Tino_I mean its more that the tech companies control the government, but yeah the current US is pretty antithetical to what the classic american dream and society is and the current president has called for his opponents to be locked up and for the press to be silenced. Iduno, I just find it funny that you can throw shade at China for being this boogeyman without honestly looking at the current state of the US because like it or not they are extremely close, especially on a geopolitical level.
I'm sorry I wasn't aware the USA is currently detaining Muslims and putting them in "re-education camps" (what concentration camps started out being called btw) and being accused of torturing the inhabitants. I'm sorry I wasn't aware the USA has been under investigation for killing political dissidents and harvesting there organs since 2007 and has had scientific research on organ transplants thrown out because it was impossible for them to have enough donors to carry out this research. I'm sorry I wasn't aware that the USA was building artificial military islands in the Japanese sea and flying military jets over Taiwan because they don't believe it to be a legitimate foreign nation.
Trying to equate Trump saying Hilary should be locked up, a single person who many intelligence officials have come forward and said that anyone else in that position would have spend life in prison for a fraction of what she did, with Chinese politicians actually killing there opponents/activists.
And on the press this is incomparable to China who has state-run media. When Trump calls for a expansion of liable laws on a press who has made a habit in the past few years of breaking stories before anything is actually confirmed, it is not the same as calling for the press to be silenced.
With the american dream and society thing idk what your on about and tbh it would be exhausting and pointless to even get into it.
In terms of geopolitics the USA and China do have the same goal in mind, but the way they go about it and the world they envision is totally different.