Hello guys, I'm very sorry, like I said I haven't been checking TFTV. I missed these last 2 feedbacks, I will definitely be taking them into account for my next version, if they are still up. I'm really thankful that you took the time to do that and I'm sorry that I didn't see it.
Sage, I considered to clip that window, but given that one of the most useful rollouts is to go through there and then jump up through right, I wanted to keep it as the toughest rollout. I guess I will try it with that next version. About the healthkits for choke, the one in pit forces a medic to go out of position for health, which I think rewards good decision making and allows for timed sacrifices to be very successful. I will make sure to focus my attention on whether flow at that choke point is a problem. Please let me know if you agree, disagree guys, would be great to hear additional voices on this.
Thanks to all 3 of you for playing it, I really appreciate that.
While I've not been updating, there's been a fair few changes, mostly in terms of experimenting with cave and 2nd, but the changes for the most part have been reverted as they weren't great. One of the reasons I haven't been posting updates is that I won't publicly release a version I don't think is any good.
On that note, a10 is out. The main change you’ll notice is the maps been decorated. Other than that, between these versions, there’s been a resizing of lobby and cave. The spawn times and travel times have been played with a lot, won’t list them all but it should make the map flow a bit better and allow for some good moments. Choke has had a height and width increase which should allow teams to get into mid with a bit more breathing room and less claustrophobia.
If you'd like to play the map, the latest version is on serveme.tf and the download can be found on page 1.
Known gameplay issue- pixelwalk on fence outside spawn, strange shadow in cave, unsmooth displacement in pit.
The main downside here is that since I started decorating, the map is unoptimized again. I've had some guys testing the fps, it should still be very playable for the majority of people, but I'm fully aware of the issue and definitely working on it to make sure I don't end up with the coalplant problem. Next version will be focused on polish and FPS numbers.