57R4c3lynaAgree completely. It's so simple and flexible. This really is a great idea.MaxiWhy don't they just make it so when you start a lobby you can select the number of each class you'd like to allow in your game and have it defaulted to 1 playe ron each class so highlander is easy to start and 6v6 would take nothing more than selecting 2 on scout and soldier, 1 on demo and medic, and 0 on everything else? Would easily allow for 6v6 without directly supporting it...Holy shit. That's a fricking genius idea. It's really good imo, valve should do exactly this.
Also if its all the same to everyone else it'd be nice if format-bashing was left out of the thread.
Hmm, but then you should limit the options to 6v6 settings or 9v9 settings. Or you're going to get people selecting 3 pyros and 0 soldiers for example, and get all sorts of impossible formats where people can't find opponents and stick to the public servers.