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SteamID64 76561197991320838
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:15527555
Country Nauru
Signed Up July 19, 2012
Last Posted February 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM
Posts 2736 (0.6 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.6
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Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder Black Edition
Keyboard Corsair K-90
Mousepad Razer Goliathus Control Edition
Headphones Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Monitor BenQ XL2411T
1 ⋅⋅ 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 ⋅⋅ 182
#10 terrible fps after update in Q/A Help
TerraReally? So should I remove maxframes, maybe keeping some stuff like no gibs and no ragdolls and such?

Well, tbh chris has been inactive for more than a year now I think, the configs should all work around the same but its almost sure there might be a couple of cvars that are not as optimized as they could.

As for the problem OP faced, its all due to the poor optimization of the game, I already made a thread, not very long ago, venting the exact same frustration I have with this game, despite having a good pc

posted about 10 years ago
#24 TF2Pickup.net - the easiest way to play pickup in Projects
gardenWould love to give this a go. When are the peak times that pickups are played? The website has been deserted every time I have checked.
And as for 'higher skill', that term seems quite nebulous. I am div 5, would I be out of my depth?

Sorry if I didn't make myself clear, generally my experience with lobby is that the majority of players are div6 or have no official league experience. And if they have experience higher than div6, they don't really play serious.

While tf2pickup is a slightly more serious and competitive atmosphere and you get a lot of players even from div1-prem playing among div4-5-6 players, as long as everyone is aware of how the game works, the skill level itself shouldn't matter much. Which is why I said we cater to a slightly different audience. And if you want to get better I would always recommend tf2pickup over tf2center.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Ad help in Off Topic

Apparently its malware exploiting a google chrome bug.

Searched on google and in 2 mins got this.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 Comp.tf 2nd bball cup - NA in TF2 General Discussion

Arie decided to match a key for every team signing up, up to 20 keys. So this would be a good opportunity to hop in :)

As agreed with him, I don't guarantee every key of his being used towards this cup, depending on singups, etc, if its not, then the remaining will be put forward to future cups.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Loadout! in Other Games

I dont like the 3rd person either but it seems they went that route because of all the costumization options of the game so you can always see your character and his "items".

posted about 10 years ago
#8 TF2Pickup.net - the easiest way to play pickup in Projects
synchroHaving said that, I don't understand why we need two different sites to divide skill levels; we're fracturing our community by doing so, and we're really too small to have 5 different websites for pickup games. Not sure which site is the best solution, but they all seem to do the same exact thing at the moment.

Its not fracturing the community, the site targets a different playerbase than tf2center at least in my view. A higher skilled one. Since you need a minimum of hours (350) to join any pickup and mumble is required for every pickup.

Also tf2pickup was here long before tf2center beta was even launched, and tf2pickup was and is the first site to offer web ultiduo and bball pickups, and as of now has every major format available (HL, 6s, bball, ultiduo)

posted about 10 years ago
#4 TF2Pickup.net - the easiest way to play pickup in Projects

Great site, been part of the team for quite a while since Crafz first started developing it, despite all the shortcomings and bugs at the start I could see he had started something big. There were days we reached 70 pickups a day if I remember well.

Shame it had to die down but it was a necessary step to completely redo the site with a more responsive and bug free interface.

Hope to see it working full force again, and by that I mean with constant pickups, because the admins will always be there to help.

ArieGratz on the new release TF2Pickup team! It's good for TF2Center to have some competition again and I really like that you're trying to get a higher skill level in your games.

I don't think we're competitition to tf2center, don't take this as an official admin view on it, but speaking personally I think we're aiming at a different and higher skilled playerbase while tf2center is aiming at the same playerbase as tf2lobby.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Comp.tf 2nd bball cup - NA in TF2 General Discussion

We got 6 signups already. Dont forget to confirm your invites on challonge. Usually these are sent by email.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Comp.tf 2nd bball cup - NA in TF2 General Discussion
Super71000What time sunday?

Everything is in the linked cup page. BUt we're expecting to start at around 3pm EST

posted about 10 years ago
#288 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

In case you haven't been paying attention we have announced a 2nd bball cup over here.

We also started a new series on our youtube channel and you can watch the first video here, it's gonna be map showcases and we hope to showcase a lot of up and coming maps in competitive tf2. We started with the comp.tf bball map to officially announce the map in time for the 2nd cup.

As always, remember we are still running our steam group contest, giving away 1 unusual when we hit 2000 members on our group, so feel free to join it and invite your friends!

You can find us at:

AlfieI don't think you get enough recognition for what you do kaneco. just wanted to take this post and say thank you for everything you've done on the site and with tournaments. it's been a great benefit to the community.


Thanks alfie :) means a lot

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Comp.tf 2nd bball cup - NA in TF2 General Discussion


Featuring once again the custom comp.tf bball map made by X_DIAS, if you're not aware of this new map you can check a video I released just today on our Comp.tf Youtube Channel

(embed was not working for some weird reason)

We have had a 2nd bball cup in the works for quite some time and wonderland new video release was just the cherry on top for the perfect timing to announce it. So here it is. Comp.tf 2nd bball cup, North America.

  • All the details can be found here
  • The custom map can be found here

Buy-in is 2 keys per team, goes entirely to the prizepool.

The event is due to be streamed by us at comp.tf official twitch channel, we will probably start the stream from the semi-finals onwards.

posted about 10 years ago
#24 wonderland bball sequel in TF2 General Discussion

today was a good day

posted about 10 years ago
#100 Logs.tf match stats in Projects

Need some clarification on the "Avg time before healing", does it only count from when you spawn until you heal the first time or does that also count every time in a teamfight or something that you're not healing anyone?

posted about 10 years ago
#11 elder scrolls online beta key please! in Other Games
You have been placed in the queue to log in.
Thank you for your patience.

Approximate Wait time: 46 Mins


edit: Got in, Creating my char YAY

posted about 10 years ago
#26 2/7 tf2 update in TF2 General Discussion

Images from the new items http://www.trade.tf/items/updates

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 ⋅⋅ 182