enigmaKanecoIt has nothing to do with being OP honestly, much more about promoting a fast paced and aggressive gameplay because 2 demos would make the game so much more passive and slow.... and by that same logic if you nerf the demoman you are
promoting fast paced and aggressive gameplay
Not at all. Generally when you're pusing any point you have at least 2 points of entry, sometimes 3, generally one area is more cluttered than other (ie: Gully big door vs gully choke). Demo gives u the most area control but if you only have one demo you can only hold one of these points of entry with him, if you have 2 it's a whole other story where the games kinda becomes unplayable because you can hold the majority of the pushing routes with him.
Nerfing the demo wouldn't work as we saw already this year, not enough entry damage for the fragging classes to follow up which consequently has the opposite effect and actually slows down the game more.
So yeah, it's not the same logic, Demo is not OP, it's a fine balance and 1 limit demo as it is at the moment is perfect, anything more or less would have a huge impact for the worse.