It's okay guys we'll just raise €1.6bn on the internet to save them in exchange for postcards
Lmao this is so utterly ridiculous, is this like extremely subtle satire or something
Like does he have any idea how much time and money it would take to send out those awards if he actually reached that goal
He hasn't even made ~0.1 % of the goal and already thats a good 20,000 physical goods that need to be shipped out
Roughly extrapolate that to 100% and you get around 20,000,000 postcards, greek salads, and vouchers to be sent out
lets say it takes about 5 seconds to stuff a postcard or greek salad into envelope and mail it, just ignoring printing/salad creation
thats 100 million seconds total to mail everything, so that's approx 3 years of man hours
Dude has an estimated delivery of august 2015 lmao