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Signed Up September 4, 2014
Last Posted July 12, 2017 at 12:17 PM
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#221 in Projects

Get hyped for tomorrow!

Retweet if you want to spread the word:
i saw a lil chubby duck in there

posted about 9 years ago
#20 EXPOSED in TF2 General Discussion

This is lame tbh. The whole point of was it was an organisation shrouded in mystery and designed to allow people to vent whatever without having to be called out for it. For the person who started it to be exposed like this kinda ruins the thing that was fun about at least for me. To be honest if I'd known this thread was actually revealing who it actually was behind the account I wouldn't have read it. Oh well, thanks WAR, was fun while it lasted huh

posted about 9 years ago
#53 The Spire - new TF2 news/coverage website in Projects
PhunkIncluding stats for match write-ups would be nice

I'm looking into perhaps developing something similar to the automatic log parser that Fraac used to use to make those scrims spreadsheets for the week he posted on ETF2L. Something like that + a SQL server would allow me to compile stats and even graphs of player's DPM, HPM, KA/D, K/D as moving averages over the course of the season. We could use said graphs to compare various players of various classes or perhaps do a team by team comparison.

Unfortunately while I'm capable of doing the maths and data analysis I need to find someone else to do the coding because I know nothing about programming. I've had a few people express an interest in helping me but nothing concrete so far. Fraac's program unfortunately has long since been lost to cyberspace :(

posted about 9 years ago
#46 The Spire - new TF2 news/coverage website in Projects
SleshGreat article ! Just a thing i noticed, salty frogs were playing in prem as E-SHOCK, not evokate if i remember correctly

Woops, terribly sorry about that you are correct. I have edited the article, thanks for pointing it out :)

posted about 9 years ago
#44 The Spire - new TF2 news/coverage website in Projects

ETF2L High 6s first round of playoffs preview

With all the focus and attention on premiership playoffs and dd5f's rapid rise in the playoffs, don't you ever wonder what future stars of the prem playoffs are getting up to in high? I lay out the first round games and the facts surrounding them from our view at the top of the spire

Alternatively if you want a look at a higher level of DM-based destruction, may I suggest this rather exquisite piece by my pal from across the pond, snivy as he looks ahead to the ESEA invite fixtures for week 7

posted about 9 years ago
#22 The Spire - new TF2 news/coverage website in Projects
RafffHigh Coverage ! Kreygasm
Chill_Colins"Can BackGet Foolery bake themselves a sweet victory or will they be unable to take the heat of the kitchen? Slaving away in the Boulangerie are:"
Now that right there is some A+ writing.

Can we change our teamname plz ?

Your team name just reminded me of this so thanks for that :D

posted about 9 years ago
#17 The Spire - new TF2 news/coverage website in Projects

Really hyped to be involved in this! Always wanted to see more coverage of high/IM and AU.

By the way, please let me know what you think of the ETF2L 6s article, I would really like to improve the quality of my writing :)

Next week, myself and a few familiar faces will be bringing you a much more in-depth article on the ETF2L high playoffs so I hope you like it.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 TF2 update for 3/1/16 (3/2/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
Valve- Fixed new Crusaders Crossbow sounds not working on the Festive Crusader's Crossbow

Am I the only one who hates the new crossbow sound?. Unlikely but I hope they either revert the change or allow me to change the sound to something else.

Good fixes otherwise though and quick too!

posted about 9 years ago
#156 hype for this week in TF2 General Discussion

I'm with 4hp on this one. I mean I'm delighted that they're doing this and when it was first announced I was incandescent but even the majority of open players will probably be better than the majority of people in these matchmaking games. What I'm really hyped for is the increased attention and intake of players that matchmaking will bring. What will save the competitive scene is being able to sell our format to the wider player base so that we can replace players faster than they can leave. We can just about do that right now but as the game gets older and more people towards the top get bored it'll become harder.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Scores.TF - Launch and Tourney in Projects
puoi1omniSomeone do what I did with and buy the domains before anything useful can be done with them.
omni whats that music?


posted about 9 years ago
#1054 rayshud in Customization
rays ...In other news, fixed tournament ready-up panel and new main menu should be out (hopefully) within 48 hours.

Thank you so much for your continuing support rays.

posted about 9 years ago
#134 PugChamp in Projects
tscSo far, we've secured enough game servers to start off in NA, but we're looking for some in EU so that we can roll out the service there as well.

Have you spoken to Arie? On's FAQ is the following:

Q: I want to use in one of my own projects, is there an API?

A: Yep! You can read how to use it here. Contact me for an API key, or get premium and look in your settings.

The amount of servers in NA is comparatively low but if you're looking for a (potentially) free way of getting access to a heck of a lot more EU servers then this could be it. It depends on how popular you become but I should imagine that 1 or 2 servers could be free at any given time which may be enough for you to roll this out into EU.

Good luck with the project, it's looking good so far :)

posted about 9 years ago
#162 Spec Tools in Projects

Thanks for all the hard work you put into this plugin Jon. Sad to see it go, how come it's no longer redeemable?

posted about 9 years ago
#4 A demo storage website? in TF2 General Discussion

For more recent stuff we have which I wish more people used. Other than that really it's whatever is uploaded to ETF2L which is kinda patchy at best although it's getting a lot better.

posted about 9 years ago
#68 On The Point - Interview Series in TF2 General Discussion

I enjoyed the interview with Zebbosai, especially the part about where he started out in TF2. Good job! As for suggestions on who to interview next, how about Mirelin?

posted about 9 years ago
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