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#229 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion
nightwatchCongrats on preseason!

I wouldn't put my finger on it just yet!! Although I sure hope so~

In the meantime, enjoy these WIP shots of the new features of rc1 -

And along with that, rc1 will have an enormous clipping pass, large optimization fixes, and many other things that will hopefully make the map play as good as it can. Looking to release this sometime Monday or Tuesday, depending on schedule at the timeeee

posted about 10 years ago
#81 ESEA Map Vote in TF2 General Discussion



well that does it then i'm gunna put all my effort and love into making this map the best it can be

and regardless of how many people "have" played the map I think people should take the time to actually play it now that it's "in" esea (hopefully?)

rc1 out in the next few days then. so I can have a good version being played that fixes most of the main complaints people have had~

I'm excited. People should play this map *now* and give me feedback on b2 so I can fix stuff before rc1 comes out for ESEA.

posted about 10 years ago
#226 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

look, changes! those are hammer screenshots but still - rc1 is coming.

posted about 10 years ago
#75 ESEA Map Vote in TF2 General Discussion

Well I guess that seals that deal. Regardless of the outcome I'm gunna be releasing cp_sunshine_rc1 in the next few days, then. ETA is hopefully around Wednesday but I can't guarantee it.

posted about 10 years ago
#68 ESEA Map Vote in TF2 General Discussion

has a yukon_pro ever been made?

it feels like the map might be able to work really well if it was given some slight changes. might that be a neat idea? I might be able to bang a cp_yukon_pro out over the next week or so if there's enough interest in it... and if people tell me what they think the main issues with the map are I could try and fix all those, if you think that might be a worthwhile use of time and something you guys would like maybe! just something to consider I guess! (And if a yukon_pro has been made, well, I haven't heard of one but it might be a good consideration)

posted about 10 years ago
#223 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

I guess with all the feedback I've got from that cup and other various tests I'll probably put a b3 out sometime soon so people can have fun and test it and all that jazz. this girl's gradually getting her life under control so I should have at least a little more time to map now!

If there's any feedback that wasn't said here, feel free to post~ I'll be looking over every little bit that's been given to me and hopefully making a b3 (or rc1!!) that's possibly worthy of being considered by etf2l/esea etc. so yeah that'll be cool.

I will now go through the bits of feedback previously posted and provide small little comments or something

ExquisiteStonePlease realise that idea of the entrance! And connect it to the entrance here at 00:11 So roamer can have a more smooth rollout! Tho the demo one Will need a slight adjustment, it should be equally fast! And please consider a medium Health package on mid for demo rollouts like on process and granary.

Yeah that path should be in b3 I hope! Should I take out the entrance that will be below it? Would that be a good idea or should I leave that path in? I may or may not change around healthkits a little but probably not that much.

JackyLegsSome stuff I wanted to point out about the map after the cup we had:
    The announcer never said anything during the match, not when the point was capped or time was added, which was a bit odd
    Two of my teamates had a strange bug with the map having to not see the rocks in the middle point, weird 'purple' textures, and some ERROR textures (I don't know if it's the map, or just a server bug, but still it was there)
    One side note I wanted to add is that trying to kill the med/force him at last is really horrific, getting to him is trying to dodge 2 stickies + rockets that you're shot at once you go from either bottom routes, so adding a top route like droidster suggested would be a real delight.
Overall the map was super fun, not as many bugs as we excpected.
Keep this map going and updated, I want to see it next season :D

The announcer is super silly and I gotta go fix her because yeah she never says anything! That shouldn't be too hard of a fix though...
The strange bug sometimes happens to random people who download the map and I guess it's an inherent issue with custom textures. Sometimes they won't render for certain people and that kinda makes me a little frustrated... but at least those rocks won't be there in the next version.
The top route will be added, yea! It'll be nice, hopefully, and not *too* powerful.

LuneRemove fence behind choke that connects to market pls

Er, I'm not sure which fence you're referring to... I'll probably need a pic for it but as the map is now a lot of the fences can't really be removed without massive revisions so we'll see

Post feeeeedback below, comments, anything I guess :3
also I'm making a new conceptual map/gamemode and it's coming out soon
b3/rc1 coming shortly~

posted about 10 years ago
#216 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

Eep! That's a lot of very good feedback droidy! I hadn't actually thought of making an entrance like that into last but it actually seems like a *very* interesting idea... I might incorporate something like that into b3.

Also yeah, those rocks are gunna disapeeeeaaar for b3 too. I'll fix up flank and last lobby and hopefully a week or two after the cup I might get a really solid b3 out, depending on if I get some more really good quality feedback like yours! Thanks a ton <3

sphereHey Phi, please don't give up on this map, it shows great promise. Listen to droidster above.

