bind "f1" "volume 0; hud_saytext_time 0; unbind y"
bind "f2" "volume 0.02; hud_saytext_time 12; bind y say"
Also never forget /hidehud so you don't rage next time you lose against someone 200 points below you
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197991320838 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:31055110] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:15527555 |
Country | Nauru |
Signed Up | July 19, 2012 |
Last Posted | February 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM |
Posts | 2736 (0.6 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 1.6 |
Windows Sensitivity | |
Raw Input | 1 |
800 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
120hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Razer Deathadder Black Edition |
Keyboard | Corsair K-90 |
Mousepad | Razer Goliathus Control Edition |
Headphones | Sennheiser HD 280 Pro |
Monitor | BenQ XL2411T |
bind "f1" "volume 0; hud_saytext_time 0; unbind y"
bind "f2" "volume 0.02; hud_saytext_time 12; bind y say"
Also never forget /hidehud so you don't rage next time you lose against someone 200 points below you
I loved playing chivalry for the first 2 or 3 times and its an amazing feat of indie game dev, but it has so much more potential than what it is now. After the first 2 or 3 times the movement really starts to feel kinda clunky and slow as you said it, the expansion supposedly adresses some of those problems but they should incorporate it and even make it better in the base game.
Also there is much more that could be done in respect to the "loadouts" and skills/levels, it's not really very userfriendly atm
So for the past few weeks CS:GO has received some pretty nice demo system updates, and since it's basically the same engine and the same system should we be expecting the same update to come over to tf2 or at the very least to plead with the devs to port it from CS GO to tf2?
Here are the updates launchnotes
- Work in progress improvements to demoui & demoplayer:
-- Menus, Overview Map, Graphs, etc. now work when the demo is paused.
-- Improved seeking with less particle effect, sound, and HUD spew.
-- Demo Timescale slider now goes up to 10x.
-- Added buttons to directly set demo timescale to 1/4x, 1/2x, 1x, 2x, 4x speeds.
-- Fixed Stats Graph round columns not resetting correctly when rewinding a demo.
-- Removed demoui2.
- Fixed color of weapon names not matching the actual rarity of the weapon.
- Work in progress improvements to demoui & demoplayer:
-- Seeking backward no longer reloads the map.
-- Can now seek to next/previous round start or player death.
I dont have anything against you but you are playing ETF2L div 5, not sure your team warrants a streamer. Maybe try streaming your games yourself or a teammate?
Pure aim wise I would say the best way to improve your aim + movement (which are big components of the competitive game) is just to MGE and DM a lot. Keep in mind you will be shit and get shitted on for several weeks, then you will start seeing big improvements, if you for example play pub now, mge/dm for 1-2 months straight and then get back to pub you will see how easy it feels to dominate in a pub.
You could get into competitive and into a team now tbh, there is no "minimum" skill level to enter div 6 (the lowest 6v6 division on etf2l) and even if you lose all matches, its still great practice and you will learn how the game flows competitively
As an example, I started playing competitively roughly with 400-500h of pubs, I started on lobbies, later on got a div 6 team, as demo, then I started practising a lot of solly on mge, I went from about 70-80h on solly to about 200-250 of pure dm/mge practise, and I noticed huge improvements, mainly in my jumping but also in my aim a lot.
There is no magic formula other than the famous "practise, practise, practise"
"Meatshot 8)"
- carnage , circa 2008
I think SFM is an amazing tool, this was really a good move by valve and I love the saxxy's, such a breeding ground for creativity :)
Excited to see whats coming
kirbyKanecoNot necessarily an edit question but I dont think its worth a thread..
So I have a 1tb disk and I have been recordinng stuff at 960fps to be relaly high quality and be able to slow mo without additional recording. Problem is, 4-5 clips later and I have already filled the 1tb drive D:
Do you guys usually have any workaround for this and how large on average are your uncompressed recorded clips ? Mine are 50-100Gb
Yes, and that's not recording anything over 480 FPS. It's not really necessary. 960 FPS creates twice as much .tga files, which is a lot, but when I record @ 480 FPS, I don't even fill half my 1TB. Though, to be fair, maybe I do and I don't realize it, I'm not sure.
You can also not record everything you will use in the video at once and record a small batch, do your thing in VirtualDub, make sure they're good to go, and delete the TGAs. But I definitely recommend decreasing your FPS to 480 as anything above is barely noticeable, if at all. You have to look for a difference to see one.
I just do it because you can seemlessly create a slow mo of the original recording at 960fps, at 480 fps it wont look half as good. So what is your process about slow mo, you go and re record the clip at a higher fps?
Arx got it right
The key to get confident is to get out of your comfort zone at every opportunity you can, now, I am not a super confident person IRL but I have come a long way since I was a nerdy kid in High School.
Every time you end up questioning yourself if you should do something or not simply because you have no courage or are afraid what other people might think you go fucking do it, you get out of your comfort zone and you do that fuckin shit. Like everything in life you get better at it by practising, in this case, practise getting out of your comfort zone.
Also, you have no idea how little strangers/outside people think about you. Even if someone falls on the ground in the middle of the street, they will probably look at you and laugh or try to help, and literally 10 mins later that thought will be out of their minds forever. People genuinely don't care about strangers, any stranger passing by you on the street is a mere second appearance in their lives, if you make a fool of yourself in a public situation with strangers the next day or week no one will remember. If thats not motivation to do whatever the fuck you want without having fear then I dont know what is.
