People bitched (and still bitch) about TF2 limiting FoV to 90...seems the competitive scene did just fine under that restriction.
That lylirra's guys rationale is completely reasonable...just as valve's rationale to limit FOV to 90 in TF2 was reasonable. It may not be what you prefer (it's not what I prefer), but it's silly to throw a fit over it and claim that it somehow impacts the competitive nature of the game when in reality it's actually beneficial for a more EVEN competitive environment across the player base. Obscure interp tweaks, bumping up your FOV and tweaking individual graphics settings to improve visibility are small things competitive players in TF2 do to create small advantages in their play. Yes, to the laymen even bumping up your FOV is an obscure thing. Sure it's fun to explore those and discover those...I generally look for those things in any new game, but it's FAR from a requirement for a competitive game. ...Just don't make FOV crushingly small to the point it causes nausea for people and I won't have a problem playing under the same FOV as everyone else.
CS:GO is locked down significantly compared to any previous iteration and seems to be doing just fine.