Lots of names from when I first started playing are showing interest in the game again... Kinda weird lol
Keith, Skyrolla, Seagull (lul), someone on my friends list has ring TF2 in their name and they were on my second ever team
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198070499160 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:110233432] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:55116716 |
Country | Pirate |
Signed Up | August 22, 2013 |
Last Posted | September 7, 2024 at 4:37 PM |
Posts | 1511 (0.4 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 2.6 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6/11 |
Raw Input | 1 |
1600 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
240hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | superlight (PINK) |
Keyboard | Zealios KBDFans 75 |
Mousepad | Razer Strider |
Headphones | Arctis Pro Wireless |
Monitor | 240hz |
Lots of names from when I first started playing are showing interest in the game again... Kinda weird lol
Keith, Skyrolla, Seagull (lul), someone on my friends list has ring TF2 in their name and they were on my second ever team
bear: I want to die as fast as possible
also bear: I can't believe I died
If someone kills chunkeys first invite team I'm gonna be the saddest boy in school
AnaThonI don't understand why b4nny's (or whoever else is for unbanning all sorts of weird shit) opinion weighs so much tbh. Seems to me that he's representing a minority of the community yet every season weird garbage gets unbanned which makes people mad. Like don't let him decide this stuff and it for yourself. These threads that always cry "NoW tHeRe WiLl Be A tF2 mAjOr FoR sUrE LOL!!!" after the fact seem pretty much useless.
I've not been in an invite meeting in a long time, but the ones I participated in were not run well. Tri gives a little introduction of what he wants to talk about, then b4nny gives his itinerary. Then b4nny just runs the meeting and talks louder than anyone else. He'll generally say what he wants to be done, someone will disagree, he'll give more reasons for his decision, then say that it has been decided they're going with his idea. Usually people disagreeing are told they aren't thinking about the greater interest of TF2 and the points they bring up aren't actually taken at value
hitscan only
cl_interp_ratio 2
cl_interp 0
i feel like the .033 interp for hitscan is a myth but then again i get shot around corners/behind walls all the fucking time so maybe im wrong
you're gonna get shot around walls unless you're both playing on the exact same computer with 0 latency (even lan has some latency)
.033 interp is kinda a myth in my experience. No one at the top of the game has such shit internet that they're dropping packets enough for it to matter.
It wouldn't be that bad but insom will sit there talking to you in mumble until 10 are in mumble before he decides to go to smoke
Idk why I'm even responding when you're only being condescending to me, but level headed with everyone else. You told me I don't know the 'tf2 meta' after 'playing for 20 seasons' because I said that the second scout follows ubers sometimes.
Went through the video, and you're right. A lot more of them are floating in the air, not against a wall (30 air, 14 wall). But you also need to admit that the majority of the spots in the video are also not somewhere someone looks when checking sticks like you say they are. In the video 12 of the spots are above a choke that sometimes has stickies (not even like the wallbug is close to where someone would look for sticks, just kinda close to being above the same choke). So 32 of them aren't even near where someone would be checking for stickies.
if you can't mentally register that there is literally a player floating in the air above you while checking for sticks, the problem might be you, not the wallbugger.
first of all fuck you. Your argument doesn't even begin to account for the fact that players don't check for stickies every time they run through a doorway. If a demo is dead, or it's called that sticks are det, or someone sees the trap being set somewhere else, they aren't going to check a doorway for stickies. But also I don't think you understand that players don't check for sticks by staring up at the sky. Find some combo scout POVs and show me the times they just w through a choke looking straight up vertically, not looking at the spam coming in ever. Maybe I've just been playing the class wrong for the last 20 seasons.
lazwallbugs are hard to do consistently. if you are spotted in a wallbug, you are almost completely useless. most useful wallbug spots are easily seen by a scout who has to look up to check for traps anyway
idk why you bold highlighted one of the worst points you made in your entire nerd essay, like yelling is going to make it right or something.
Don't pretend like being seen in a wall bug suddenly makes you not able to rocket jump. Afaik a lot of these spots are you being pressed against a wall, right? Unless you're making a 100% solo play, doing a rocket jump off the wall will get you far enough away to jump out or get an arrow.
Also, when a team is pushing at full speed and a scout checks for sticks they're not actually looking up at a choke point and looking at everything on their screen to analyze for a fuck ton of stuff. It's usually a like half second flick, you look directly above the door with your eyes, don't see little red or blue dots that your brain is good at recognizing instantly, then you respond accordingly. It's not like every combo scout in invite just holds w through a choke staring at the sky.
paddie and I have the sexual tension of two kids on a playground that punch each other out of love
safrixi actually wanna try for an entire season so
MarmalooS26 velocity or s22 megawac me off
Alright since no one has actually linked you wireless headphones
I don't know that much about wireless headphones but I bought these off of a suggestion from a co-worker. They're nice and easy to use. Audio quality is good enough, and for $45 they're definitely worth it IMO