And to the guy that said he was poor and couldn't afford a gym membership, that's pure bullshit, because you can get fit just by having some shoes and literally stepping outside and doing something. if you have no equipment or chance of buying try to search calisthenics on the internet, its like the kind of exercise inmates do, all body exercised without using equipment. Also I literally spent 20€(25-30$) earlier this summer in some weights and I have been training at home (in my room mind you which is quite small) for 3 months, Only using weights, calisthenics and running around this area for cardio. I have put a lot of muscle so far and I am just getting started.
Also just to give you an example of practise, last year I got a job that would be in the costumer service area, it required me to phone every client in advance and arrange a time to go to their house, the first 2-3 weeks I was terrified in the sense I was very shy and a bit awkward, but because I was forced to do it and get out of my confort zone by the same time this year I do that stuff like its nothing and I go to the clients home and even strike up a conversation about other random stuff, 1 year ago this would have been really rare for me.
As for girls its pretty much the same thing, just going over to them and doing it, if they say no, fuck it, like the next day they won't remember. You might remember and feel a little embarassed, but you go do it again, until you dont give a fuck about what they think. That "nice guys finish last" thing is kinda bullshit and for a long time I hold onto that as an excuse, but the truth is, girls/women like guys with confidence, ballsy, that have no fear to strike up a conversation. And generally the "nice" guys are not confident, that's the problem.
But yeah, a big part of being confident means you are comfortable in your own skin, being fit really helps here because you have no insecurities about your own body, and the only thing missing is getting comfortable in your own mind, thats a whole another level. But you can be comfortable in your own body even if you're not fit, but generally it helps.
Now have some links. Some have helped me, some have not, but might help you.
Calisthenics - this subreddit helps a bit getting in the mindset I talked about
How I Got Over Social Anxiety - now I never had this kind of problem, I was shy but never to this kind of degree, but it helps in all cases as the solution is pretty much the same and the guy is very straightforward about it.
JohnMilterHe plays on a csgo team in esea.
I wasn't aware of this, makes it a bit of a more complicated situation since its the same league, but IMO it doesn't warrant a ban in the TF2 League
CharlesChoyKanecoMight as well ban me from all online games forever from that one time I used a fishing bot in pokemon world online 5 years ago.Let's be real here, cheating in an fps is low but if you're cheating in pokemon you're basically subhuman garbage.
When I was a kid, my cousin thought it would be a cool idea to buy a gameshark and use missingno. against me and fucked up my game forever. I've always hated him since then, I never return his calls.
but I wanted that dratini so much :(
I dont even know how that idea of banning him from esea came to light if the vac ban had nothing to do with the game he is playing in the league. This is taking things to an absurd level
Might as well ban me from all online games forever from that one time I used a fishing bot in pokemon world online 5 years ago.
digitalpantherAlso, a thought just popped into my mind. Is there an equivalent to tf2lobby for ultiduo?
No. This has been an idea for a long time and I have suggested before the implementation of bball and ultiduo matchmaking in popular pickup sites but it hasn't happened yet. While we're talking about pickups, you might wanna check which is atm the most popular 6v6 pickup site in europe. It's generally a much higher level than tf2lobby and it also requires using mumble for communication, hence makin it much better to practise than tf2lobby as well.
Also I wouldn't want to discourage you and your friend from playing 6v6, it should be fairly easy to find a team where you both can enter and play together, just scroll through the recruitment section of etf2l or post on the forums for teams looking for more than 1 player or even new players ina similar situation than you.
The main competitive gamemodes which have regular seasons are 6v6 and Highlander. That being said, there are also tournaments for other competitive gamemodes (bball, mge and ultiduo being the more popular ones apart from the 2 main ones) these formats occasionally have cups or tournaments as well but never in regular seasons and very often they are even sponsored or organized by community members.
If you want to get into the competitive scene and seeing you are from UK the correct place to go would be ETF2L , the site also has a really in depth recruitment system so you shouldn't have much difficulty finding a div6 team. Alternatively you can post in the ETF2L forums and ask for help. Also the EU community has a Mix practice group for newbie players you might wanna join, probably your best bet as well.
Now, I would strongly advise against organizing your own tournament especially if you're not familiar with the competitive scene. Also we at are thinking about sponsoring a ultiduo/bball tournament very soon so I would look out for it.
Edit: And no afaik there are no ultiduo or mge tournaments going on at the moment
Not necessarily an edit question but I dont think its worth a thread..
So I have a 1tb disk and I have been recordinng stuff at 960fps to be relaly high quality and be able to slow mo without additional recording. Problem is, 4-5 clips later and I have already filled the 1tb drive D:
Do you guys usually have any workaround for this and how large on average are your uncompressed recorded clips ? Mine are 50-100Gb
TheManWithNoNameKanecoETF2L AntiCheat team
let's not act like the ETF2L AntiCheat team is exactly known to be 100% accurate or that the entire community is happy with the way the AC team works
The only polemic thing I remember was the very recent ban to NiCO and that was due to scripting and it was proved that he wasn't using scripts but rather his spastic fingers with a thousand APM.
Even then I think they acted very professionally, gave the opportunity for NiCO to appeal the ban and go through the evidence with the AC team and after it was proved that he wasn't using scripts they publicly apologized in a newspost. That shows character and its really enough for me.