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Last Posted October 5, 2022 at 4:35 PM
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#37 cp_drudgery - 5CP in Map Discussion

Realised I hadn't released the actual version, it's up now. There's no mirror on serveme atm, my premium ran out, but the dropbox link is updated now, please to be enjoying :)

Next version will hopefully be centered around improving the lighting, among any gameplay feedback I get

posted about 7 years ago
#27 irl friends in Off Topic

my irl friends wish they weren't normies but in reality they are all pretty much normies

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Gravel Pit discussion in Map Discussion
Kavunfortunately theres not enough drive for A/D for anyone to even bother putting the effort into making an A/D map since theres a good chance itll go to waste.

this is very true aswell

I have plans on making an AD map to be honest, made for competitive, the problem is I can't really justify finishing it, it's a living hell getting competitive players to test your maps at all, unless you're already known pretty well, let alone a non-5cp map.

I got by thanks to being in the community myself, and having sideshow on my side- but for an A/D map? Almost impossible. The situation is just such that the majority of mappers cannot get maps tested at all, not only that, there's no previously made map that mappers can learn from, as opposed to 5cp maps that all follow the same formula.

I don't imagine anyone will come out with a successful A/D map, until Phi makes one specifically tailored to 6v6 needs.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Gravel Pit discussion in Map Discussion

just please make it not best of 3, we do not need 1hr+ worth of gravelpit, it gets boring, everyone hates it when it goes to round 3

best of 1, deal with people that can't decide the same way you do if it's the decider round

genuinely all it needs imo.

posted about 7 years ago
#80 ban b4nny in The Dumpster
BaBs26 down frags to my first post on page 1 but yet none of you simple minded pussies have the brain to dispute me. You just cry over n over because b4nny is better than all of you, makes more money in gaming than all of you, and does less work in real life than most of you. (Im sure some of you puds are on food stamps or living off mommy) GG you pathetic "community"

downvoted SMH

posted about 7 years ago
#275 Global Whitelist Lists Post-Meeting in TF2 General Discussion
Jaredb027but the competitive community can not be so narrow-minded as to utilize only a fraction of the possibilities of gamestyle in this game because they do not want to put in effort to learn it.

we can do whatever we want tbh

posted about 7 years ago
#34 You don't do open DMG in Videos

almost any team that has played a season can apply and get into mid, the idea that you've upgraded in someway is potentially not even true, especially considering the skill difference between top open and low mid (even middle mid) is extremely small

here is a lovely example of an excellent mid team

posted about 7 years ago
#20 Video Gamer WEIGHT in Off Topic

137lbs, still have 17 to lose

posted about 7 years ago
#36 cp_drudgery - 5CP in Map Discussion

I am about to release a new version, but I want to make absolute sure this sound bug is 100% fixed first, so looking for a group to run a test on private version, to see if it's working correctly before I do it publicly, please add if you would run dblmix or etc on it. It would have bad fps as it wouldn't be full compile.

Other than that here's the small amount I fixed

  • Fixed a few clip errors
  • Added respawn visualisers on 2nd forwards
  • Fixed holding spawn doors open
  • Fixed various stickies clipping into rocks
  • Fixed stickies clipping into hut roof on mid

I've also reworked my respawns completely, it doesn't look like tf2 likes it when you change the spawn timers negatively, it appears that when you do so it's possible to 'skip' a respawn wave, which seemed like it was resetting you onto the next one, as players were reporting spawn times going up massively on enemy caps, which shouldn't have been happening.

