.
This makes so much sense and people downvote it lol

I could only read it as him saying every position you can hold is stupid.

  • If you are vegan, then the only reason you're following a personal moral code and don't want to do things you consider unethical is because you're a narcissist.
  • If you are against vegans, then you're just a part of a stupid circlejerk.
  • If you are fine with most vegans, then you're a normie.

It somehow manages to act smugly superior to vegans, while calling out people who act smugly superior to vegans (and anyone who realizes that not every vegan is awful).

sheepy_dogs_handI'm not entirely sure why someone would want to be a vegan instead of a vegetarian if they are doing it for animal rights, nowadays you can buy eggs and milk where the animals are happy and treated well. I'm not a vegetarian because it feels pointless considering the animal is already dead. I mean If I don't eat that steak then it gets thrown away and I think that I should at least give the cow's death some kind of meaning.

I think the main arguments are:
- increasing demand, even if you're buying from good sources, will make producers increase supply and a lot of that will come from places that don't care much about animal rights / those good sources may have to compromise in order to ramp up production.
- even if the animals are treated well, the idea that they're selectively bred, born, and raised solely for people to eat/use doesn't sit well with some people.

I eat meat too, and don't take a personal issue with either, but I can understand why they'd feel the way they do. Of course you also get some idiots that think farms are abusive for fun or other nonsense, but all the vegans I've met in real life are completely rational about it.

posted about 6 years ago
#5703 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
_KermitWas that including hiding the icons off-screen on the main menu to preload them? I can't remember if it was foolproof but I remember someone saying that you could preload stuff by doing that.

You can preload cp icons reliably but the majority of things don't work with it.

As far as I know there is no current way to add custom class icons to the spectator hud in sv_pure.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Demo Fastforward Script in Customization

You can simplify the script with incrementvar like so:

bind mwheelup "incrementvar demo_timescale 0.1 10 0.1"
bind mwheeldown "incrementvar demo_timescale 0.1 10 -0.1"

It does make it a bit more inflexible than with aliases--can't make something happen when you hit the min/max or make it wrap around or anything, but it works fine for this.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Pale/bright/cartoonish game textures? in TF2 General Discussion
deguit's caused by mat_fullbright 1
you can achieve similar effect with clean TF2, _unlit_world.vpk, but it breaks on sv_pure 1/2

Just to elaborate, one of the maps (rocket shooting iirc) sets it to mat_fullbright 1 and it never gets set to 0 so it stays when you go to other maps. But it requires sv_cheats 1 to work, which public servers usually have turned off, so it won't work on servers.

And by clean tf2 being broken in sv_pure, it means some textures being fully bright, some being completely dark, and any blend texture (most dirt / ground) is completely invisible. It's fucked, basically. I've been working on a new version but haven't gotten any workaround for that breaking.

posted about 6 years ago
#19 + Voice/Chat Commands in Customization
LeuxDhey, thank yo'u so much! i'll update this later, i'm busy now, but thank you anyways. let me just ask you a thing, do you liked the idea?

A lot of people would probably use voice chat, but it's always good for new scripts to be made. I do remember hearing about a mute (maybe deaf? can't remember) player who would use a script like this, since they needed it for callouts.

LeuxDBut, here, the alias are useless, i don't think the why should i use them

If you want to add to the script to do more, it's easier. For example, if you wanted to change the script so that it prints everything out on one line (but requires multiple keypresses before it prints anything):

// commands to re-alias
alias leuxd_say_0 "leuxd_say_0a"
alias leuxd_say_1 "leuxd_say_1a"

// first keypress, switch to different modes
alias leuxd_say_0a "alias leuxd_say_0 leuxd_say_00; alias leuxd_say_1 leuxd_say_10"
alias leuxd_say_1a "alias leuxd_say_0 leuxd_say_01; alias leuxd_say_1 leuxd_say_11"

// second keypress, say different things
alias leuxd_say_00 "leuxd_reset; say_team UBERED SCOUT"
alias leuxd_say_01 "leuxd_reset; say_team UBERED SOLDIER"
alias leuxd_say_10 "leuxd_reset; say_team INJURED SCOUT"
alias leuxd_say_11 "leuxd_reset; say_team INJURED SOLDIER"

// additional logic
alias leuxd_reset "alias leuxd_say_0 leuxd_say_0a; alias leuxd_say_1 leuxd_say_1a"

// the binds remain the same as before
bind "KP_INS" "leuxd_say_0"
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "leuxd_say_1"

That's one of the main reasons that using aliases, even when you don't need to, is a "best practice." It just makes things easier when you want to change it later.

wtzI don't think the why he should use this either
answer this, karate King, is it a black and blue or white and gold dress?
Show Content
posted about 6 years ago
#13 Thoughts on wallbugging? in TF2 General Discussion
vladairstrafing and rocket jumping are also exploits, we should ban those as well

people always say this but they are intentionally implemented features, that the game is balanced for and good maps are designed around. I've never heard of a map designer intentionally making things wallbuggable.

hooliWhen is a wallbug deemed "too high"? There is not a clear distinction and is going to be completely subjective. This is going to be something the community is going to have to 100% ban or 100% allow.

