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Signed Up September 4, 2014
Last Posted July 12, 2017 at 12:17 PM
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#45 tf2c bans guy for a year for mentioning tf2stadium in TF2 General Discussion

Like all admins should, I’m going to reserve judgement on this particular case until we’ve heard both sides of it. I’m very interested in seeing the response from TF2C’s admin.

With regards to the banning of the phrase or any such variation, it’s their site so it’s really ultimately up to them what their policies are. However other posts (mainly Digresser’s) have alluded to the Streisand Effect where the attempt to suppress certain information leads to its spread, an effect which is demonstrated very clearly by this thread. So it’s really not in TF2Center’s interests to do this.

On the other hand people shouldn’t use our name to antagonise the TF2Center admins. Our purpose was never to be used as a way to taunt TF2Center staff and I would recommend that if you don’t like the rules of a site then you either politely and calmly campaign for reform of said rules or failing that you should “vote with your feet” as the British would say and boycott said site.

To make it abundantly clear, while we appreciate the excitement and anticipation many people have for our project, please avoid spamming or pestering other websites about it, especially ones that fill a similar niche to our own. Thanks in advance.

posted about 9 years ago
#141 in Projects

Well that was really fun, thanks to everyone who played and of course everyone who has done work on the site so far :)

What time today? I can't wait =3

Sorry Lias it just finished :( We're planning something next sunday perhaps Kevin will stream that too.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Dreamhack TF2 rumors in TF2 General Discussion
funhaver1998i heard something about this on someone's stream awhile ago (i don't know who's stream so i don't have any proof) but what it sounded like they were talking about was that they were just going to dreamhack to make their own tournament so it isn't an official dreamhack event. i'm probably wrong, but it's still cool regardless to have another lan.

If this is the case then it could still grab the attention of dreamhack anyway. Definitely a good thing imo. Perhaps we should try and get it casted too and/or do something else to generate hype around the event.

posted about 9 years ago
#25 TF2 update for 10/15/15 (10/16/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

I wonder what kind of system they will use to rank people. As the work with TF2playerrankings has shown in the past, it's really not easy at all to ascertain how well say a pyro or engineer is doing so I reckon they'll just stick with a straight win/loss ELO system but that could make it really difficult to progress on anything that doesn't have a lot of fragging power or an impact on the game e.g. medic, pyro, engineer (on anything but payload) etc.

posted about 9 years ago
#20 Why does aiming require so much warmup? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm not 100% sure but my personal guess would be that something like juggling would become a very repetitive motion. If you get used to throwing the balls at a certain speed then you could easily juggle from just muscle memory. With aiming in games it's not as easy because even though you're making the same movements over and over again you'll be aiming at different parts of the screen all the time and it's a much more complex process than just say throwing/catching a ball because there's some thought going into where to aim etc.

posted about 9 years ago
#91 strategy tool in Projects


posted about 9 years ago
#90 strategy tool in Projects

Hello, apologies I haven't done much I've been busy starting back at university. Granted edit access to beep for the google doc and updated the status of all the maps. If I get some time I'll see if I can finish off the last few which are:


Many thanks to those who have been helping me + Jon.

KanecoHey guys is it cool if we use these for map pages as well?

I've only done a few (steel + lakeside) but sure I don't see why not.

posted about 9 years ago
#76 strategy tool in Projects
GentlemanJonThat's really nice work on Upward, I'll definitely be using those. Rem is organising his screen-shotting activities, if you want to do some more he could probably use the help (assuming he hasn't done them all already). We'll have to coordinate the work, Rem is a born coordinator.

Well I hate to disappoint. Researched the map list for the last UGC (S16) + ETF2L (S8) seasons and made the following list (older versions of maps have been updated by me where I know about them). Also added in the latest season of UGC too (S17) and whatever other maps I thought of:

ETF2L S8 Highlander:

UGC S16 Highlander:

UGC S17 Highlander:

Miscellaneous maps:

If anyone notices a map missing that they would like to see on or an outdated version of a map listed above then please let us know.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 TeaF2 - A Project For Rookie British Players in Projects

I really like this idea of having little sub open cups to give people a start in comp.

