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Country Nauru
Signed Up July 19, 2012
Last Posted February 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM
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Headphones Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Monitor BenQ XL2411T
1 ⋅⋅ 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 ⋅⋅ 182
#42 TeamFortress.TV ZOWIE Invitational #2 in News
CanFoAlberto, we need to talk... Europe is mine

There is only one way this duel can end. A battle between Zowie and Tt eSports with tf2 sponsored tournaments, the first to bankruptcy loses. If we reach reach a tf2 international we can all go home victorious.

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do it
posted about 11 years ago
#14 what do you do to relieve wrist pain from TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

If your case is similar to mine, change your posture.

A few months ago I aimed like this, my posture has always been horrible but it was only 3-4 months ago I started having horrible wrist pain after long sessions, so I commited myself to change my posture and going from kind of a wrist aim to arm aim (changed my sens and everything). Since I have adapted (the first weeks were hard to adapt), I have felt 0 wrist pain even after prolonged sessions and my aim didn't really suffer.

I felt if I had kept going with that posture for a couple more months I would have some serious wrist injuries by now, Im glad I changed it

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Comp.tf - Play of the Day in Videos


Play #4 is out

Sorry for the delay since the last clip, I didn't want to release the clip mid-lan and also had to focus moving the site to another server

posted about 11 years ago
#284 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

Hi there, I have great news.

We have partnered with Hypernia.

This means we have moved to a bigger and better server able to accommodate the wiki to its full potential finally. I just finished setting it up and the wiki should be working as normal. Over the next few weeks I will be working on the main page and try to improve it's usability a bit.

We also have some other really exciting updates coming I can't talk about right now.

Thanks to CanFo, Warmaster from OzFortress/GamersUN and Lane from hypernia for guiding me through the whole process, which was a bit long but in the end was absolutely worth it!

posted about 11 years ago
#111 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
pine_beetleAm I really not allowed to say faggot anymore? I hope you all trip, fall and get chlamydia.

We strive to be a friendly community with clean language for the most part. That's what distinguishes us from terrible gaming communities like LoL and COD in my opinion, let's not be hypocrites and step to the same level as those.

Shit talking is fine as long as you don't cross the line. Throwing racial slurs around when one of the biggest sponsors of your main league is watching is like crossing the whole line and shitting on the other side.

posted about 11 years ago
#86 Logs.tf match stats in Projects
HallowTo continue on the discussion in the CEVO thread: I really think it's a matter of preference.

I get it being a matter of preference, but being a matter of preference because it's simpler and more consize than logs.tf? I can count 16 Columns on Logs.tf and 14 Columns on .SS (2 of them being DOMs and REVenges which are completely useless stats). Are these 2 columns the difference that makes it simpler and more consize? Also the aesthetical factor goes a long way in usability, and logs.tf is much more pleasing and easy on the eye.

All the stats of .ss can be found on logs.tf and even more. It supports mid game logs and viewing in-game. I can't literally think of any reason to use .ss over logs.tf other than the source code being available for free.

Also great work zoob! I only agree a more compact view should be optional when viewing logs in game, other than that Im perfectly satisfied with the logs.tf log pages. Can't wait for the tftrue update

posted about 11 years ago
#31 CEVO S4 Registration Open in News
PrototypesMost of NA uses sizzlingstats. We are used to it, we like it. What is wrong with that Kaneco?

Nothing. Just trying to clear up some confusion because what lange said was incorrect and it might have induced other people in error

And no stats plugin is "owned" by a specific scene, the more we share and create together, the better. I have used .ss on my servers before. And TFTrue with logs.tf as well. Both worked great for me, but I saw no advantage in keeping .ss after logs.tf was updated to show the logs ingame. So I am using logs.tf only now. (again, sorry for the offtopic)

posted about 11 years ago
#28 CEVO S4 Registration Open in News
Honestly logs.tf interface is much cleaner and user friendly and the stats provide much more information. The only downside I can see is that the source code is not available (afaik) but Im not sure anyone asked zoob either, he always seemed to me like a very kind person and willing to help.

I disagree. In most cases, the more information there is the less clean and user friendly the layout is, and that's definitely true for logs.tf. That's not to say that logs.tf isn't good or useful (because it is a lot), but for the purposes of league statistics, the simple and concise layout of sizzling stats is much better for stream display and quick references by players and casters.

logs.tf is great for in depth information, but that's the kind of information a team might want to diagnose problems in their play, not casters or streamers to report on the game.

The interface of logs.tf is objectively cleaner than .ss, its not a matter of opinion as David put it so well in the linked post.

It seems you are dismissing logs.tf without even having used it before because that's the same excuse everyone gives and it's simply not true. Sorry for this little offtopic I'm not rallying for logs.tf but I just wanted to clear up some things because the NA scene seems to be very bad informed of what it actually is

posted about 11 years ago
#24 CEVO S4 Registration Open in News
LangeAir_I think logs.tf should be used in place of .ss the more stats is better for official matches imo, although i do think .ss is better for pugs/scrims but when it comes to matches logs.tf feels more fitting.

could even do both services to please everyone. not that i'm complaining though, anything is better than what esea gave us

While SS tracks fewer stats at the moment, I think that is a better foundation to build off of. It is contained in a single well-designed C++ project, whereas Logs.tf is reliant on a mess of SourceMod plugins. I've done enough work with SourceMod to become frustrated with it's reliability. We can always add more stats to it once the dust settles.

You don't need sourcemod to run logs.tf on your server. You only need TFTrue which is actually a pretty useful and reliable plugin (never had any problems with it). And you can also view logs.tf ingame.

Honestly logs.tf interface is much cleaner and user friendly and the stats provide much more information. The only downside I can see is that the source code is not available (afaik) but Im not sure anyone asked zoob either, he always seemed to me like a very kind person and willing to help.

What about the division format, did anyone ever suggest another format like the australians and us europeans use (ie div6-prem)? Instead of the old Open-IM-Invite?

I feel the european system is much more representative of the real skill of teams (no huge disparity of skill between for ex: Top Open and Low Open) and rewards players much more because even by improving a little you go from div6 to 5 to 4, etc... While as with this format you might get stuck in the same division for a while and get frustrated.

Other than that, it looks like a very solid plan to me, I really want this to work. Already much better than ESEA

posted about 11 years ago
#3 ultiduo_nicecicles in Map Discussion

can't really see the real dimensions of the props from the images but looks like a pretty interesting map

posted about 11 years ago
#7 ETF2L Premiership Qualifiers: Dotter vs. Lethal Weapon in Events

Both playoff games were really close. Awesome to see so many interesting teams.

This premier season is gonna be a blast

posted about 11 years ago
#24 I spy Hei, The Movie! in Videos

Really fantastic frags and clearly Hei is a beast spy, but I didn't really like the edit/music, didn't feel engaging with the frags

posted about 11 years ago
#327 ESEA Season 15 LAN Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
hieiazndoodIt's not banned according to http://whitelist.tf/esea_6v6/show_reskins.

admins dont know their own league whitelists, lol

posted about 11 years ago
#325 ESEA Season 15 LAN Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

since when is the conch banned and why is the client allowing it?

posted about 11 years ago
#62 jump_competitive_b1 in Map Discussion

Thanks for the update :) The map is looking awesome. Hope you keep supporting / updating it? Maybe there are some interesting jumps for another version of jump_competitive? :D

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 ⋅⋅ 182