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Last Posted February 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 ⋅⋅ 182
#24 Comp.tf - Play of the Day in Videos

Play of the Day #5 is out.


Please submit your demos at: http://submit.comp.tf/

posted about 11 years ago
#39 Funding competitive prizepools through items in TF2 General Discussion
HallowPretty sure Valve quit making cmunity-related hats due to some Kritzkast hat distribution drama. Or rather, iirc I read so in a thread about this a while back.

Just talked to huhy on steam about this. The kritzkast item fiasco was a whole different thing because it was a free item and the distribution method they choose was horrible, leaving a lot of people mad and complaining.

I think a normal paid item associated to a league would have no problem whatsoever

Also they didn't stop with the KritzKast hat distribution, they still give them out in contests, I got one a few months back.

AdmirableThis might even have been pre-workshop days... ask Byte or Torden for the full story, I was never really involved beyond being a contributor.

Yes now would be a good idea to revisit this.

If it really was pre-workshop days them I'm sure it could well work now, I'll try to talk to some people and know more details

posted about 11 years ago
#32 Funding competitive prizepools through items in TF2 General Discussion
AdmirableA long time ago VanillaTF2 had an all-class unicorn hat and were talking to Valve about adding it, but I think the ultimate outcome was that Valve didn't want to open the floodgates of every community organisation wanting their own items (citation needed).

God damn, that hat looks very well made, what a missed oportunity, it would be a high valued hat for sure. Was there any try of submitting the item independently to the work shop even after the talks with valve? Because if there wasn't thhat's your problem right there. If valve doesn't want to associate themselves to an org that fine but it doesn't mean they can't add the hat from the workshop if the community likes it.

AdmirableThat was as close as we got I think, and a long time ago - before Dota2 or CS:GO organisations were earning money from items.

So there's a precedent now, a big one. Also Kritzkast got their hat, and there are a couple more community hats and items out there, it's not completely out of the picture for them to reconsider such thing, especially now that dota and cs go make a lot from this same system

posted about 11 years ago
#3 CAL Reloaded TF2? in TF2 General Discussion


The homepage does list tf2 as one of the games for the first season, however all the spelling mistakes make me want to stay away from it

posted about 11 years ago
#21 Funding competitive prizepools through items in TF2 General Discussion
downpourKanecoI also totally disagree with this sentence, you could not be more wrong.Mr_OwlWe are a very small minority of a very childish userbase, and without Valve support we're not getting a weapon through the Workshop.
you cant disagree that the majority of TF2 players have a really low sense of humor with the amount of spycrabs and pootis shit you still see around after 7 years.

I could easily argue this has been one of the best and most mature and creative communities I have been a part of. I wouldn't still be playing tf2 if it wasn't for it. SO yeah I dont agree with that and I also don't agree we couldn't get an item in without valve support.

btw, both faceit items were submitted today and they are already on the main page of the csgo workshop with over 100 ratings

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Funding competitive prizepools through items in TF2 General Discussion

We're bigger than you think (check zoob's logs.tf stats) and the competitive community has a huge influence and contribution on the tf2 community (just discussed this over at the etf2l forums). It would be easy to get a huge following for one of these items even if it was just from the competitive scene because people who don't usually vote on the workshop would do it for this item.

I also said it couldn't have branding in it so it would have to be a interesting and thoughtful item just like the other ones (it would just have the advantage of having a huge support from the ground up), I don't see how it couldn't get picked over the other ones.

I also totally disagree with this sentence, you could not be more wrong.

Mr_OwlWe are a very small minority of a very childish userbase, and without Valve support we're not getting a weapon through the Workshop.
posted about 11 years ago
#16 Funding competitive prizepools through items in TF2 General Discussion
Mr_OwlJust because you didn't ever read the discussion doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Modelling hats is not really a group activity. If a person wanted to model a hat that later got accepted through the workshop via Valve's selection process (just like all the other items are. I am not talking about getting Valve's support) and then donate the money they received to the community, that's great. But it's still just donating money to prize pots.

It's not as straightforward as that. If any creator partnered with a league they would get the whole league userbase support behind him, boosting the item itself, if it got in, it would be in part due to our support so I don't think how splitting revenues would actually be unjust, much less if you actually like the competitive community.