I've tried to keep the flow mostly the same, but this might need tweaking.

posted about 7 years ago
#126 What's the reasoning behind your alias? in Off Topic

been by mould since maybe 2010?

before that it was break the mould, which was shortened to btm, but people kept calling me bottom and that's a big deal if you're 14 and go to an all boys school, didn't want people thinking I was HOMO...

for xmas I changed my name to jack frost, cause in real life there's usually a few jacks, so in college, a few people called me jack frost, and my nan used to call me that aswell, so thinking bout keeping it

posted about 7 years ago
#26 ZZ's idea for making 6s better in TF2 General Discussion
eeeif you get an advantage for not holding your uber both teams would be incentivized to avoid situations where they sit on either side of a chokepoint and build, which would be the set up for yr situation. the idea would be to prevent the set up from ever happening which makes the rest of the idea kind of pointless to discuss. if both sides are aware of it as a mechanic they wouldn't play like they do now. Aggressive teams would be saccing players and hope they spawn before uber is filled or drained, rather than now where people are far more passive on saccing or offclassing.

no, only the losing team is looking to push faster - the winning team doesn't care because the shorter the ubers are, the easier it is for them to continue holding the same choke, so they have a larger reward for doing nothing

you only get an advantage for using an uber earlier if that uber is useful in any way, pushing uber vs uber with 1 pick isn't even good half the time, so pushing 8 seconds uber vs even a 4 second uber, is still not a relevant enough advantage that warrants actually pushing off it

posted about 7 years ago
#56 Philosophical Question About Whitelists/Blacklists in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINThe truth is, we already have a lot of weapons in the rotation now that I feel are very, very strong. Crossbow, gunboats, and escape plan are three examples of extremely strong unlocks. So strong that everyone uses them. My personal feeling is that making more unlocks available can increase the variety of the game. Some people might not like the changes to the metagame, but the comp scene will live on either way.

ok but the obvious difference between the classically liked weapons like the gunboats and crossbow is that these add something interesting to the game, such as fat jumps and airshots while weapons that are classically hated like the rescue ranger for instance literally add nothing more than sitting in spawn shooting at a stationary object and changing when it dies

it barely makes a difference to the game but it seems like you're acting as if any of the stuff you guys added in the last whitelist were huge meta changing additions and unfortunately some people just can't deal with it, while the reality is that nobody even really gives a shit and it's just mildly irritating that we have to deal with minor inconveniences for what seems to be absolutely no reason - it's not like valve will see us using natascha and that'll be the tipping point

b4nnyWe know that they have a major competitive update coming, so why are we still acting like they've given up? If they haven't then I won't either.

Then we see stuff like this and it's just old at this point, pretty sure we've been looking at a 'large competitive update' for about a year now, probs more, so at this point I reckon very few people actually give a shit, especially since every time we've been excited to see what it is, it's always been hot garbage - is it any wonder so many people have given up when after a full year valves vision of tf2 competitive still doesn't involve a functioning ranking system?

posted about 7 years ago
#48 Hate crime in World Events
rocketslayblm is very loosely organized from what i've heard. there's an 'official' website and some leadership (?) but the whole thingy is quite disconnected. blaming them for this doesn't exactly make sense

plus BLM isn't something you can really be a 'part' of anyway, anything that you do in support of BLM might not be official but it still reflects on the movement as a whole, you can have 2 people both 'loosely associated' with BLM condemning and supporting the same act, it doesn't mean anything at this point, as tends to happen with any social movement

unfortunately since news loves a story I'm sure it will come out that these guys are BLM supporters, and regardless of how many BLM supporters think it's horrendous, nobody will screenshot that, people would rather show off a story, it doesn't matter how representative of people it is

I think it's horrible that everyone is under such a heavy scrutinising eye of the internet, that every group of people can be painted in any light that someone chooses.

posted about 7 years ago
#28 How do you fall asleep in Off Topic

I find that I'm mostly completely unable to sleep in a 'normal' way since I was about 11, what I find helpful is sound, like white noise, or you can just play something relaxing, I use a 1hr loop of thunderstorm noises and that helps me- 2nd, lavender scent, like a diffuser or something, next to the bed, or sprayed onto the pillow is relaxing. Then finally I always stretch before getting in bed.

But sleep troubles can be caused by a lot of different things, if you're not anxious or stressed you might not find it helpful.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Drunk tf2 Lan stories + Jasmine Fundraiser NOW in LAN Discussion

has sideshow talked about when he got stuck in a garden in france??

posted about 7 years ago
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