It would be pretty hard to 100% ban considering how easy it is to accidentally wallbug. But I don't see why you couldn't only go after blatant abuses with some rule about "intentionally waiting for x seconds" and/or "standing still on the skybox" or something along those lines.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 + Voice/Chat Commands in Customization
bind "NUMPAD0" "say_team INCOMING"
bind "NUMPAD1" "say_team MEDIC"
bind "NUMPAD2" "say_team DOWN"
bind "NUMPAD3" "say_team UBER"
bind "NUMPAD4" "say_team PLEASE"
bind "NUMPAD5" "say_team HELP"
bind "NUMPAD6" "say_team SPY"
bind "NUMPAD7" "say_team ATTENTION"
bind "NUMPAD8" "say_team ENEMY"
bind "NUMPAD9" "say_team IN OUR BASE"

The binds should be:

bind "KP_INS" "say_team INCOMING" // 0
bind "KP_END" "say_team MEDIC" // 1
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "say_team DOWN" // 2
bind "KP_PGDN" "say_team UBER" // 3
bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "say_team PLEASE" // 4
bind "KP_5" "say_team HELP" // 5
bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "say_team SPY" // 6
bind "KP_HOME" "say_team ATTENTION" // 7
bind "KP_UPARROW" "say_team ENEMY" // 8
bind "KP_PGUP" "say_team IN OUR BASE" // 9

As per https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Scripting#List_of_key_names

Alternatively you can make it easier for the user to rebind it by doing something like this:

alias leuxd_say_0 "say_team INCOMING"
alias leuxd_say_1 "say_team MEDIC"

bind "KP_INS" "leuxd_say_0"
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "leuxd_say_1"
posted about 6 years ago
#5680 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
Shupahhhow do i remove all hud elements besides the hit numbers and killfeed/killstreak icon?

If lawena doesn't cover it, the easiest way would probably be to go into scripts/hudlayout.res and make everything other than the damageaccount panel and the deathnotices and use:

"xpos" "r0"
"ypos" "r0"
"wide" "0"
"tall" "0"

Which will get most things, and then do the same in whatever straggler file you find (like resource/ui/hudplayerhealth.res).

Mudkip30031. Is it possible to change the HP bar so it drains/fills horizontally instead of vertically? If so, how? (Assuming I'm using rayshud)

2. Is it possible to have the HP bar have 3 different color changes based on percentage? Like, one color for 100-51%, one for 50-26%, and one for 25-0%? (I don't want to use the one for overheal since that needs to be a different color, too. So, technically 4 colors total.)

Both are possible, but are very far from easy.

For 1, you can change the bonuscross to be a solid material (the same as the bg, or a refract material if you want no bg), and have position that at the left/right of your hp bar, and then set it to scale so that when at 0 health it covers all of the hp bar.
For 2, you can make the hp bar that gets covered by 1 use a complicated mess of custom fonts, that are block fonts but set up with the label width so that it only appears when health is 2 digits or whatever. You can do it more complicated with weirder custom block fonts that appear at arbitrary values, but going by digits is significantly easier. And though I've never done it myself, you could hypothetically pin_to_corner to the max health number with a special font (and set that to use auto wide to contents) to let you differentiate between different max health values and recreate percentages.
Magnum hud does both in a way (except for #1 it is positioned upwards and scales towards the bottom, and for #2 it only cares about health values >100 and >50 and >10 and so on without dealing with percents), if you need a reference.

Needless to say, it's probably much more work than it's worth.

Twitchhow can i change the size of the killstreak counter in the killfeed? https://i.imgur.com/oSS4aV8.png i want the numeric value to be smaller so that it doesn't clip into the killstreak icon

Iirc it uses the same font as the rest of the killfeed. To make it smaller you have to edit the TextFont used by HudDeathNotices in hudlayout.res, whether by just swapping it to use a smaller font or changing the font declaration in clientscheme.res.

I can't remember if killfeed fonts overlapping icons is a size issue or a font kerning issue though. It might require either using a different font, or manually editing how the kerning on that font works, in order to solve.

posted about 6 years ago
#4 HUDGEN: A tool for seamless HUD updating and gener in Customization
WiethoofdDoes this support hud files using #base?

I feel like there could be a lot of breaking changes if #base was accounted for, ie. two unrelated files using #base on the same file, and stock hud updates it in one location but it would break if added to the other.

If a hud fully uses #base it'd be effectively be doing this anyway though. I'm more wondering about if it can keep track of any intentional removals (most huds removal all minmode values for example) when updating. e: specifically mentions that these need to be null'd out, for anyone wondering

posted about 6 years ago
#5654 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
JojoNot technically the right place to ask this I suppose but is it possible to make vtf crosshairs transparent and if so how?

You can edit the vtf file in paint.net with the vtf plugin:
Or photoshop with the vtf plugin if that's more your thing:

posted about 6 years ago
#5650 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
amigoWhich values accept properties pin_corner_to_sibling and pin_to_sibling_corner?

As far as I know, they are all:


Those are all just aliases for numbers though, and "pin_corner_to_sibling" "1" or 2 or 3 or whatever is entirely functional.

vulcHow do I make my net_Graph have a smaller width (not using proportional font)
I see laz has a much "thinner" net_Graph than the one I have in m0rehud https://www.twitch.tv/videos/330784833


posted about 6 years ago
#12 +fps leuxd's config in Customization

memes aside -- making an fps config is very difficult and takes a lot of effort. Mastercomfig has over 2 years of work put into it, and is several thousand lines long in total (compared to your 38 lines long). Unless you do something completely different (rhapsody's had an in-game setup, for example) and spend as much time and effort making something equally good, there's no reason to not just use mastercoms' instead.

Not to discourage you from contributing to the community, but making a good fps cfg is not an easy thing to do.

posted about 6 years ago
#21 Crouching while rocket jumping in TF2 General Discussion
phxvyperThere's nothing in TF2 or Source's source code to indicate that knockback or air movement are affected by air resistance.

Also worth noting that sourcecode for tf2 is from 2008, and a lot of things have changed in the decade since (iirc explosions were turned from cubes to spheres in 2009, for example) so you have to take it with a grain of salt.

posted about 6 years ago
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