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SteamID64 76561198009696952
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Country United States
Signed Up July 23, 2012
Last Posted April 19, 2014 at 2:44 PM
Posts 136 (0 per day)
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#25 Other options for quake? in Off Topic
Clankpetwhat don't you like about quake live?My only real gripe is no circlejumping.

isn't circlejumping just when you hold W+A/D, rotate the mouse ~90 degrees and jump? cause that's there. B2R wouldn't be possible without it.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 STAR_ to be on Fully Charged -- questions for him? in TF2 General Discussion

for people who've been asking who he is: STAR_ is a guy who's been making gameplay commentary vids and posting them on youtube for over a year now (/user/niichts) and has amassed a large number of subscribers. He's most known for his "highlight" vids, like "sniper_stomper". He played in a top plat HL team for a couple of seasons a year ago and otherwise hasn't done much with comp.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Rocket Jump Help in Q/A Help

What do you mean by "my rj's are clumsy"? could you be more specific? I feel like the help in this thread is more or less grasping at straws, trying to address your issue with general advice.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 why is fov 120 not allowed in TF2 General Discussion

as if facestabs aren't bad enough as it is

posted about 11 years ago
#58 Hey ESEA in TF2 General Discussion

because swatt's issue originated with accidentally downloading a rat, I don't see what is supposed to get ESEA to unban him. They have that "you are responsible for your own security" thing in place, and it seems like any ESEA rep is just gonna point at that whenever someone pleads swatt's case.

posted about 12 years ago
#19 Hey ESEA in TF2 General Discussion

I've never done it but my understanding is that it's not that hard to change your IP. like, just unplugging your modem for five minutes (or overnight) should do it.

posted about 12 years ago
#23 How to get the old YouTube layout back. in Off Topic

This seems to have broken as of today. It stopped working for both me and a friend, and reapplying the code doesn't fix it.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 Hey ESEA in TF2 General Discussion

wouldn't using a proxy wreck his ping?

posted about 12 years ago
#4 Hey ESEA in TF2 General Discussion

since you changed every password on every account, how did he get you re-banned?

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Jump Map Numbers in Q/A Help

r_renderoverlayfragment 1 might help.

posted about 12 years ago
#10 tf_avoidteammates_pushaway 0 in TF2 General Discussion

IIRC this change also makes it so that rockets pass through teammates. easier spam but no more teammate speedpogos ;[

posted about 12 years ago
#11 shooting through wall in viaduct pro on red side in Map Discussion

it's not spectate or stv, viewmodels are just silly.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 fps capping? in TF2 General Discussion

capping your frame rate also means your computer doesn't have to work unnecessarily hard and consume excess juice and generate extra heat.

posted about 12 years ago
#14 Quiting smoking and video games in TF2 General Discussion

Tell people you're quitting. That way people will ask "Hey, so how's quitting going?" and the next time you want a smoke you'll think of how much it'll suck to tell those people you had a relapse.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 High Frames vs Max Frames in TF2 General Discussion

I commented my config out of my autoexec for all tests and relaunched the game to test "default", so I don't see how I could have had a config still loaded. edit: looks like you're probably right after all, pheesh. I take it -dxlevel doesn't actually reset that much.

hoolito add to that, you should test "default" with the -autoconfig launch parameter.

DX8 def w/ autocfg: 83.07 fps 7.182 fps variability
DX9 def w/ autocfg: 56.36 fps 7.916 fps variability

to put all that on a single table:

that makes more sense, thanks.

hooliNil, post the demo. I'd like to compare your results to mine.

posted about 12 years ago
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