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Last Posted April 19, 2014 at 2:44 PM
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#90 Half-Life speedrunning in Other Games

I haven't seen HL21 yet. I'm going to today. In a theater with a bunch of friends. Should be good.

also apparently a new portal inbounds run is almost done already "Sub 10 minutes pretty much confirmed at this point." They're "trying to finish it within the next month or two."

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Super Smash Bros. (64) in Other Games

cool, should be good. friend request sent.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Super Smash Bros. (64) in Other Games

region? (norcal here)

posted about 10 years ago
#69 Half-Life speedrunning in Other Games

I didn't expect to get corrected by the actual runner. Looks like I underestimated the overlap in the TF2 and speedrunning communities. And that TSA run sounds amazing.

Someone made a segmented 100% run (killed all enemies) of Unforseen Consequences in february and I forgot to share it here, but they just finished doing office complex, so I'll drop them both here now.
note from runner: "This run is a continuation of my previous "UC" run, soo all ammo and health remained the same."

I don't know about you guys but I greatly enjoy these 100% runs and would love it if more the community took an interest in them.

posted about 10 years ago
#61 Half-Life speedrunning in Other Games

I'm just gonna keep reviving this thread every time I find something cool, hopefully no one minds.

someone made a segmented route suggestion for the in-progress (barely off the ground, to my knowledge) episode 2 run.
it's one of the coolest things I've seen in some time. around the 5 minute mark I thought I had the idea and was gonna skip to the end but I'm glad I didn't.

still no word on when HL21 is coming out. Obviously that's not my fault but I still feel compelled to apologize for getting everyone hyped for something that would be sitting in the "editting" phase for god-knows-how-long. Trust me, everyone in the sourceruns community is just as eager and curious as to what's taking it so long.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 SSBM Netplay Thread in Other Games

sorry man, I totally would if I had a USB adapter. I'll probably order one soon, thanks to this thread. within the week, I think. what's your opinion of what you use?

even if I end up doing this later, I'll hit you up and see if you're still interested. though I should probably ask your region.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Hyrule Warriors, Zelda x Dynasty Warriors Spinoff in Other Games

kirby, because if that's how everyone thought we'd never talk about anything

What's more interesting is discussing what different people value in games that others do not. It's the process of gaining understanding of another person's perspective, to appreciate something that you hadn't previously, that makes these topics worthwhile. Zelda games happen to have covered a very broad range of ways to appeal to players throughout their lives. e.g., the reason majora's mask is my favorite zelda game is probably completely different from any of the reasons why wind waker is some peoples' favorite. The effect exists in just about every franchise but is especially pronounced in zelda.

On the matter of TP, it does indeed have some problems. My biggest gripe is that it's PAINFUL to replay. But I still think it's a good game and it has nothing to do with being "dark" and I don't think it qualifies as "edgy" by any definition of the word. The reason I like it is largely aesthetics. that feeling you got in ocarina of time where you rode your horse across the landscape just looking around a whiling away the time is present in force. And stopping on top of a knoll and seeing hyrule castle encapsulated in that golden diamond against the backdrop of death mountain? awesome. And if you find the right spot, the composition is perfect. Of course plenty of people just don't notice or care about that sort of thing, but I still feel like its an injustice when all of that is written off by calling the whole game "bad". Disagreeing is fine, but at least respect that maybe you overlooked some things that other people found really special. Don't just dismiss it as if your appraisal is fact.

(On a side note I also don't want that game ever written off as having nothing of value, because I think it is brimming with unfulfilled potential. Lots of ideas never realized in full that could turn out very cool.)

