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Country Nauru
Signed Up July 19, 2012
Last Posted February 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM
Posts 2736 (0.6 per day)
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Mousepad Razer Goliathus Control Edition
Headphones Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Monitor BenQ XL2411T
1 ⋅⋅ 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 ⋅⋅ 182
#32 TF2 Stream Viewership in TF2 General Discussion
synchroIt gets said every time this sort of thread pops about, but it's worth noting again: competitive TF2 is a pretty small fraction of the TF2 player base.

If every starting player of every ESEA team this season played the game today, that's still less than 1% of the daily concurrent TF2 players - which itself is less than 13% of the DotA2 players.

The reason these numbers are important are because, even at the most generous numbers for highlander players, retired players, etc., the number of competitive TF2 players is most likely still under 5% of the total TF2 player base, and competitive TF2 is not the same as regular pub TF2. The distinction here is that DotA, LoL, SC2, etc. all have the same game being played between pub games and comp. games.

So that being said, the typical person watching a stream of a game is probably(and this part is totally my own assumption) a player of that game, or at least somebody interested in playing it. This means that less than 5% of the total TF2 player base (which, again, is tiny compared to most other popular streaming games) is probably even interested in these streams to begin with. As you said, LANs and such change this a little bit, but the unfortunate fact of the matter is simply that the viewers just don't exist. Sad, but true.

But the thing that really bugs me is how the pub streams are virtually non-existant, 90% or more of stream viewers on tf2 are on competitive streams. I know the competitive community is a small fraction of the whole playerbase but still, it is really odd not to have consistent or big pub streamers, STAR_ was streaming the other day, I saw he had around 1k stream viewers, a laughable number compared to the 300k subscribers he has on youtube.

The competitive community would benefit a lot from pub streamers putting the game out there and making it noticeable for other players as well.

TF2 having a tenth on CS:GO numbers in viewers despite having almost double the playerbase is strange at minimum, even if the competitive is completely different from pub, its still strange there are no popular casual pub streamers.

If our streams have really "sticky" content as john said, I can't really get why we aren't seeing bigger and more noticeable increases in accordance to the amount of content that is being put out there, which is definitely a lot bigger than some years or even months ago.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 TF2 Stream Viewership in TF2 General Discussion

essay incoming, there is no tl;dr, read it if you're interested

Since I got involved with competitive, which was not too long ago, what got me hooked for a lot of time during the first few months were streams of top matches (at the time by vanillatv) and from the beginning I was impressed with the production value of the whole thing, the games were enjoyable, the casters entertaining, the streams itself good quality and it was genuinely interesting to watch even for someone who although was familiar with the game never had contact with the competitive scene.

Greg and admirable among others, kept me entertained for months. After that I started playing, got more and more interested in the scene (and better at the game), until I got involved myself, with projects like comp.tf or tf2pickup. My point is, the exposure of the game on stream is probably the main reason I got into competitive tf2, and I

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Masterskills.eu European SoapDM server in TF2 General Discussion

I also dont get it why did dm servers start allowing 3 soldiers / 3 scouts, it's annoying as hell and it doesn't reflect the game. Besides playing against 3 scouts is dumb and annoying

posted about 11 years ago
#5 update woo in TF2 General Discussion

got a few nice craft # out of this, glad the bugs were fixed as well

posted about 11 years ago
#28 KnOxXx HAS RETURNED. in Off Topic

not sure where to post this but


Show Content
Apparently SOLAR dropped and the frenchies took their place
posted about 11 years ago
#2 Team Immunity vs Kuso Scout , Want to see a match? in TF2 General Discussion

What are usually pings like over there in Aus vs Asia?

And yes I would love to see it!

posted about 11 years ago
#28 Skill Plateaus in TF2 General Discussion
alfaif you're playing MGE to get better you're wasting your time

At first I mge'd mostly and it was one of the things that really helped me step up my dm but now it just wont do it and I think I have grown tired of mge and the not so pleasant people there. Mostly I dm nowadays and mix it up with pugs and pcws of course and mge only if I feel like it...

I was actually talking mainly of a dm plateau, because I think I am improving my gamesense and have not reached a plateau in that area, just need to spend a bit more time analyzing my mistakes and thinking about what I do wrong, but dm-wise, while I think it's good for my division (div4-3 etf2l) I am struggling to improve it further.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Skill Plateaus in TF2 General Discussion

When have you experienced them, how did you overcome them, what was hindering you?

I think I'm currently at a skill plateau, after buying my new computer around April I improved like tenfold for a few weeks since the old setup was really hindering me, but after the first few weeks I feel I have reached a plateau and it has been some months now. I have tried to keep practise consistent or semi-consistent but it isn't doing it for me...

Actually I am noticing a huge improvement as scout/sniper the past few weeks so I feel I have not yet reached the plateau at it, but I am getting a little frustrated as a solly/demo.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 ctf_windgap in Map Discussion

I didn't download it but from the screens it looks pretty cool, the only apparent problem I see is that its not symmetrical

posted about 11 years ago
#3 xl2411t what now? in Hardware

I have that monitor, honestly I never messed around with color profiles and lightboost, just left it default. Also didn't find any drivers for it because I thought it had a software to control that kind of stuff.

The only thing I did was change my GFX driver settings from 60Hz which comes by default to 120 Hz or else it would be the same as nothing. (I'm not using 144hz)

So tips are appreciated for me as well

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Online activity clogging my internet in Q/A Help
DougEven if you are connected through cable, your router can still be the problem. I had a problem like this and the only way I solved was connecting the cable directly to the internet modem, skipping completely my router. I had to disconnect my wi-fi when I wanted to play anything online until I got a new router.

Its a modem/router all in one http://www.zen.co.uk/userfiles/documents/shared/broadband/hardware/thomson-tg784.pdf same as that one but one even older model.

And it can't be replaced because around here they are owned by the ISPs and use proprietary firmware and only they can change them, guess I'll have to insist there's something wrong with it and get someone to replace it with a newer model

posted about 11 years ago
#20 last.fm in Off Topic


indie, electro, chillstuff

posted here since you're not using the other thread

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Online activity clogging my internet in Q/A Help
zigzterI had the same sort of issues. I just installed DD-WRT on my router and gave myself (and TF2) top priority. That fixed it for the most part.

The router of this ISP is proprietary software and because it's a triple-play with IPTV service it doesn't leave many options to update or change the firmware without breaking tv service I think

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Online activity clogging my internet in Q/A Help

Browser set up is pretty standard and I am running firefox but as I said it doesn't happen only with it, it also happens with spotify which rules the cause to be either the pc, the router or the internet line itself, I had 2 teams coming over to check it and they didn't find anything wrong :( could be the router malfunctioning but they didnt find anything

posted about 11 years ago
#28 does any1 have 1.5 btc in Off Topic
wonderland@Kaneco I didn't understand that illegal is actually illegal until I read this thread wow so enlightening

I was actually highlighting the illegal word to note I am for the law and not against the law or an anarchist or something, I just wish the law was different regarding those matters.

posted about 11 years ago
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