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SteamID64 76561197995723404
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Signed Up December 22, 2013
Last Posted May 31, 2024 at 6:49 PM
Posts 86 (0 per day)
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Mousepad Warps old one lel
Headphones Steelseries 5HV2
Monitor BENQ that 144Hz yolo one
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#24 Timeguessr in Other Games

Congrats to todays TFTV Timeguessr Daily Champion Eddiiee!

posted 2 weeks ago
#20 Timeguessr in Other Games

Congrats to todays TFTV Timeguessr Daily Champion Potato!

posted 2 weeks ago
#18 Timeguessr in Other Games

Congrats to todays TFTV Timeguessr Daily Champion Warhuryeah!

posted 2 weeks ago
#15 Timeguessr in Other Games

Step it up Timeguessrs

posted 2 weeks ago
#13 Timeguessr in Other Games

Congrats to todays TFTV Timeguessr Daily Champion Me!

posted 2 weeks ago
#11 Timeguessr in Other Games

Congrats to todays TFTV Timeguessr Daily Champion Kermit!

posted 2 weeks ago
#10 Timeguessr in Other Games

Yeah I'm popping off today

posted 2 weeks ago
#8 Timeguessr in Other Games

Congrats to todays TFTV Timeguessr Daily Champion Me!

posted 3 weeks ago
#5 Timeguessr in Other Games

Congrats to todays TFTV Timeguessr Daily Champion Henghast!

posted 3 weeks ago
#2 Timeguessr in Other Games

Wow that looks very cool! Feel free to add me also! my name is jimb0t

posted 3 weeks ago
#102 Sponsored prem player refuse to pay back lost item in TF2 General Discussion
superherotf2Lol what a cheap ass item idk who's sadder the guy crying about it or the guy who has to scam to get it

Give me $100 dollars or you're a fucking poor

posted 4 months ago
#9 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster

the zaza got him speaking esperanto

posted 6 months ago
#29 cp_subbase (5cp) in Map Discussion

So first off before I say anything I've played the map once in a rahpug so take this with a grain of salt.

Really enjoyed the general flow of the map, the points/connections are obviously very inspired by existing maps but that doesn't take away from them at all. Honestly I feel like the kinks will work themselves out as you work on the map but here we go anyways. I'm gonna try not to make suggestions on what changes to make, just things I've noticed about general areas I don't think are quite there yet.

I'll start off with the least nit-picky. The last has too much going on and it doesn't do any of it that well. It's like you can't decide if you want a small last where it's all about point play (low cap time and dropdown) or a large last where you can bait the cap and play slower (open cap point and the banana entrance). I feel like it's gonna be really hard to balance if you wanna keep all of the features on the last right now.

The second points cap area is very large and exposed, I don't know what benefit this has other than it's different. The lack of cover makes me think that you want people to spam the point to contest, cause jumping into someone on high ground with nothing to break sightlines is a death sentence. But then the area is huge so spam can be avoided while still playing the point. Just feels like there could be more to play around than there is currently, I don't think it would take a big change to totally flip how I feel about this point but atm it's not quite there.

Bit more nit picky now.

The scale of the map is just a little bit off, very hard to quantify. Things just feel a little too far away sometimes. Similarly, some doors feel too high, less of a gameplay problem more of an aesthetic thing. Can make the characters look like toys.

The flank between mid and last lobby is really nice, my only worry would be that it becomes too easy to get a player into lobby and then roamers have to play staring at a shutter door. I feel like the flank will just be much more interesting if you need to like rotate players into that room to help get someone behind, if it's easy then it's just gonna make 1 defending players life a misery. I don't know if it's too easy now, I just think it's gonna need to be refined as you go but you probably know this

Choke on 2nd is a little wonky, I understand it's technically quite open but it's just a bit off. It's longer than it is wide which makes it feel very awkward, like you're in a tall tunnel.

Most nit-picky thing would be that some of the jumps that are clearly required to manoeuvre the map are a bit uncomfortable. For example the pipes on last that you are meant to jump over to get into lobby can't be done without crouch jumping. Fair enough having jumps you're aware of that are intended to be done with a crouch jump but if it's a major way of getting though the map you should be able to do it with just a normal jump, even on heavy. This goes for the jump on mid too, can't be done without crouch jump on heavy but can be done with. Doesn't feel like you're actively stopping players from jumping onto the crates so may as well make the jump effortless. It will help with dialling in the scale of the map too.

Sorry for the nerd essay, hopefully this can be of some use. GL with the map.

posted about 2 years ago
#68 iron bomber fix when? in TF2 General Discussion
Starkiei did some rough testing about the size of the hitbox and the numbers i got was the iron bomber gives you a 3-4% wider hitbox in terms of angle from around medium range. honestly i think the real reason you hit more with the iron bomber is that its much harder to see the projectiles so theyre a lot harder to dodge

Sorry 3% is a real measurable difference and is actually the only reason scouts ever die to the iron bomber so it needs to be banned.

posted about 2 years ago
#34 iron bomber fix when? in TF2 General Discussion

People genuinely think this is the pipes fault.

I would love for someone to create a plugin that checks if an iron bomber pipe that hit would have hit if it had the stock hitbox. I'd imagine it's like 95% of shots would have hit just the same on stock, if not more. Even if I'm wrong and it gives a tangible benefit, at least the people who are complaining would have data to back themselves up with.

posted about 2 years ago
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