Naw, don't worry, there was a point mid-December to early-January where I stopped working on maps altogether because of identity issues, but ever since I started working everything out with myself it's been getting a lot better and I'm gaining back the drive to make maps. I don't think I'll be able to release a new version of the map before tomorrow but hopefully it'll only be a week or two before I can actually release b3! Good stuff. It'll be fun~

- Jaycie (phi)

posted about 10 years ago
#212 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

hi all. map creator here. just logged in today to check on how everything's been going and just caught wind of this cup. holy moly! didn't think that would happen, but hey, it did, so a massive thanks to everyone who actually set this up.

unfortunately there is no possible way i'll be able to get a b3 out before it starts. i don't have very much time for mapping anymore and even if i did, i haven't made any changes since b2 in my files. i might pass the project along to someone else if people really want to see a b3 quickly. i don't know.

if there are any teeny tiny issues that need fixing, i can probably get something like a b2a out soon if you tell me exactly what the issues are and where. i haven't opened the sdk in more than a month so i don't entirely remember if there are problems in the b2 or not, haha.

anyway, i hope that this all goes well! i don't know if i'll be around to watch the matches but i'll try my best. i've got to meet up with my psychologist multiple times next week and one of the meetings is planned for wednesday so i can't guarantee anything. i'll try to watch any vods that are put up after the fact, though!

thanks. i'm going through a lot right now but this certainly is something nice to see just out of the blue. don't be afraid to post stuff in this thread! i can't guarantee when or even if i'll be able to work on it again but it doesn't hurt to have it all documented in case someone else ends up finishing this up.

Jaycie (phi)

posted about 10 years ago
#50 cp_derecho (5CP) in Map Discussion

1. has this map actually been tested the last few weeks? feels like it, otherwise there wouldn't have been these two posts. if so, where? what was the consensus of any such tests? thanks.

2. yeah, most if not all of those things i have written down in a little notepad file on my computer saved to the same folder as the map. i've been planning to update it sometime but the map never really went anywhere and i didn't feel that people liked it so i stopped. is it worth taking the time updating the map? will people play it at all? i hope so!

- - -

3. i really hate hate HATE bringing my personal life into all this but i've been going through shit (mental+psychological problems) the past month and even if i wanted to update this (or sunshine or edifice etc etc) i don't have nearly enough willpower or time. i don't have any estimate to when i'll get back to mapping. january? february? i don't know. i might quit mapping completely and just give these projects to someone else because i haven't opened the sdk in weeks and i don't have the hours anymore to sink into these things. my mind's kinda lost on other things and i have lots lots more to worry about so idk man.

i don't want to bring everybody's mood down but hey that's what it's come to. if you guys are still interested in this map, or sunshine for that matter, please do something with them that might get good feedback when/if i start mapping again. i don't know how the leagues do it nowadays but if one of these things made it into one of their rotations that would be cool, + maybe give me some incentive to come back and work on it some more. that feels like a pipe dream but maybe it's possible.

i mean hey, as long as there is another mapper willing to help make these i'll gladly give you the .vmfs and project files so you can update them if i can't. idk where i'll be going but hey someone's going to take back control of these projects eventually. just might not be me.

Jaycie (phi)

posted about 10 years ago
#25 new years resolutions in Off Topic

manage my time better
finish a map
see a psychologist

not really 'resolutions' as much as general things i'm gunna end up doing at one point or another but i guess i'll put them as such since it's the new year

posted about 10 years ago
#207 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

thanks, hopefully can get it updated to b3 in a week or two :3

upcoming features for b3 (so that I don't forget things that are in my mind):

- making valley closer to the other two routes into mid
- making valley more chokey
- possibly taking out the sewer and replacing it with a different kind of route
- reworking brushwork in ares to maybe make certain rollouts more possible
- removing rocks on mid and replacing them with something else
- possibly clipping those rooves on mid
- doing something with the general flow of mid-second to make it a little more able to be held
- trying to solidify certain holding spots

if you guys have any other suggestions/feedback from previous tests (new map pugs too) that i forgot then please post it so i can add it to this list

thanks ♥

posted about 10 years ago
#203 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion


i haven't received any feedback/testing on this at all since i released it other than the detailing feedback i received graciously from the cute guys over at


what i'm trying to say is that the map needs comp testing even if it's in the form of pugs or silly little unorganized 6v6 matches
any and all testing is good so i'm sending out my loudest deer bleat to all of the testers+players out there to maybe think of giving this map a run one of your weekends/free moments instead of playing badlands again??? (at least consider it? maybe for a second? too much to ask? BAH)

you know what we should do for all these custom maps? some sort of teensy-tiny tourney thing. i'd be willing to help organize something like that (aka take a major part in setting up everything) but i'm not completely sure how viable that is nor how complicated the logistics of such an act is so yeah

anyways, if you could report any and all testing back to any one of this maps' three threads (tftv, tf2m, etf2l) that would be cool. demos or whatnot are awesome too, but even words are *extremely* helpful.

i wanna get b3 done and out soon, but i only got a few weeks to do it before things get crazy busy. so yeah, i'll need your help.

and thanks, everyone, for helping+testing+feedbacking since a1, i'm glad at least one of my maps has a bright future all the people who've helped test the map: you're super cute

posted about 11 years ago
#8 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion
hookycp_stagg sounds like a phi map



sunshine might be my last map for quite some time due to life getting really hectic but if i were to make another 5CP yes let's call it something like that

relating to the map i think the "cave" area looks a little silly+tight, also mid looks a little flat i recommend playing around with displacements a bit (i say that a lot but i mean it; i mean just take a look at badlands' mid WHOA)

also the real cp_stag doesn't have any deer in it what is this blasphemy

posted about 11 years ago
#55 cp_intermodal (5CP) in Map Discussion

I'm liking that new route into second. The stairs look a little blocky but everything else looks pretty good!

posted about 11 years ago
#202 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

cp_sunshine_b2 released

download (dropbox):


not too many major changes, but I wanted to fool around and try a few completely different things as soon as possible
not all of the issues brought up have been fixed, but lots of clipping ones have and there is a lot of major streamlining changes! hopefully it'll play a lot smoother now, and less cluttered too.


posted about 11 years ago
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