defyfrom the looks of your profile
no name clown rambling about comp play with 0 hours of tf2 in the past 2 weeks, better off staying with CS:GO like a human trashcan
Sorry babycakes, not all of us are still in highschool with all of the free-time in the world to play competitive vidjagaemz. Some of us have to dedicate time to worthwhile things, like starting a business.
Also, lol @ the CS:GO hate, but I guess I don't expect anything more than poverty logic coming from someone on this forum. If anything, you should be happy that other competitive FPS games exist. It's nice to have a change once in a while.
Keep +fragging each other's shitposts while you guys suck each other off.
p.s. Don't forget to -frag this only makes my erection stronger. :)