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Signed Up August 21, 2012
Last Posted December 25, 2016 at 2:12 AM
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#24 fatal1ty plays tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah they didn't know what they were doing, but to be fair nobody really did at that time. The optimal way to play TF2 was pretty much foreign to everyone, some just picked it up a lot quicker than others.

Zet was definitely on the team as I remember him sniping against us, I believe they were all in dallas for a cs thing at the time.

For perspective we played DUSTBOWL...sniping through the starting gates was a thing, random crits flowed like wine, it was a weird time man!

posted about 10 years ago
#16 fatal1ty plays tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

People probably don't remember this but he briefly gave TF2 a go back when it first came out.

We beat his team in the original CEVO tourney way back in the day...was that like 2007?? Geez I'm getting old. It was basically him + Rambo and other complexity cs guys (I think..I have no clue about the cs scene...guys like Zet?). Kinda fun, I think they quit after that.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Titanfall is $36 for 48 hours in Other Games
blinKit sucks that they released the game really unpolished especially in terms of organized competition. the game has a lot of potential in that regard. i guess being the first game of what will inevitably become a series of games they just wanted to establish a core group of fanboys.

our tf2 hard point players would wreck any other team in that game without question.

Yeah the gameplay is awesome, most fun I've had in CTF in a long time, but the surrounding, they really dropped the ball. The horrible 'matchmaking' alone has probably driven away half of the original player base, if not more from all of the bad experiences. The lack of other basic features you'd expect in a multiplayer fps game doesn't help, though they are slowly addressing that it's really going to be too little too late to build a healthy player base. A shame that the dev team doesn't even seem to realize it either...

posted about 10 years ago
#44 nba playoffs in Off Topic

god that was so freaking crazy. From despair to absolute pandemonium. I wasn't even thinking of going to the game until the day of when a co-worker asked me. Took my wife to her first game this season and it turned out to be the best game I've ever been to...I think I got her hooked now.

Can't believe Lillard got so much space on the last play...that vine clip is awesome.

what it felt like from the crowd's point of view:

happy for these guys:

posted about 10 years ago
#25 nba playoffs in Off Topic

just got tickets to the blazers game tonight...hope they close it out!

posted about 10 years ago
#34 Cheapest stream/gaming build in NY area. in Hardware

Did you already make your purchases? If not just a few notes: refreshed version of the haswell unlocked (K) sku's hits June 2nd, non K sku's hits may 11th. You may see some small price drops/discounts in the next month or so on the CPU you have listed and on motherboards since they are coming out with a refreshed chipset. (I've noticed has started having more deals on z87 motherboards as retailers will want to clear out some stock)

Also the i7-4790k is going to have a 4.0ghz stock frequency, so the i5-4690k might see something similar. (about a 14% increase)

posted about 10 years ago
#68 Titanfall in Other Games

Deal today on amazon (today only):

37 bucks

posted about 10 years ago
#66 Titanfall in Other Games

ph1sh55 is my origin name, my window for playing is usually around 9-11 pm pst if you want to add.

Matchmaking is so bad when playing solo!

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Cheapest PC build for TF2? in Hardware

An R270 is massive massive overkill for TF2. TF2 is very CPU dependent, not GPU dependent, so I would try to put more into CPU than a video card. I'm pretty sure it's possible to even use integrated GPU and hit those FPS if it's a good CPU and you're using low dx8 settings. Are you near a microcenter?

At such a low budget the cost of an OS kills the benefit of building yourself to get around 300 a second hand system may be something to look for.

posted about 10 years ago
#33 Titanfall in Other Games
prestigei support team balancing. iirc from playing cod4 in high school, its a lot of fun to play on the same team with a group that shouldnt be split so idk.

There's plenty of ways to implement team balancing without breaking up your friend group (see dota2, cs:go, etc).

posted about 10 years ago
#29 Titanfall in Other Games

first impressions from the game itself- I have the minimum requirement CPU (e6600) but it runs pretty darn good with everything on low. I was expecting a slide show. Granted it visually looks terrible on low (TF2 looks better!) but I can probably bump up a few graphics options and it would still play okay with a 7850 GPU.

Gameplay I like the movement and I think most TF2 players will like the pace, but the general combat feels kind of sloppy. If you've ever played cnc renegade the gameplay kind of feels like that. Enemy player movement doesn't seem very clean and crisp if you're tracking them- it's sometimes not clear if you even hit/killed a guy. Enemy pilot's jumping around don't seem to animate smoothly even when I'm getting good fps, it's like the tickrate is too high and their interpolation is too low at times. I'm kind of surprised it's source engine given source games usually have a pretty good feel to combat.

Biggest issue is that they really need some kind of team balancing or is very easy to get really imbalanced teams which persist over multiple rounds.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Titanfall in Other Games

40 bucks here:

posted about 10 years ago
#10 ozfortress TFC season 3 Grand Finals in Other Games

TFC pickups still happen regularly in the US. Every evening on either #tfc.invite or #inhouse (inhouse is a lot more active but is 'restricted', but assuming you aren't a complete douche or cheater it's pretty easy to be invited). On the weekends during the afternoon there's generally more pickups on the uk as players from US and EU both play @ #tfc.pickup on quakenet.

I've been playing pretty regularly during the evening recently, there's just something about the variety and pace that I've yet to find in another game.

posted about 10 years ago
#45 Raiin surf_lt_omnific World Record in Other Games

Probably referring to ramp sliding which maybe some people refer to as skimming. Sharking + ramp sliding is so much fun, too bad the threshold is so high in TF2.

posted about 10 years ago
#49 if you order a $10 pizza how much would you tip in Off Topic

Some service people get a sense of entitlement on getting a tip even if they do an outright shitty job, don't be one of those people. I've only zeroed a few service folks in like 10 years, but they 'earned' it.

posted about 10 years ago
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