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SteamID64 76561198067347356
SteamID3 [U:1:107081628]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:53540814
Country United States
Signed Up October 1, 2014
Last Posted July 16, 2023 at 6:36 PM
Posts 31 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 3
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Mouse Logitech G502
Keyboard Corsair K70 LUX RGB
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#16 TF2 Log Searcher in Projects

New update because I'm procrastinating the statistics project and have set an arbitrary date from when to start data collection.

This one is pretty useful, you can enter SteamIDs of multiple people, then compare their average stats based on a chosen class and gamemode.

in the process of making this I have unfortunately discovered I am only the 5th best soldier in advanced stats wise. unfortunate.


posted about 3 years ago
#15 TF2 Log Searcher in Projects

hey i made it open source because uhhhhhhhhh yeah

posted about 3 years ago
#13 TF2 Log Searcher in Projects

I just finished downloading every single log, all the way down to log #1. Any search you do now will be entirely complete. Thanks for staying tuned!

posted about 3 years ago
#15 TF2 Statistics/Metastatistics project SUGGESTIONS! in Projects
carterhow many gigs is the folder of every tf2 log

It's about 80 gigabytes right now. I still got about ~390k more logs to download, but that shouldn't increase it by more than a gigabyte at most

posted about 3 years ago
#4 TF2 Statistics/Metastatistics project SUGGESTIONS! in Projects
Opti_Probably you don't have enough data to do that for most games but for players that have played loads of times against/with each others (frequent puggers or teams with core of players that have stayed for a long time together) you can try to predict the outcome of a game.
I'm thinking something more advanced than just a simple ELO system where team with higher ELO is more likely to win but rather taking into account classes, players' history with and against each others, maps, etc

But again, you probably don't have nearly enough data for this to be somewhat accurate, except for maybe the top 30 pugchamp (or tf2center ?) players.

I was thinking of doing this with invite players. Seeing how different rosters are predicted (at least statistically) to succeed or fail. But thank you for the suggestions! An ELO system is not something I had thought of.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 TF2 Statistics/Metastatistics project SUGGESTIONS! in Projects


I have almost every single log downloaded from logs.tf, and I am planning on releasing a paper/forum post/something easily understandable to convey a large variety of statistics about the game given this data.

I currently have a good diversity of ideas, including death heatmaps of every map, average DPM for every class, cheater stats analysis and seeing if nonconfirmed accused cheaters fit the bill, midfight win significance, blu and red team win chance for every map (to see unbalanced maps), and hopefully more! But that's where y'all come in.

I would like suggestions of any statistics/metastatistics you would be interested in seeing using this data! Please post any suggestions here or let me know via Discord at Kastaling#0001. If you'd like a preview of the data I have access to, here is the log JSON, and here is the accompanying raw log file. I unfortunately have to wait for all the raw log files before I can do the heatmaps, but that shouldn't take too long.

posted about 3 years ago
#308 Logs.tf match stats in Projects
KastalingWould anyone know how accuracy is calculated for the logs? The info itself is not in the JSON files that logs.tf provides, so I'm assuming its calculated from the raw logs, but I have no idea how its calculated exactly.

Any help?

discovered it literally after this post, its just shots hit in the json divided by total shots

posted about 3 years ago
#307 Logs.tf match stats in Projects

Would anyone know how accuracy is calculated for the logs? The info itself is not in the JSON files that logs.tf provides, so I'm assuming its calculated from the raw logs, but I have no idea how its calculated exactly.

Any help?

posted about 3 years ago
#4 TF2 Pug Runner Discord Bot in TF2 General Discussion
blazerIt's a cool bot thanks kastaling; only change I wish is that you change the prefix from $ to something else :)

is there something wrong with $? "!" is way too common of a prefix, I considered using "," but I already use that for my Allah bot, another bot I made. I just thought of $ as the next best thing from ! as both @ and # are already used by discord for other purposes.

posted about 3 years ago
#2 TF2 Pug Runner Discord Bot in TF2 General Discussion

Hey it's been a month since I've posted here but I have no better way to announce major feature additions than this, so whatever.

I just added a skill based picking system to the $startpug command, so its not completely random, but instead random with skill taken into account.

Use $help along with $setrole and $settings in order to set it up.

Happy pugging!

posted about 3 years ago
#1 TF2 Pug Runner Discord Bot in TF2 General Discussion


I've recently created a Discord bot that can make your pug running experience 10x easier!

Features list:
- Can auto roll captains and then let the captains move people into the pug channels themselves
- Can just autoroll the appropriate amount of people and randomize the teams, then move them into the appropriate channels.
- Can automatically move everyone out of their pug channels once the pug is over.
- Will automatically send connect and team info to all members of the pug once the pug starts (or manually with $sendinfo).
- Can send RCON commands to the appropriate TF2 server from Discord!
- And more to come!

This bot works with any game type that has an even amount of players (which should be every type, I don't see why you'd play pugs with uneven players).

If you would like to invite this bot to your servers, use the following link: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=799514260559888425&permissions=8&scope=bot
You can use $help to get started.

DM Kastaling#0001 on Discord with any questions, comments, or concerns! Or just feel free to comment here lol.

posted about 3 years ago
#10 TF2 Log Searcher in Projects

New update! This one is probably the coolest/most useful feature yet!

You can now search through all your logs and have the stats put into a sortable table. You can refine your search based on classes played and gametype!


posted about 3 years ago
#9 TF2 Log Searcher in Projects

New update! Just added functionality to search for logs that contain the SteamIDs of the players you put in!

For example, you played a pug with some invite fella but you didn't save the logs.tf link? Well simply but in your SteamID64 and their SteamID64 and then you will get a list of the logs that match as having those two SteamIDs!


also the word searcher is not case sensitive anymore :)

posted about 3 years ago
#8 TF2 Log Searcher in Projects
rmi always wanted to find my friend's log where he got 1 dpm in the game, is it, or will it be possible?

Yes actually! I'm currently about to finish up a new feature that was suggested, and sorting by DPM/KDA should soon be possible (think within the week but don't hold me to that).

posted about 3 years ago
#6 TF2 Log Searcher in Projects

Thanks for the comment, but after taking a quick look at this, the search features are kinda limited and some search functions like the map search require exact matches (instead of just containing). So if I upload a log to logs.tf and just put the map as product instead of "koth_product_rcx", this search would miss that.

Also, I am planning to add a lot more than what's shown here with logs.tf first party search.

posted about 3 years ago
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