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Last Posted July 12, 2017 at 12:17 PM
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#172 TFTrue in Projects

Hey, I recently posted about a bug in the medic stats plugin thread but apparently it's related to TFTrue,

Here's the post and the reply I recieved:

posted about 9 years ago
#80 MedicStats SourceMod plugin in Projects
F2REM_TF2Hey this is a really minor thing but I noticed that since I use a non-stock medigun (i.e. festive <insert skin here> medigun) all of the ubercharges on that gun show up as "unknown."
Notice in the top of the example log it says "Uploaded by TF2Pickup (TFTrue v4.75)"
It is a bug with TFTrue.. you should post the bug report in their thread. :)

My apologies, I shall post this in the TFTrue thread. Thanks!

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Newbie Euro 6v6 Team LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)

European teams should post here: since the recruitment on here is mostly for the american ESEA. Unfortunately the signups for this season closed a day ago but there's always next season. Good luck finding players and remember to apply for open if you're new to comp.

posted about 9 years ago
#75 MedicStats SourceMod plugin in Projects

Hey this is a really minor thing but I noticed that since I use a non-stock medigun (i.e. festive <insert skin here> medigun) all of the ubercharges on that gun show up as "unknown." I know nothing about these kinds of things but my guess would be the server records a different name for the gun in these ubers so the plugin can't identify it as an uber. Are there any plans to fix this? Example here:

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Insomnia58: Big things are going to be annunced... in TF2 General Discussion

Holy shit, can we get the aussies to come too? EU, NA, SA, Asia and AU/NZ would be a site to behold

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Fulltilt fold?? Spudd and kos left in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#122 Known scammer alt opening a gambling site. in TF2 General Discussion

To be honest, if I had this guy's IP address I would be turning him over to the authorities in the US because he deserves to be prosecuted.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Staff Recruitment in TF2 General Discussion

I would love to get into casting but I dunno if I have enough knowledge about the game. I was a casting admin for when we were actively streaming and I did some practice casts which had good feedback but never felt ready to do it live.

Alternatively I could do some writing. I follow news on and etf2l as well as forum posts pretty much everyday and I've written statements and internal documentation for TF2stadium as well as other orgs outside of TF2.

Anyway I've rambled on enough I'll add you on steam when my computer's USB ports stop exploding.

posted about 9 years ago
#38 Interested in a team based scrimming website? in Projects
DataThe title of the post remains "Interested in a team based scrimming website?"
If people simply don't want it/see it being useful, I'll spend my time contributing to other projects.

I think people do want this but there are some concerns that I will summarise here:

1) Your track record on site development but as has been said before this all happened a reasonably long time ago and I'm a strong believer in second chances.
2) The sheer amount of time/effort and expertise something like this takes. It would be a difficult task for anyone to undertake I don't think these concerns are particularly a comment on you and your abilities personally.
3) Site promotion and unique selling points. Many many sites have tried this and failed - not because its a bad idea but because they didn't promote their site enough or the site lacked certain desirable features. I think your idea for more of a matchmaking system rather than a planning system is a good one but it may require a lot of work. I know having been involved (albeit not from a code point of view) with TF2Stadium that something like this is not easy to code especially on your own.

Having said all this, I wish you the best of luck in the development of your site. As has been mentioned previously, TF2Stadium are looking into branching into this in the future but our ultimate focus is on getting a functioning lobby site up and running as that is our primary purpose. Therefore I wouldn't want this to dissuade others from starting their own projects. I have sadly decided to move away from competitive TF2 and TF2Stadium for the moment due to some personal problems however I will continue to follow the community because I really like it. Why? Probably because even now when some are proclaiming the game "dead" there are all kinds of new & interesting ideas and projects popping up, with people investing their time and energy (and often money) into something, just because it would benefit the community. I think that truly is wonderful and something very unique and special about this community in particular.

I would encourage everyone to give this guy another chance. If he fails, we haven't lost much but if he succeeds then it could be a very positive force for the community. I think underneath it all this guy actually does want to help the community even if he hasn't done the best job so far. We desperately need people like him and those who work on other projects to move towards websites and move away from the dated IRC clients, it is nearly 2016 after all.

Best of luck to all of those who are willing to help the TF2 community.

posted about 9 years ago
#1004 rayshud in Customization

Hey, could you update the installer with the bug fixes? I find it a nice and easy way to customise the HUD and at the moment I'm having to use someone else's HUD with my client.res file but it's still missing/different in quite a few ways :(

posted about 9 years ago
#82 "Masters of Classes" powered by TF2Stadium in Projects
Dark7Damn, I wanna sign up in at least 6 classes. One question is tf2stadium or someone( going to upload the classes on youtube or something like that?

Don't quote me on this because I'm not directly involved with this but I think the plan is to record everything and create edited content most likely in the format of a youtube vod. Some of them may also be streamed but this is down to the person running the class and isn't a given.

posted about 9 years ago
#996 rayshud in Customization

Oh another minor bug. Can you fix the individual ready up bar? I dunno what's the proper name for it is but it's the in-game system that's like MvM but you can now use it for mp_tournament 1 and at the moment it's broken because it only displays 5-6 of the people so no one can see who's readied up.

posted about 9 years ago
#994 rayshud in Customization

Hey so there are a few glitches and bugs I've got for you. Some have been around for a few months and some are from the latest update. So...

Missing Scoreboard Glitch:
This has been happening since the latest update, mostly in competitive games but also sometimes in pub games too. It's weird because it's very inconsistent and I haven't pinned down exactly what causes it. Putting hud_reloadscheme into console does not work and rebooting the game does not work.

Missing Merasmissions:
Also since the latest update, the contract drawer always shows up as empty despite the fact I have 2 contracts, 1 completed and 1 pending.

Scrunched up scoreboard:
This has been happening for a while, it's not related to the new icons either it was happening before and after the gunmettle update as well as during invasion and scream fortress. Monitor resolution is 1920x1080.

Also if I could make a minor suggestion, Mirelin was showing me his hud and one of the features I liked which is lacking on rayshud is a big indicator that shows on the screen when someone calls for medic. There's already a white arrow but it's too small and thin and it's easily missed. Here's an example of what I mean.

Keep up the good work with your HUD :)

posted about 9 years ago
#54 tf2c bans guy for a year for mentioning tf2stadium in TF2 General Discussion

nevermind I misread something

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Is it okay if I turn my sound off? in TF2 General Discussion

I can't think of a logical reason why that would be the case but you could in theory play with subtitles, the issue is subtitles don't indicate the direction from which the sound is coming from which is pretty important because knowing where your enemy is located is half the battle when coordinating a push or setting up a defense.

Edit: I got beaten to it :(

posted about 9 years ago
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