SliceroguePeterotidderwhy do so many of you have an aversion to greatness, and not a drive to want to become the same? that's sadder than the fact FROYO is likely to win half of all invite seasons
who are you?
Personally dont think it matters who he is. he has a point
my response was too short but the point stands. hard to appreciate someone saying "it's sad that no one is just putting in the work required to win" when the guy hasn't even put in the work for people to know who he is (let alone the VAC ban on his profile so he clearly doesn't wanna put in work to get good anyway)
SlicerogueMaybe if you want win you should act and practice like a winner does.
Maybe other teams are doing these things, but I think there is a lack of transparency in that case. Everybody knows b4nny is gonna do whatever it takes to win, and its not just lip service. Nobody sees anybody else doing that.
I know what you mean by "act and practice like a winner does" but it really just sounds fucking condescending as shit to the people who fucking try their asses off to place well in invite.
No one is obliged to give you a daily report on how they're practicing. What the fuck does "transparency" mean here?