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Signed Up December 21, 2020
Last Posted May 29, 2024 at 9:12 PM
Posts 458 (0.4 per day)
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#41 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

Sept 26
Wsg tftv I am sale and this is what happened today. woke up around 12:20 had a yoo-hoo and went to environmental science, today we used like the heat Lazer guns to show how color effects heat and took a short quiz which I did good on, post that I speedunned a burger, grilled cheese, fries, and 3 apples at the cafeteria, I was starving today and that was helpful. after that I let it set in my stomach while I did math hw then when climbing. I had a long sesh today probably about 2 hours the worker who I'm boys with was there so even though I went without anyone still had some one to chit chat with.
unfortunately though when I was tying my shoes to leave I pulled to hard and ripped off my pinky callous. Im I was supposed to be going tmrw morning but idk if that will still happen. I fell asleep watching the new adventure time series so I did go to my class at 7 which is a bit weird but it was enjoyable. after the nap I got on my PC to mge loafe and pug. I had a top 5 pug all time tonight which is awesome and I love huey

posted 8 months ago
#40 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

hi tftv much more eventful day today, I woke up around 12:00 and went to English which was actually quite interesting we just talked about peer review but I started to read some of my friends papers and they were alot better than mine which is kinda sad but at the same time expected because I feel like I'm not a very strong writer. In math I had no clue what I'm doing and felt very lost. after class I got some food and then I picked up the homie from his adoptive friends house. we played pool and then went for a walk around, I never realized how pretty the city is. We walked by the river and listened to music which was very relaxing and fun I haven't really hung out with him in like a month which is quite long so it was nice to catch up. After that I went home made us PB&Js because that's like all I eat rn and watched erboh. also watched Zack Fox music videos. I took him home so I could do my math homework, After that I went for a walk because I wanted to climb a tree because I realized I hadn't done that since I was a kid and would climb my Japanese maple tree. I did the climb and did pull ups on the whole foods cart return which was quite fun. after that I came to where I am right now, the lounge I have successfully made the light turn off because I haven't moved in 15 minutes. I am probably going to go shower and go off to bed sleep well tftvers and I'll see ya tomorrow;;

posted 8 months ago
#39 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

sept 24
HI tftv I had another boring day comprised of watching football with my suitemate and eating breakfast. I woke up around 11 and went to get food with my friend. Its parents weekend so I hung out with him and his parents because we are in fact boys like that, after that I watched the Chiefs game which was a blowout so I only watched the first half. Also its crazy that the Broncos gave up 70 today. After that I sat on my phone for an hour and took a shower. Post shower I went for a lil walk because it was a beautiful day, around 6 I walked to Whole Foods to get a yerbe and a banana for tomorrow. I got back and watched a bit of the steelers/raiders game then I decided I wanted to go to bed so that is what Im doing now good night all and I hope everyone is ready for a big week ahead.

posted 8 months ago
#38 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

Sept 23
Hi all tftvers today was quite a good "me day" I woke up around 2:30 which would suck if I had anything to do but because I was just doing me things today I don't care. Sorry for missing yesterday I was out with friends lil run down- I went to my 2 classes got home and didn't know what to do so I decided to go climbing which was fun but I didn't go very long about an hour probably before the homie asked if I wanted to go do goon activities so I did that then came back faded did laundry then cronked out. back to today though, when I woke up I realized it was grubben day in pokemon go so I sat on my bed and played also my dorms are ontop of 2 pokestops so I had a lil setup and drank coffee. after that I looked at my phone for a while, took a shower then had the idea of getting pizza. the place by my dorm is hella good and I grew up eating it so it makes me remember my mom. We came up with broccoli chicken pizza from there so that's what I get every time. After destroying that I did some homework that I forgot was due today but I got it done before my awesome pugscrim in the kitchen. I got to play a lot of scout and I realized something, as I play scout I slowly get worse throughout the night. I start out like 8-1 then by the end of the game I go like barely positive idk but I think its funny. After that I made some posters on Photoshop for my dorm. I got album covers that I like then put the Spotify picture code under it to print out. I think I got 10 and am going to put them over my bed which I think will look sick. After that I texted the girl I went on a date with Thursday for about an hour. I feel like in the past 6 months I've started to like texting people more and more instead of just watching videos. Good night all and I hope you have a good sept 24. also its fall now so yippee

posted 8 months ago
#9 OMG 3 in TF2 General Discussion

[Mlwkef] cueki

posted 8 months ago
#34 .erik lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

