John is there anything else that we can do like this on our ends for better stream viewing?
Sorry if this was posted before. I did a quick search and didn't see anything, but anyways...
Turns out that there's some bandwidth throttling that TWC does to cache servers that host video content for web services (YouTube, Netflix,, etc.).
To get around this, you can block the following IP ranges (Windows Firewall, ipfw in Linux):
By blocking these addresses, the videos will be served to you directly instead of being throttled by the ISP. You can read more info about it [1] here. It should have some more detailed information and links to some videos and tutorials for Windows, OSX, and Linux.
I just did this in Windows 8, and I went from barely being able to watch Merlini on 360p, to watching him without skipping at 1200p+. Hope it helps