Just to add to what skeez is saying kinda..
I've just spent the last ~3 hours trying to get sv_pure to work properly. It's actually just fucking broken.
The game_sounds files are in the blacklist for sv_pure 2. They're there properly to be blocked by pure, and re-extracted from the Valve signed vpk to be default. But there are a few issues.
1. After the sv_pure 2 checking finds one file that isn't correct, it stops checking the other files. If you join a server with sv_pure 2 these files are checked:
sound\... trusted_source
models\... trusted_source
materials\... trusted_source
particles\... trusted_source
scripts\game_sounds.txt trusted_source
scripts\game_sounds_manifest.txt trusted_source
scripts\game_sounds_player.txt trusted_source
scripts\game_sounds_vo.txt trusted_source
scripts\game_sounds_vo_handmade.txt trusted_source
scripts\game_sounds_weapons.txt trusted_source
scripts\soundmixers.txt trusted_source
But if you join with multiple game_sounds files you will get this error:
Reloading sound file 'scripts\game_sounds.txt' due to pure settings.
... and that's it. It stops there. In order to get the game_sounds_weapons.txt file to be properly checked by sv_pure, I had to remove all the individual file checks besides that one.
2. The fuckin check doesn't even work man lmfao. My suspicion is that the custom folder was added and sv_pure was never adjusted accordingly. So when sv_pure tries to give tf2 a new file to use, it never messes with the one stored in custom. So it makes some weird zombie shit happen where sometimes it uses the overpowered shit, but it also 100% of the time plays the spy cloak sound. Video example:
I get why you guys are frustrated but it's so STUPID that so many people are saying "I already tried to tell Valve about this" while also saying "You shouldn't give this more publicity". If you told them, and they didn't fix it, then they decided it was irrelevant. It's fucking not when people are already using it in comp.
I already talked to league admins. Everyone that says they've got buddies @Valve link them this. I spent the last 4 hours doing more troubleshooting on this issue than anyone at Valve has I'm sure.
Now someone help me w/ my networking project that I should've been working on instead