My bad

posted 8 months ago
#36 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

HI team awesome day today I woke up around 10:45 to a knock on my door. It was my climbing friend asking if I wanted to go, I went in my jammies which was kinda fun and very cozy.The climbing sesh was sleepy but very fun a new v3-v4 was introduced which I did quickly but it was full of smearing which I really enjoy. I also worked on a long v4-v5 which made me exhausted, I tried that same climb for about 30 minutes but I couldn't go from being under the cave area to being horizontal. I went around 11 which isn't normal so it was very busy today which was quite annoying but I made a new friend. After the climbing sesh I got home around 1 to take a shower and get ready for the awesome date I talked about yesterday. We went to a thrift bins which had some very funny items, I left with a rain jacket, a big Tim's bait and tackle shirt, and a VHS copy of Babe. The person I went with found 3 pairs of Peter Griffin boxers which she quickly picked up and left with, she also got a leather jacket and a poster/sticker book full of under the sea creatures. On my way home I grabbed some groceries which included a 32 count box of yoohoos and a family sized bag of Funions. I don't think I should get chips again because I ate them all today instead of getting real food. Im kinda sad about that because I want more funions but I ate them all. I need to steal a knife from the cafeteria tomorrow because I also got pb&j ingredients but I don't have a knife. I fell asleep on my floor post funions for about an hour and a half and texted the person I went on a date with until I hopped on the computer to play pubs with friends. Im also glad tomorrow is Friday despite today and yesterday being good Im done with this week and Im going to see if I can go out tomorrow with people and do goon activities. hope everyone is well and I will update you tomorrow with my new adventures :3

posted 8 months ago
#17 raygun LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted 8 months ago
#33 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

sept 20
Hello tftv today was a much better day which I am happy about, I think the music I listened to yesterday might've added to the more somber vibe so today I listened to a much more upbeat and happy playlist. I woke up around 11:00 which is later than I wanted to wake up but not the worst my first class was English which was only around 15 minutes long because the power went out which was annoying, I have a class right after so it didn't make sense to really do anything in those 30 minutes I had so I sat in a chair and did a bit of work. After that, I went to math where I was distracted by the leaves outside the window because it was windy today. After math, I walked home to grab Tupperware to steal food from the cafeteria. I had some chicken, eggs, and broccoli and stole pasta and reeses puffs to go. Once I got home I took a shower and slept on my floor for around an hour. I think I need to stop doing that as much because it wastes a lot of time but it helps prevent some brain paralysis that I feel. After that I went to Whole Foods and grabbed a yerbe mate, I got the lemon one today which wasn't as good as orange but still lovely. The main thing I worked on today was my English paper where I wrote about how I learned to read and write which I wasn't super excited about but it turned out to be pretty good. I talked about past teachers and my grandma who helped me learn how to write differently. Its strange to think about how you arent just born with the skills to read and write its something that develops over time. After that I played pool with my friend for about 45 minutes before hopping onto Discord to do math and pub with people from the bungalow discord (Cosmic Crisp). Not scrimming today was very refreshing and honestly I kind of don't want to play this season but I also don't want the team to die and I like playing it just takes up a lot of time so idrk what to do. (lmk if you want to play adv roamer) Also, I asked the girl Im talking to on a date tomorrow so I will let everyone know how it goes. I'm nervous but at the same time we're homies so I'm not super nervous. also yesterday I forgot to mention it but I finally realised Im beating the skinny white boy allegations and have some sort of a bicep which Im proud about and I'm thinking about going to the actual gym more often instead of just climbing every other day.

also this is what I listened to today
this is what I listened to yesterday

posted 8 months ago
#32 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic
aieraSale_boatI don't really know how to socialize well and get deeper friendshipsSale_boatI got home at around 9:30 and got on my computer to play scrims.

yeah I unironically think tf2 has made making new friends a lot harder which sucks.