FaceIt is doing it, why couldn't we follow suit? No one ever got anything done for not even trying. I would be up to help, not in the item department but I could help setting up anything people need.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Funding competitive prizepools through items in TF2 General Discussion
Mr_OwlKanecoTLRThis has been talked about since items came out. Unlikely to ever happen for tf2.It has been talked about adding an official item with valve to support competitive tf2, AFAIk it hasn't been talked about really making that item and just submitting it without any affiliation to valve just like another content creator.
This has all been discussed before. Very few items from the Workshop make it into the game or are ever even really considered. If you'd like to make an item with a tf.tv or etf2l or whatever theme, then pitch it to us here, you may get a better response. As of now, you're just saying that people should donate their time to make a skin, submit it to the workshop, and if it gets in, to donate that money to prize funds.

No, I'm suggesting that if there are skilled community members interested we could actually make a solid plan for this just like FaceIt did and donate our time to the community just like countless other people did before.

What has been discussed before was getting Valve's seal of approval for an official item to support the competitive community. Never an independent item. As I said if there was a really good item submitted to the workshop I can't think of a single reason for them to not accept it if they don't hold a grudge against us.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Funding competitive prizepools through items in TF2 General Discussion
TLRThis has been talked about since items came out. Unlikely to ever happen for tf2.

It has been talked about adding an official item with valve to support competitive tf2, AFAIk it hasn't been talked about really making that item and just submitting it without any affiliation to valve just like another content creator.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Funding competitive prizepools through items in TF2 General Discussion
atmoIf it were team specific, well, then teams have to stay together long enough to have a recognizable branding.

Might work for ETF2L or TF.TV.

Afaik items submitted to workshop can't contain any branding so they would have to be interesting items and shouldn't have any logo or image directly associated with the league, but they could still contain the same color scheme like the weapon above.

freakinKanecoWe don't really have official support from valve but we could make our own self support with this.Only if Valve puts it in the game

Why the instant pessimism? I know it's totally different but it has been done in the past.

Ex: Na'Vi dota2 workshop (some items were already added to dota 2)

I see no reason for them to hold a really good item hostage only because it was a product of the competitive scene, unless they had any real grudge against us

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Funding competitive prizepools through items in TF2 General Discussion

I have really never thought of this until I received a newsletter from FaceIt

I know big teams in dota already have official workshop pages with team specific items to help fund their operations, this could really work for us with the right plan.

The FACEIT Weapon Skins Offensive!

FACEIT has been working on innovative ways to create daily CS:GO action for players, with our pick up games system, Points Cups and our Monthly Championship. As most of you know, we are driven by the belief that giving back to the community is the best way to grow our product.

As such, over the last 2 months we have been working with some of the top CS:GO weapon designers to create weapon skins, whose potential revenues will be committed to the prize money of upcoming tournaments. Any potential revenue we may receive from these items will see 80% of each dollar go into our competitions prize pool, while the remaining 20% will be given to the artist for their efforts.

The weapon skins will be placed in the CS:GO Workshop one by one in the coming days. Vote on them, give us feedback, and let Valve know if you’d like to see them in a future weapon case. You can see the skins from our Workshop page!

It's kind of a long shot but it could be a very sustainable way of funding competitive prizepools. It would need the right kind of people, (afaik there are a lot of item makers that play competitive) and the synergy between them and the leagues.

We don't really have official support from valve but we could make our own self support with this.

And with TF2 making $140 Million last year alone you get an idea how much a single item could help.

Just throwing the idea out there, but I'm up to help if anyone wants to do a more organized plan for this.

posted about 11 years ago
#42 Source Recording Tool in Customization

eagerly waiting for the full CSGO support as well.

Have been trying it on TF2 and its working fine atm

posted about 11 years ago
#93 CEVO S4 Registration Open in News

this website is horrible, it belongs in 2006

its actually mind boggling how cevo managed to create a worse website than both etf2l and esea

I never used the website before and I was able to quickly find everything I wanted, I would call that a good website at the very least, maybe the issues with it would be the color scheme and the top navigation bar. Etf2l website is a simple wordpress site so its usability is not the problem, the problem is the outdated look.

As for the esea website, everytime I tried to access something on it (and I have been there quite some times) I found it a real pain as it lacks a lot both in usability and looks.

posted about 11 years ago
#90 CEVO S4 Registration Open in News

This doesn't have to do with the next season but I just want to say the website is a breeze to navigate when compared to esea's for example, great work on that.

Just noticed 2 things, the seasons sub menu is a bit hidden and out of view for what should be one of the more noticeable menus. Also when opening certain brackets pages, the page gets really stretched out and deformed.

posted about 11 years ago
#285 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

Reworked a bit of the main page, hope you like it!

We could really use some help editing the wiki as well, so if you have some free time and are willing to help feel free! :)

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 ⋅⋅ 182