I fucking love siege it's the first game that has been able to make me want to play it more than tf2. I'd 100 percent disagree that it has a lower skill ceiling that cs though I would agree that it's a different kind of ceiling than cs. Recoil control and aim are still incredibly important though the recoil is rng so it doesn't quite require what cs does but the map knowledge that is necessary to be good in siege is absolutely fucking incredible. Most pros will tell you that they are still learning new things about the maps to this day.
Don't buy the starter edition it's pretty much universally hated. 5 stacking vs solo q'ing are two entirely different experiences imo. Solo q sort of sucks but 5 stacking is the most fun I've had playing video games in years.
Some quick tips if I've managed to convince anyone to buy it
1. The silencer blows. The only reason to ever have one is if you are playing echo because his gun by default has one you can't get rid of.
2. The muzzle break looks op when you look at the recoil breakdowns but those things are not always totally accurate and the muzzle break is only good on single shot weapons like the pistols.
4. Whenever you have to peek something do it while moving quickly and using the lean function. Slow peeking is the best way to lose a gunfight in this game.
5. Always use a grip, usually the vertical grip. Always use a sight(except on some shotguns imo) Usually acog if available. Red dot sucks, holo and reflex are good if your gun doesn't allow for acog.
6. When you first open the game there are some tutorial videos that probably aren't the useful for most but you can hit play then cancel out of them for a free 200 renown a piece.
7. Max fov isn't always the right answer in siege. Having a lower fov will make it so you are more zoomed in when you aim down sights which will make it easier to win gunfights/see people.
8. Find the graphics settings that work for you. Lowest possible settings might result in more frames but certain settings will make it easier to see enemies when you turn them up a bit. I don't remember exactly what to recommend so you will have to google search for this one.
There's about a trillion more things to list but I won't in the interest of time. Add me if you want to play we usually have a 3-4 stack going when we play and would love to have some people to finish up the stack. http://steamcommunity.com/id/bandjoe/