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Last Posted January 3, 2018 at 6:48 PM
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#23 cevo/esea in TF2 General Discussion

That doesn't make sense though dude, and there's no point inferring that magically this season ESEA is going to drastically change policy that the community has been asking for for years. The community has NO voice in ESEA, and we haven't for a long time that's just a fact. It is, I'm sorry. Maybe this season will change that. Maybe we'll get a public apology from lpkane about his gross mistreatment of his customers. Maybe we'll get the stat system we asked for months ago that an INDEPENDENT UNPAID developer was able to put together. If all the things we've asked for happen this season how will I feel? Happy, and maybe I'll be concidering playing ESEA next season.

But seeing as the last thing I heard from ESEA about St. Patrick and the egregious 10-year ban bullshit was "I'm hoping to have that taken care of today" followed by silence: I'm not holding my breath. ESEA has done nothing but spout hollow promises and CEVO has actively done shit to try to improve as a League. I think at this point it takes much more faith that ESEA will change it's actions than CEVO could be a successful league. Personally, people asking for teams/players to refund from CEVO last minute to go support ESEA instead make me fucking sick. You all do. You ride the wave, because this community is 95% fucking followers. Jump ship on the community that has been actively LISTENING to you for months and trying to build the league around our specifications just because killing says "uhhh BUT GUYS FREEMIUM AND MAYBE SOMETIME THIS SEASON WE'LL MAKE ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUEEEEE"

Seriously, fuck you guys. You ride the wave. But I know better and I've been fucked by ESEA enough, and until there's a definite change in course, I won't be going back. If CEVO dies and ESEA is the same, well then I guess I won't play this game anymore.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 cevo/esea in TF2 General Discussion
AJWhile I agree there should be participation in both, some teams just don't have the time to do both. My CEVO team consists of three college students working towards different science degrees along with a player whose availability is dictated by his work schedule and two high school students. We simply could not do both, and I think this goes for other teams as well, not just ours. With the cheaper fees, and the huge improvement of stats over ESEA's, my team decided to do CEVO.

Pretty much, this. I mean, I don't really want to give ESEA money, but the fact is I'm willing to give CEVO a shot and neither me nor my team have the time to play in two leagues.

posted about 10 years ago
#143 ESEA PROMOTION in TF2 General Discussion
Killing I sent off messages. I'm going to try and have it done today. We'll see what happens.

Any word on this?

posted about 10 years ago
#219 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion
MikeikeikeikeikeikeI'm saying fuck you to the people only going for cevo because they're just mad at ESEA so they're killing the league. it hurts the community too you dingle berry.
so what if you feel that way, doesn't mean you're right does it? they probably enjoy the game, that's why they're playing it and to have a LAN let's them enjoy it more in other ways that you don't see apparently

So what you're saying is lets kill CEVO instead because you're mad at it and would rather support ESEA because that won't hurt the community because there aren't people that exist that would rather play this game for fun than give ESEA another dime?


posted about 10 years ago
#121 ESEA PROMOTION in TF2 General Discussion
BubbaLiterallyAPandaAs an aside to all the arguments and drama, and because I cannot fucking figure out this website, can someone explain step by step which links to click to register my team for the season?but, which league?


posted about 10 years ago
#210 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion
MikeikeikeikeikeikeI thought the TF2 community cared about each other, and the future of it's game. The community is literally killing themselves to make a point. ESEA probably already gets the point lol

Fuck you guys who registered on CEVO and not ESEA, you're just ruining your own game.

Don't get me wrong, I hate ESEA. But I hate CEVO more. I tried CEVO with Counter-Strike, much worse than ESEA...

Yeah, fuck you guys for not making the choice I want! If you all would just choose what I want, then we wouldn't have to leave ESEA!

posted about 10 years ago
#89 ESEA PROMOTION in TF2 General Discussion

If anyone's got a problem with any of this, just submit a ticket.

posted about 10 years ago
#30 ESEA PROMOTION in TF2 General Discussion

Killing why don't you answer me rather than selectively answering who you want? Just because I ask the hard-hitting questions doesn't mean you should ignore me.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 ESEA PROMOTION in TF2 General Discussion
FogMagusDid you un-ban St. Patrick yet? Is lpkane still working at ESEA?

Don't buy me with your freemium you know what I want.
Your dick sucked by a French Canadian nerd?


posted about 10 years ago
#12 ESEA PROMOTION in TF2 General Discussion

Did you un-ban St. Patrick yet? Is lpkane still working at ESEA?

Don't buy me with your freemium you know what I want.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 do YOU have a titanfall pc beta key? in Other Games

I got a key anyways and yes it was necessary there's tons of people swapping/selling codes online don't know why you need to be such faggots.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 do YOU have a titanfall pc beta key? in Other Games

Well I want it! For 12 steam bucks spent in your name, I'll take that key off your hands.

posted about 10 years ago
#67 CEVO Community Meeting #2 in TF2 General Discussion
CEVOPiphersynchroAJSo my team was lucky enough to play the first cevo match with stats..

Do they update during the game?

Also, having the columns be sortable would be nice.
They update on the website during the match at the end of each round. The column sorting will be live later this afternoon.

very nice, and very exciting. I like how the stats look right now

posted about 10 years ago
#5 namlay lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Black, likes chicken, likes killing people with guns.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Internet Activisim in TF2 General Discussion

If you live in the US, call your reps. Chances are, you're smarter in tech-related things that 90% of this country, so you've gotta do your part because the people making these laws just aren't as smart.

posted about 10 years ago
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