tsarjust a reminder that sigafoo has little to no direct involvement in RGL HL letting exa run that b/c he doesnt really care for hl anymore. as he cares even less about 6s than hl it is resonable to assume that sigafoos involvement will be very little compared to a main 6s admin
It's still not worth the risk of maybe, possibly, him changing his mind later on and imposing rules that don't make sense. Or him literally banning Froyotech for being too good. Or what if he picks a bad league admin, completely by accident, simply because he's uninvolved in the 6s community? We need to (and are lucky enough to be able to!) move to a league run by people who have actually demonstrated interest in the game they're providing. TFCL and especially UGC have notable histories at this point, at the very least proving that they can provide games weekly. Whether people trust them enough to pay into a prizepool is something else, but unless you're b4nny that shouldn't be your primary concern yet.
Edit to say i have nothing against sigafoo as a person. I dont like how hes run his league, and i dont think someone who doesnt like 6s should have the power to have the final say in what goes in it. We deal with enough of that from valve