posted 8 months ago
#30 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

sept 19
HI, tftv today kind of sucked. Nothing bad actually happened today it just had a very depressing tone to it. Usually, my seasonal depression starts in January/February but today felt like one of those days. I don't know if it was just an off day or if it will keep spiraling, I started off today by going to my environmental science class. I did all my work and it was a fine day but when I got home I just felt defeated and strange. I laid on my floor and listened to Mitch Headburg shows for about 2 hours which reminded me of my dad, and fell asleep for another hour and a half. At around 6 I left to get food from the dining hall and go to my class. I had a quiz that I think I did fine on but I need to study more for the next one and looked at some art from the Gothic period. I got home at around 9:30 and got on my computer to play scrims. I felt like I played fine but nothing was really coming together which sucked. After scrims, I didn't really do anything I just sat there and thought about how I miss my dog and I miss friends. I think I am a social person but I don't really know how to socialize well and get deeper friendships, so I am stuck in a state of limbo where I can't really go to anyone despite every saying to talk to them which sucks because I feel like Im stuck in a loop of thinking it is what it is. I know tomorrow my mood will probably be entirely different and I'll be fine but the idea of it not changing is stressful and I know I'm just overthinking.
Good night tftv hope everyone is well. <3

posted 8 months ago
#23 RGL S13 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
brodySale_boatthanks rgl for killing my team by forcibly moving us to advance with the excuse of saving advance........
so ironic that the div still has the same amount of teams and now main has less teams
^ stolen valor alert

You are my evil twin

posted 8 months ago
#17 RGL S13 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

thanks rgl for killing my team by forcibly moving us to advance with the excuse of saving advance........
so ironic that the div still has the same amount of teams and now main has less teams

posted 8 months ago
#28 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

Sept 18
Hello team fortress television I am here with another diary entry. Today was Monday so back to the grind (I don't think I can use emojis but I would here also its probably not correct to use emojis in a diary) I woke up early today around 8:30 to go climbing before class which I was very excited about. I did one 4-5 that I wasn't able to do last time which I was excited about. I have about 3-4 climbs which I do as warmups at my gym so I did that before the green 4-5.* The other boulder I wanted to do was a red 4-5 where I needed to step on a slab and stand up on it, The problem with this one is the hold is new and very textuary so whenever my foot slipped (it slipped like 5 times) it would shred my skin on my leg.* I had to quit because of the pain but I went to another side of the gym to work on a long 3-4 that I can't get because I get too tired. I got further than before but I can't go from vertical to horizontal on it and my leg was hurting really bad so I left. I was only there for about an hour and a half which is kind of sad but I made it work. Before coming home I walked around the building the gym is in, its an office park in an underground cave but it looks really scary and empty. After coming home I showered and read my textbook for English. My suitmate has her boyfriend in town for the weekend so Im there 3rd wheel for the weekend so we got lunch at Whole Foods. I just had a banana because its like 30 cents max (I forgot the actual price). I went to english after words which is fun. The girl I have a lil crush on complimented the fit today which made me happy and I watched her play papas Milkshakearia while trying to pay attention in class. I could not focus today in school I think waking up early affects my ability to concentrate too much so I need to sleep more. After English I went to math I listened to music and half paid attention because we went over something I know already and drew in my notebook.* I was so tired after class that I went home and slept from around 3:30 till around 8:00 right before scrims. Scrims started out great sultry felt great but gully felt really tough I don't know what to do on last holds and feel like I'm never in a good place to do damage and stop point. Bagel felt impossible I started feeding and everything I did felt like I was alone and I didn't know why. I will probably look at it tmrw but also it might've just been the mental after gully. After that I looked at Instagram and messaged my friends which was very nice. I realized I forgot to do my environmental science lab mid doing that so I just finished that after eating some vegan pork rinds and a coke 0. Overall today started out great but just slipped away at the end. I was supposed to do more work in the afternoon but nap time was calling my name too loudly.

I took pictures today so that's what the * are Im going to try and take more photos to share with you guys

posted 8 months ago
#27 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

Sept 17
Almost forgot today but I'm here. Today was pretty chill I woke up around noon and worked on some homework and drank coffee for a couple hours which I was happy with, after that I walked 30 minutes to a thrift store and got a pair of jeans and 2 shirts. One of which was a girl shirt which I'm super happy about because I love that brand I didn't even realize till I got home. The jeans also stack super well with my shoes and I've been looking for some like that for awhile. When I got home I ate some cereal I finished my cashews and cranberries yesterday so I was pretty hungry. Scrims went pretty well today I think I played a bit better than average and compared to Thursday it was night and day for the team. After that I finished a assignment I forgot to do earlier then joined the bungalow discord to see math burn a bridge. At around 12:30 I got off to eat vegan pork rinds and honey on my floor then was about to fall asleep when I remembered this

posted 8 months ago
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