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Country Puerto Rico
Signed Up October 6, 2012
Last Posted May 1, 2016 at 9:17 PM
Posts 493 (0.1 per day)
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#47 drop out in Off Topic

Get that GED though.

posted about 8 years ago
#1027 Post your setup in Off Topic

I might have a problem

I'm scared because I own/have owned most of those mice...and more

posted about 8 years ago
#4 what is this bug in Off Topic

It's a gummy worm, eat it.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 mumble comm quirks in TF2 General Discussion

calling locations meatloaf, or chicken sandwhich, dumb shit like that.

posted about 8 years ago
#25 turtle dab in Off Topic

Why was I expecting something else when I clicked?

posted about 8 years ago
#125 tf2 guilty pleasures in TF2 General Discussion

Spawncamping, 24/7 badwater servers, match making against shitties. so many things.

posted about 8 years ago
#131 Best tf2 player of all time in TF2 General Discussion

To me the best is a 3 way tie, just based on what they can do.

Seagull, B4nny, And Kaidus.

They just do things that seem seem impossible with ease.

Honorable mentions, again imo, Clockwork, Platinum, YZ50 and RR

posted about 8 years ago
#43 Grey tooth and swollen gum. What do? in Off Topic
Zesty-protoIs dental care like really expensive or something in the uk? Just go to a dentist.The majority of healthcare in the UK is free, but dentalcare isn't. Examinations cost ~£20 with prices for treatment varying up to about £220. As such, people in the UK don't generally go in for cosmetic dentistry and will only go to the dentist if there's something wrong/for a routine checkup.

I deal with people with insurance every day. Even people with good insurance can pay 500 bucks for a crown. Average is closer to 800ish. That's just 1 procedure. Dentures without insurance are 5k, a single implant crown is about 5k a tooth! That's not getting into braces or anything that would have to deal with gum or major oral surgery. 220 would be super cheap...

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Grey tooth and swollen gum. What do? in Off Topic

Hi, real dental assistant here. Anyways, most people are born with 4 wisdom teeth, it would be your third molar on any quadrant in your mouth, top left, bottom left, top right or bottom right. Just start counting from your first molar, and if it's the 3rd one back, that's a wisdom tooth! The tooth being grey is a weird way to describe it. If the gum around the tooth is grey that means blood isn't getting to that area around the tooth. Swollen gums can be because a number of things. Trauma to the tissue, a periapricle abcess, which means you need a root canal. Or in extreme cases it could mean the tooth is not growing at an angle that is good for your jaw.

TL:DR: Wisdom teeth are your third molars, and see a dentist and get it checked out!

posted about 8 years ago
#7 what keys do you use for your weapons? in TF2 General Discussion

I use edsf for movement keys, something that started because I can feel the homerow bump on the keys. So I use w for primary, a for secondary and a mouse button for my melee. Don't judge me.

posted about 9 years ago
#18 tf2 in gamespot article in Off Topic

I had no idea world of tanks had money to be made.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 How much dirt would you eat. in Off Topic
alle-protoid eat a massive throbbing cock for 1.1bil
id eat 1,1 billion throbbing cocks for 1,1 billion inside my bank account

I'm sure by eating throbbing cocks you'd make a billion a lot quicker if you didn't charge only a dollar.

posted about 9 years ago
#105 Weird Names of People you know in Off Topic

In my yearbook, there was a girl named Frankie, last named stein. No wonder she said her name was Samatha, lol. Who would do this to her child?

Also when I was in Iraq, I saw a soldier in the dining hall with the last name Shortsleeves on his BDUs.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Displayport vs DVI, Benq vs Asus in Hardware
kounterpartsUse the BenQ and DPort, Dport wont do much now, but its a way of supporting such a great peice of hardware

Lol, I already have the cable for it, so they have my money already :)

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Displayport vs DVI, Benq vs Asus in Hardware
ComangliaMaxHaxSo I'm running a 144 hz ASUS: VG248QE monitor as my primary and a 120hz benq XL 2420t as my secondary monitor. I've done some hard searching and found that my ASUS has problems with the display port cable and sure enough I can't get it to work. However the benq uses it fine, so my question is....

Since the ASUS is on DVI and the Benq is on the displayport, which one should I run games on? Is the difference with the displayport cable enough that I should play tf2 and stuff on the Benq or should I keep the Asus as my primary monitor?

Unless you plan on going 1440p or you REALLY want to use the BenQ motion blur options their's no reason to drop 200+ for a benq when you already have the asus.

As for Display Port vs Dual-link DVI
Display port has alot more bandwidth and has some nice features. Their's no added input lag vs DVI. If you want 1440p 144Hz you will have to use Display Port for 1080p 144Hz both work just as well from a gaming perspective.

I'm not dropping any more money. I have both monitors in question. I can only use the displayport on the Benq for some reason. I'm asking which is better for gaming. The Asus with DVI since that's all I can use, or the Benq with the displayport instead. The ASUS has a history of not working, and have tried lots of solutions to make it work, nothing works so far.

posted about 9 years ago
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