Thank you again, I'm not sure how you did that looking through the door but I'll look into it. Markings are fixed on next version.
I don't mind that first sightline, the goal is that it should play similar to blands or process, on when you see sniper, it's immediately the best call to go and push through flank instead. But the cave one I will definitely look into. It's my goal that players can hug the left wall (from defender screen perspective) to avoid sniper. As far as I can tell, it's possible to avoid 95% shots this way. For instance if you heard that he missed one shot, you can walk immediately to the left hand side and he can only see you again at the regular pop spot. Therefore one fast shot could be a big play aswell, I think it's bad design if on 66% of pushes the sniper will be pretty poor. He should have a place in the game. I will definitely track it further, if it would show itself as a problem in game then I will fix it for sure.
I'm about to write a huge essay for my design choice on the mid health packs. This might bore you but I think it's important for me to justify it, otherwise on next version if I don't change it you might feel ignored and that's not what I want for people that took the time to DL and even look through.
There's actually a large number of reasons for the health pack positioning. Imagine that this is swapped, in this case what is the reason to ever use the rollout from pit? Or even the rollout from cave? There is no rock paper scissors, demos will always rollout choke. That's boring for both demos when the rollout is 100% free. Compare it to granary, the first sticky you place goes on the health pack, or on the top. You get a nice reward for reading your enemies playstyle. Most maps use the hp in that way. On process you can go to large hp, read he goes to large hp and get 40 dmg free, or maybe he goes right fast and you find suddenly that now you're in the worse position.
So for me the goal is that it plays similarly, so let's say you do go choke that's the safe route. You're slow to take ground because you haven't got full hp and maybe if you try it you get bombed and die. So if they both go choke it's neutral. But then what if he goes shutter. He has full hp from the rollout, he's a little slower but he can walk forward immediately. So he can contest the cave health pack, maybe he walks across and you can't beat him because he's got more hp. On the other hand, if you read him to go shutter, perhaps you get a free stick on him and this changes the dynamic completely, now he's got no flexibility on his mid, he's in the corner, he can't push.
Maybe he goes cave, and you're too far away to do much to him, but he can sticky your hut and you lose control of top. Maybe you go cave and he's faster than you through shutter and he kills you. Maybe you're faster than him and you kill him. There are fast rollouts through both of these that involve air pogos. But if you did that and the other guy went the same way you did, you just got to mid with low hp and you didn't affect him.
And when you add the roamer who can do fast rollouts through all sides, take whatever hp the demo didn't, it just adds another variable into the mix.
In my personal opinion this is just so much more interesting than just both demos go one way every time, and I hope that you'll agree. That's not to say that if it turns out everyone disagrees with me then I'll ofc have to suck it up and change it. :D
More general reasons include that it just rewards aggressive play to have neutral mid health packs instead of rewarding people to wait for bombers. Aggressive mids breed fast rounds, and that's just more fun. Also, when backing out, you can either choose to back out with lower hp, risking chaser who could be buffed, or you can back out through a medium health pack and the chaser can go choke and be behind you. Gully mid does this extremely well.
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sry for very long :((