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SteamID64 76561198021957956
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Country United States
Signed Up November 15, 2012
Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
Posts 886 (0.2 per day)
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Monitor ASUS VE247H
1 ⋅⋅ 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ⋅⋅ 59
#3 bored and alone in Off Topic

Hit on girls and tell us how it goes.

posted about 11 years ago
#31 Can someone tell me why everyone hates pyro in TF2 General Discussion

Airblast is a cool idea and all, but the fact that it deals mini-crit back isn't reasonable. I think it should still deal the same damage considering the ammo it costs is pretty low. Pyro is just known as a crit-shit class since everybody just goes Degreaser+Flaregun+Axtinguisher mainly. I miss how flare gun wouldn't do a crit, and only axtinguisher would I feel like it kills the point of axtinguisher.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 SC2 2v2 Fun Tourney in Off Topic

Updated post with the tournament date. Gonna update what time later. Make sure to get your team signed up soon!

posted about 11 years ago
#50 Coffee or tea? in Off Topic

I'm somewhat addicted to coffee. But I like tea also time to time, a nice pleasant feeling when I drink green tea.

posted about 11 years ago
#290 The International 3 in Esports

Ferrari 2 strong. Went from low health to high health in an instant with Satanic using my favorite hero.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 How do I get into dota/other games. in Other Games

Playing them is definitely the first step. Dota 2 isn't something easy to pick up the first time, it takes a lot of time but if you enjoy it, it gets better and you'll learn more each game you play. For example, you may not be good the first couple of games, but then you see another guy doing well at another hero and you learn how that hero is played, like how that hero ganks and what items he goes for, and how to use his spells and items.
Also I made a Dota 2 Guide to help out some TF2ers, but I feel like it'll never be good enough so I haven't released it yet.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 Welcome back, folks! in TF2 General Discussion

My life felt empty for so long. Please don't go again!

posted about 11 years ago
#26 SC2 2v2 Fun Tourney in Off Topic
botmodeHanzobotmodebotmodeim currently unranked (last ranked plat) can I play with killing?
someone answer this please i have people i want to destroy this tournament with for free keys
When did you last rank?

like 2 years ago, i'm still low plat all races though soooo

Clear, go right on. Just make sure you get ranked.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Merc's Pride Scarf in Off Topic

Maybe, he could make a single one for the next Tip of the Hats and we auction it, watch as everyone will go so far for it.

posted about 11 years ago
#57 QuakeCon 2013 August 1-4 in LAN Discussion
itsnechumMeanwhile game for shitlords has $2,800,000 prize pool.ThomasitsnechumMeanwhile game for shitlords has $2,800,000 prize pool.Why the hate? You can't pretend everyone but those who play your games are common plebs and you're superior, enlightened individuals, and then bitch when the "common plebs" get bigger prize pools and more tournaments.

Dota 2 and Quake 3 Arena are totally different games. There is no comparison. D2 prize pots are not taking anything away from Q3A prize pots.

Yeah man, I mean LoL already gets a bunch of those tournaments, no need to blame Dota 2. Also Valve has it where people generally donate to the prize pool, the community wants it, and it was a great strategy to benefit the TI3 players, and the people who contribute. Can't blame Valve for getting in touch with their community :P. Although Quake is definitely a great game, I wish it got alot more support too.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 SC2 2v2 Fun Tourney in Off Topic

Team Name: NF10
Magikarp Magikarpkr 300
MarmadukeGRYLLS marmaduked 187

posted about 11 years ago
#8 SC2 2v2 Fun Tourney in Off Topic
vilebelow gold

i think most comp tf2 players that play sc2 are at least plat.

You can still play, just gotta find someone below gold. We're currently discussing it right now. We're trying to avoid having like 2 Masters or something like that completely crushing the competition.

Tarome and my friend are interested but we can't say for sure until we know time+date

any chance you can do it at a time that is europe friendly?

Hopefully, I'm still trying to find a date is one, and then I'll need to know what time is usually euro-friendly.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 SC2 2v2 Fun Tourney in Off Topic
Tone-PotIs it HotS?

We're doing a mix, it depends on the players, if all players have HotS they can agree to use it, default is WoL.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 SC2 2v2 Fun Tourney in Off Topic

Hanzo, Sneaky, and I wanted to create a fun StarCraft 2 2v2 tourney before the summer ends, and with all these other tournaments, thought it might add some more hype!
-Will be single elimination.
-Each team must have a below Gold player
-Be in SC2 Lobby by at least 10 minutes.
-Default will be WoL, but if all players have and agree, HotS can be used.
Application Format:
Team Name:
Player 1's Steam, Character name, and Char Code:
Player 2's Steam, Character name, and Char code:

not HotS
gl hf gg
Trash Cans

posted about 11 years ago
#52 The International 3 in Esports
miceiceice on syllabear/anything he can be annoying with (invoker please)

I love iceiceice.

His self shots that he took today.

posted about 11 years ago
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