The one thing I would say is the open division is a huge range of skills (at least it is in ETF2L), you've got players who are literally fresh out of pubs and have no idea what's even happening all the way up to high div 5 teams, some of them with higher tier carries and people who are HL players messing around.

So yes you can play in open, but it's not the best way of learning the format unless you're ok with losing and I suspect most new players wouldn't be.

I dunno if I'm a fan of limiting it to British players thought but I don't know how active Hampshire heavies are but they used to be one of the largest UK based pub server networks, you should start looking for players there imo.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Goodbye in Off Topic

I was kinda late to the TF2 competitive scene so I haven't had much contact with cherry but he certainly has done a lot for the community and has a huge amount of respect from me and from a significant majority of the community. It's a shame that whatever happened to make him decide to leave has deprived us of someone who is so committed to our scene. The fact is we need people like Cherry to survive, hopefully later down the line when things have cooled down cherry might stop by for a casual visit.

Good luck to you bud.

posted about 9 years ago
#66 strategy tool in Projects
HildrethA point:
- Overview of whole point from afar, include blu spawn, cliff and point.
- Closer shot of A point + route to E (with flank open)
- Route to window room overlooking E

- I believe Gentlemanjon added this to the list:
- From which angle? I suggest perhaps facing the flank itself on the other side of the point from A-B connector. Would that be ok?
- The staircase? Do you think that most teams are gonna bother labeling such a small area that only the sniper goes to?

HildrethB Point:
- Overview of B point.
- View down spawn corridor
- View down route to C from B
- View to spawn
- Route to C from B corridor

- The shot I did above truck ( is the best shot you can take without removing the skybox but I can do that
- There's a screenshot of spawn corridor leading out to BLU (
- There's a screenshot of that (
- I don't know which spawn you mean, I've taken pictures of the inside of the wood stairwell to B spawn if that's the spawn you mean.
- Wishbone? There's a screenshot of that (, alternative viewpoint (

HildrethC point:
- Overview
- Cliffside from B
- Healthpack room/basement leading to E
- Spawn
- Corridor to D

- I don't know what you mean, are you talking about the part of cliff on the C point side?
- Oh yes, forgot that one

HildrethD point:
- Overview
- D lobby

- or ok?

- What do you mean by this? The area with the healthpack (D-E connector) or the other place with the larger health pack in the A-D-E corridor.

HildrethE point:
- Overview
- Upper balcony + routes to Red spawn near D.

- Unfortunately because of the rocket above the E point you can't get a clear overview of the point and because there are lots of covered areas you wouldn't be able to see some important parts of the point anyway. The best we've managed so far is using SFM to change the FoV to more than 90. Here's some screenshots at 105 which is the highest it goes before everything looks stretched ( +
- Don't know what you mean.

Thanks for the feedback by the way :)

posted about 9 years ago
#25 Challengers Cup hosted by in News

This is awesome stuff.

posted about 9 years ago
#53 strategy tool in Projects

Here's lakeside:

posted about 9 years ago
#52 strategy tool in Projects
cirloREM_TF2Oh by the way, here's a really handy config you can execute really quickly if you wanna take decent screenshots:

sv_cheats 1
cl_drawhud 0
r_drawviewmodel 0
net_graph 0
fog_enable 0
r_portalsopenall 1
r_lod 0
mat_picmip -1
r_skybox 0
fog_override 1
mp_tournament 1
can't you go under picmip -1 with cheats active?

Yes my mistake, I misread the source that I got it from. The minimum is -10 not -1. Apologies, I'll edit the original.

Woops nevermind looks like I was right the first time:

As of the June 10, 2010 Patch, mat_picmip is locked between -1 and 4, corresponding to the settings which have always been available in the game's menu under the "Texture detail" dropdown. This was done to address "significant performance and instability issues" for some users.

Edited the original back to -1

posted about 9 years ago
#49 strategy tool in Projects

Oh by the way, here's a really handy config you can execute really quickly if you wanna take decent screenshots:


sv_cheats 1
cl_drawhud 0
r_drawviewmodel 0
net_graph 0
fog_enable 0
r_portalsopenall 1
r_lod 0
mat_picmip -1
r_skybox 0
fog_override 1
mp_tournament 1
posted about 9 years ago
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