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Hyrule Warriors, Zelda x Dynasty Warriors Spinoff in Other Games

dissing on any zelda game is dangerous territory. there are always extremely over-invested people who think the one you hate is the best ever and will defend it to the hilt beyond on reason. I used to be really deep into the zelda community cause there are insanely fun and creative theorycrafters here and there and what I've learned is that different zelda games can be appealing for such vastly different reasons that it's almost impossible to have a coherent argument about which ones are better.

realtalk though I love zelda 2 fite me

it was so hard for me to say that last bit it nearly killed me. I will clearly never be one of the cool kids. basically I really like zelda 2 and 99% of people will disagree with me but that's understandable because I enjoy it for things that make it very different from normal zelda games.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Need help finding a Quake config in Other Games

You could use the ingame menu. except idk if they have an option for the flat textures but it's r_picmip 10. The rest is just a built-in hud called "big" or something like that, with the speedometer and lagometer turned on and overbright bits/map overbright bits set to high (r_overBrightBits and r_mapOverBrightBits).

posted about 11 years ago
#59 Half-Life speedrunning in Other Games new portal inbounds run completed. Yep it's crazy fast, you know the drill, enjoy

and yeah HL21 didn't make xmas. I don't think anyone knows exactly when to expect it now.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Reflex: Arena shooter in development in Other Games

I don't understand why the already sparsely populated community of the genre seems so intent on splintering itself into more and more "CPMA but a little different" games.
So now we've got what? CPMA, this, warsow, xonotic, deft grinders, project free fall, reborn, and probably a couple others I've never heard of. If all these people just pooled their efforts and ideas, or maybe just stuck with a game, they'd probably have a larger playerbase for it.

Shiny graphics on a new engine aren't going to attract the kind of new players who stick around for any significant period of time, and they are really what the community needs. Maybe these guys can make the "definitive" CPM clone that everyone flocks to, but given the continued reliance on difficult -to-teach or understand movement mechanics, and the infamous barrier to entry (welcome to CPMA, your first 20 games will have average scores of 30 to -7, enjoy), something needs to change. Hopefully these guys realize that and don't just make CPM yet again, but nothing they've released gives me any such hope.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Project M 3.0 in Off Topic

Also very hyped. Me and some friends are gonna make a day of it (hope it actually comes out soon enough that we don't have to wait up all night)

also here's a thread for playing 64 online if that's your thing

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Question about RAM in Hardware

I'm no expert but, just in case nothing more insightful comes along, this is what I've been told:
It should work, but RAM can sometimes be picky for reasons hard to fathom and choose to be uncooperative. Allegedly there are even cases of RAM sticks (or DIMMs, if I'm using that correctly) sold in pairs that end up RMA'd because, despite being individually functional, somehow won't work in tandem.

So they should work together fine, but there's a small chance they just won't. When I asked why that was, I got a wishy-washy answers along the lines of "computers, man."

posted about 11 years ago
#55 Half-Life speedrunning in Other Games

yeah I've meant to update here but been super lazy. also when I came back there was a lot of drama going on and I still don't know what happened so idk. I'll just ignore that for now I guess.

Anyway, yes HL22 is done. It just needs to be recorded, encoded and uploaded. As was said, about xmas. Since I'm posting I guess I'll mention something else I saw on sourceruns: a Half-Life no-jump speedrun.
apparently he used slowdown at ~4 points to do a really hard trick cause he didn't realize that would qualify the run for tool-assisted (he's new to running), but that's not a big deal imo since it's not exactly a competitive category. Either way, a fun run to watch. If you're not sure how he gains height, in goldsrc you could quickly tap crouch, release it, and then hold it to get a little air time (from your legs pulling up into you). You can do ugly little bhops with that, but it doesn't really give you enough airtime to accelerate. It's mostly just for maintaining momentum.

Also some guy says he's running the goldsrc mod "Gunman Chronicles" which has been begging for a proper run for years, so if anything comes of that I'll mention it here. The guy doing it seems pretty legit, so here's hoping.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 game optimization in Customization

I've had similar experiences and I think that, while crappy graphics generally ARE easier to process and display for a system, it's just not always the case. My guess is it's because the engine is currently a hodgepodge of an old design core with a lot of shiny effects taped onto it over the course of almost 10 years.

My current graphics config is the result of hours and hours of trial and error with numerous cvars to squeeze out every frame possible. The result is medium-high-looking settings on dx95 and getting 50-80 FPS. If I were to go to dx81 with chris' maxFPS, I'd lose about 20 FPS, and if i went to regular settings with -autoconfig or something, I'd lose about the same. It's nigh unfathomable, and if you're desperate for frames, the only solution as far as I can tell, is finding out what your system is good at and trying to tweak everything toward that.

posted about 11 years ago
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