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Signed Up October 8, 2012
Last Posted June 2, 2024 at 9:25 PM
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Monitor 17" Dell
1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 130
#1 Favorite Fallout in Other Games

I discussing this with a friend, and wanted to see what a general consensus of gamers think is the best fallout

posted about 5 years ago
#9 PSA: Upward Players in TF2 General Discussion

u spelled static wrong

posted about 5 years ago
#3 About cl_interp and cl_interp_ratio cyzer setting in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Farscape in Music, Movies, TV

Does anyone know where to watch/stream Farscape episodes legally?

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Farscape in Music, Movies, TV

Does anyone know where to watch/stream Farscape episodes? I really don't feel like paying $100+ for the blu ray series and buying each episode on google play is not preferable either

posted about 6 years ago
#5 bad habits in Off Topic

tf2 is like a heroin addiction

you can quit cold turkey and stay ff the stuff for a decade but the need for it never leaves you

posted about 6 years ago
#1 top 5 snipers in TF2 General Discussion

What is everyone's picks for top 5 best snipers, best to worst? I'll define "best" as a sniper who was conistently good and was able to make it into high level comp play

additionally my picks will be at least roughly 3-4 years old, as that was when I stopped follow the tf2 comp scene as closely

1) powah
2) sheep
3) Too many solid north american sniper mains, so I'll just say either weeble or ricco
4) slardel
5) again I have a tie between off classing roamers, both davis and mackey were great snipers, I would say davis was probably more consistently good, but mackey didn't off class a whole awful lot for a time

posted about 6 years ago
#2884 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Okay so I'm curious

Assuming you're running an OC'd 8700k at normal temps, what are the normal temperature ranges you'd see for it? I've been told 90c+ is dangerous/will damage your processor but I've also heard that Coffee Lake processors typically run hotter than most other processors, and it's not abnormal for them to run around 90-100c. I haven't even overclocked my 8700k and right now with a Corsair h60 it runs around ~95c when running demanding/poorly optimized games like fallout 4

posted about 6 years ago
#130 Most underrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion
Comangliabearodactylmgib was also super good at the game but never played invite

wasn't mgib caught cheating like twice

posted about 6 years ago
#21 Choose one and tell us why? in Off Topic

Wait so if I restart life do I retain all of my knowledge/memories or is it literally like reincarnation

if it's the latter then that'd be closer to what I imagine hell would be

door #2 could feasibly obtain both doors #1 and #3 anyways

posted about 6 years ago
#120 Most underrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion

smaka was stupid good at sniper when he tried, not exactly underrated when it comes to demo

mustardoverlord*DEEP BREATH*

I don't think you understand what the term underrated means, 90% of the players on ur list were incredibly well known/recognized for their abilities in their time

posted about 6 years ago
#112 Most underrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion

DLman was playing every 6's class at an invite level before anyone else, so I'd say him

also Arctic Joe, I don't think i've ever been raped as hard scout v scout

also I dont think he ever made it to invite but dolphin rider was easily one of the best scouts i've ever played with

posted about 6 years ago
#2873 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Maxi-<-----------------------Air Direction-------------------------------
Case | Radiator | Fan | PC Internals | Front intake fans

How I have my AIO set up. Fan takes cold air from the front and blows it over the radiator out the back.

Update; Okay well I switched around the position of my radiator and fan like you said, along with applying some arctic silver thermal paste, and I'm now idling at 38 degrees celsius, so I must have done something correctly, thanks for the info

posted about 6 years ago
#2871 PC Build Thread in Hardware
A better thermal paste would buy you maybe 1°C.
Is this even a thermal problem?
If it is only delidding or a better cooler can save you.
If it isn't then you're doing something very wrong because the 8700K boosts to 4.7 GHz.

Mr. Setsul, I have a question that I keep getting conflicting opinions on. For the Corsair H60, should you have the fan setup to blow hot air out of the PC case from the radiator, Or should the fan be place backwards so that it's blow cool air through the radiator? as of now I have the first method in place, and my cpu idles around 60-70c, and when running near 90 to 100% use on each core, it runs around 95/100c, which I can understand is way too hot

posted about 6 years ago
#2861 PC Build Thread in Hardware
SetsulIf it's still a paste and not dried up it's fine. Depending on the paste it can't even dry up.

So you can use to reapply the thermal paste on an old cooler.
A new cooler should come with new thermal paste or even preapplied paste so using that will obviously be better.

that is the case with the Corsair H60 I installed, I just used the reapplied paste it had for now, but I'm having difficulty overclocking my 8700k beyond 4.5Ghz, so I though replacing the current thermal paste with something higher grade would help.

posted about 6 years ago
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