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Last Posted April 19, 2014 at 2:44 PM
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#26 Fzero AMA in Off Topic

Having all the experience you do with stress and unhappiness, how, nowadays, do you deal with those things when they show up again (whatever form they may take)?

I've recently turned 20 and live with a lot of things in life that friends and outsiders have called "unfair", but I haven't found anything I can do or say about my circumstances to be satisfying or bring me happiness. When I deal with things now I tend to emotionally shut down and view everything very logically until it's over, and frequently find myself falling back on escapism (video games, talking with friends, music, w/e).

I want the view of another person who knows what it feels like to have really bad things in their life that they just can't get rid of, so they just deal with it. (Or more accurately, I feel, just continue existing with it.)

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Any games to look forward to? in Other Games

my hypelist is SSB4, Mighty No.9, MGS5, and Serious Sam 4. also Project M ver. 3.0 if that counts.
honorable mention for titanfall, but it doesn't quite qualify as "hype" for me

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Wide-eyed characters in Q/A Help

how is this thread not solved yet
it's just

r_eyes 1
r_flex 1


posted about 11 years ago
#47 Half-Life speedrunning in Other Games
brownymasterWhat version of HL do they speedrun on btw? Steam version or the older standalone version?

I can't speak for everybody but New Gauge Half-Life is the standard. It's a lightweight version of the steam client from before the _special command was removed (exploitable command that allows for FPS-independant bhop scripts), with BunnyMod Pro installed, which restores bhopping among other things

disengage isn't wrong though, they use the patched steam client for recording demo playback for the final cut. Some people run with it, it just doesn't have all the speedrunning bells and whistles of NGHL. hlspbunny is basically the steam client with the speedcap turned back to what it was on launch (2000 ups)

posted about 11 years ago
#42 Half-Life speedrunning in Other Games

the HL1 speedrun estimate has continued dropping. 24min when I first strarted following, 22m when I made the thread, and now just barely into 20 with an estimated time of 20:57 (and that, too, will probably be wittled down a bit.)

Quadrazid just finished Lambda Core, just leaving Gonarch, Interloper, and Nihilanth. He said the beginning of Gonarch has some tricky business but once they get to introloper things should be smooth.

I think it's time to get this hype train rollin. So just to tantalize everyone, the Half Hour Half-Life time for Lambda Core chapter was 2:05 and the new time is 1:29

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Quick-Fix and Kritzkrieg Length in TF2 General Discussion

If I understood you correctly:

I made a thread a pisslong time ago and some player (invite IIRC) said that the way the uber flashing nerf actually works is it counts the number of teammates who are "flashing" with that 1 second of uber after you release them. As a side-effect, if you uber 1 guy, and switch to no target, you'll drain at 150% speed until he stops flashing, even though you're not even healing anyone.

so BECAUSE it counts the number of players who are "flashing" and kritz'd players never flash, the answer is no, there is no penalty and a kritz always lasts the full duration.

but couldn't you test this just buy going in a listen server and flashing kritz on a bunch of bots?

posted about 11 years ago
#76 i46 documentary in TF2 General Discussion

cause extine specifying "free" with the yt version implies that they may be considering monetizing the high quality version, so the torrent suggestion isn't actually necessary.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 July 24 TF2 Update in TF2 General Discussion

smoothed clipping around doors is a facade, you can't hide stickies in the doorframes anymore

except I never play demo so if there's some trick to it I might just be doing it wrong but afaik you just shoot the metal parts with the spiky balls.

posted about 11 years ago
#40 Half-Life speedrunning in Other Games

Audio commentary version of DWaHMoV just got uploaded to yt in case you were too lazy to get the download.

Also the 60 FPS DL was released, so here's a link to the torrent

at least it would be but evidently tftv doesn't like the formatting? you'll have to copy/type that last bit :/


Quadrazid seems to have taken over the majority of the run's planning and it's chugging along. He was stuck on the health door map (c2a5f) because it has to be done in 1 segment for some reason, but he's gotten through it and finished Surface Tension, and then blazed right through Forget About Freeman. Only Lambda Core and the Xen chapters remain...

posted about 11 years ago
#31 Half-Life speedrunning in Other Games

Check the downloads in the description. Open either video in VLC. Audio > Audio Track > Track 2 = full audio commentary from the run team.

posted about 11 years ago
#28 Half-Life speedrunning in Other Games

Bam, get hype. Then click. The big one is here. TIME TO SATIATE THAT APPETITE.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Fullscreen vs Windowed noborder mode? in TF2 General Discussion

only downside to window-noborder that I know of (besides reduced performance) is that you can't adjust gamma.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 +Fragging your own posts? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm torn because despite its flaws, it's also a good way for the non-vocal majority to represent their opinions on matters of discussion. I definitely think the system could use some tweaking.
Maybe posters could subscribe to fraggability on a per-post basis for such cases? ofc they could still turn it on when they make a joke or something but that would look masturbary. An upside or downside depending on your perspective. Alternatively, maybe enigma could add polls to the forum?

If people express desire for some alterations then I'm sure ideas will start rolling. I'd prefer to not have to "just ignore" a system that we're all constantly exposed to and has a clear bearing on a person's perceived credibility.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Rise of the Triad in Off Topic

release date and trailer made public - 31 July

also dropping frames in the trailer, derp.

posted about 11 years ago
#174 age in Off Topic


this thread has had the opposite effect on me, I feel like a little kid.

posted about 11 years ago
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