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SteamID64 76561198259132395
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Country United States
Signed Up December 21, 2020
Last Posted May 29, 2024 at 9:12 PM
Posts 458 (0.4 per day)
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#37 Poptobob LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

pull him out the mud

posted 8 months ago
#25 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

Sept 16
today was insane. the first time I woke up was because of a nightmare around 9 am The dream was about me and my classmate in English going into an abandoned house and having to fight off a skunk, panther, and a fox. The abandoned house wasn't fully abandoned though it had a dentist in there who would like to clean their teeth and make them healthy again so we would keep fighting the same 3 animals but they wouldn't stop attacking us. there were also spiral staircases everywhere and it was super confusing. Also, she and I had these gallon squares full of Hi-C with crazy straws attached that we drank the whole time. After that, I texted her the full dream and fell asleep again. I am 100% sure I wouldn't remember that if I didn't write it out so I'm glad I did. I woke up for real around 5:30 pm which is actually disastrous I slept through golfing today which we probably would've cancelled because of the rain but still sad. I went climbing as soon as I woke up which was nice. They set a new wall which I did 2 4-5s on and the other 2-3s on. The 6-7 was too hard so I didn't finish it. When I went there though I was still half asleep and I was jumpscared by my friend who I used to play CSGO with in middle school which was nice. he's better than me which is very helpful because I think that makes me want to keep up with him so I flashed a few 4-5s I couldn't do on other days. After that, I went to the gas station to get passion fruit tea and spicy chicken taquitos which were alright the tea was excellent though. When I got there the first time though I realized I dropped my wallet outside of the gym so I had to drive back to get that. After the sesh I drove home and played a jump map and messaged Davyc in Tempus chat which was enjoyable I wish Davy wasn't living in Japan so I could play with him more because I love him but at the same time I'm glad he's progressing in life. After that I decided to write this early I don't think anything else is happening today but if something does Ill keep you guys updated.

posted 8 months ago
#24 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic
waxDo u know ur hair type? Like for example greasy roots or easily greasy hair u need one of those that scream PURIFYING at the front

I think I have fine straight dry hair.

posted 8 months ago
#21 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

Sept 15
Hi people and friends of tftv today was a pretty good Friday I woke up today around 9:30 because I was going to mge Raven at 10. I did the thing I've been trying to do less of being on my phone as soon as I wake up so for the first 30 minutes of the day I did that which was brain-numbing but after that I got onto my computer to play games. I played for about an hour until 11, when i showered and got ready for my day. I did a preclass discussion during that time too which was very easy. My first class is at 1 but I had have my parking pass printed today so I went to the library early to use the printer. While I was printing I kept sending it too a printer I couldnt find so I had to ask the librarian where it was which was kinda funny. The printer was like hinding on the other side of the library away from the other ones so it made sense I couldnt find it. After that I went to my english class which was boring we had class in the library about how to use the libraries website which felt like a waste of time. Math we started a new unit because after our exam but I spaced most of it out because today my eyes felt strange and depresserized. Below my math class is an einstien bagels so I went there but fridays they close right as my math ends so the workers gave me 2 free bagels they wouldve thrown out which is awesome. When I got home I had to let my suitmates boyfriend into her room because she had class so i showed hiim cs2 because he doesnt have the beta. I had some cashews honey and cranberries for dinner again and after my dad picked me up to go get my car which was awesome. I went home and saw my dogs

ryvnhows bowie

Bowie was awesome and I chased him around my backyard for a good 30 minutes. before taking my car back to campus. when I got back I went on a walk to a park with some friends and smoke some wizzard weed which was enjoyable untill the blunt made me go nonverbal and not talk the rest of the night. I think the risk of going nonverbal outways the highs of having a good time. At this point for me its a 50/50 weather I go nonverbal so I might stop smoking with other people. After that I went to my room and showered then i fell asleep on my floor for about an hour then wrote this which was a pretty cmoplete day.
I did make a goal today, I want to eat more carrots I think that having more orange skin would look funny and its only super noticable if I tell people about it.
ty for reading

posted 8 months ago
#20 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic
U using wrong shampoo i think? Need one for your hair type cuz it should always be fluffy when all dry

Probably, I think it might be using to much too, also idk what conditioner I need so I will research that

posted 8 months ago
#15 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

also another thought after writing. does anyone else not like full-screening applications, I don't like typing on a full screen or watching youtube without being able to see my background. I have games full screened but everything else has some sort of a border around it

posted 8 months ago
#14 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

Sept 14 2023
Very chill day today Thursday I didn't have class so I woke up around noon which didn't feel the greatest, whenever I wake up late I always feel lazy and it ruins my day but I was able to salvage it. The first thing I did was shower and today was shampoo day which means I have to style it. I notice that when I shampoo my hair goes really flat and doesn't look the greatest so I only shampoo once every week, The style today was very good it was fluffy throughout when I syle it sometimes I can only get part of it to be fluffy but I beat the hair today. After the shower around 1:00, I walked to the plugs house which is about a 30-minute walk there and back. The neighborhood I walked through was very pretty It had old brick buildings and this one had a statue garden which I looked at for a few minutes. I also found a community garden which I want to go back to at a different time. At the plugs house he showed me some of the plants he was growing I think there were some ferns and a few pretty vines. I've known about trumpet vine for a bit and it's one of my favorite plants but his backyard had some so I examined them for a while. the walk home felt quicker than the walk there and I saw someone with a golden doodle so I petted their dog (I forgot his name). After that, I went climbing the group today was supposed to be 8 people because my friend has a bit where he invites everyone he talks to to come with us but 4 people bailed last minute which I was fairly happy about. I climbed for probably 2 hours then I went home. After climbing I scrolled Instagram and texted some friends I hadn't talked to in a while. recently I've been wanting to reconnect and keep in contact with people who I have drifted away from and it's nice to keep up and hear from them. Around 7:30 I went and thought about buying food but I didn't want to spend 10 dollars so I went home and ate cashews, honey, and cranberries. after the snack, I got on my PC to get ready for scrims but Raven can't find scrims because "everyone has weeklies" so I mged him for about an hour then talked to Loafe and Erik about cars, hats, and football. After that, I remembered I had to write this.
please scrim Miku Conglomerate it would be much appreciated.

posted 8 months ago
#12 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic
Crit_Noobv5/v6 in 2 months is legitimately an amazing feat unless your gym has severely "soft" grades. unless youre really light and have experience with climbing id say it's pretty unachievable for like 95% of people
if youre not lying then you're the goat...

I think the gym is hella mickey. I think I do have a good build for climbing tho Im 6'1 like 140 and Ive been going like 3-4 times a week
Ive done a few of v5 and 1 v6

posted 8 months ago
#10 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic
eddiieeSale_boat buy chalk for climbing,
What kind of climbing do you do? I joined a gym and got into bouldering recently after having gone a few times with friends and really enjoyed it. I don't have anyone to belay with for top rope but bouldering is fun enough that I don't mind

I only boulder really, I dont really like belaying and the only gym to do it at is like 30 minutes away instead of the gym thats like 5-10 minutes. Im not super good I started like 2 months ago and am only like v5-v6ish

posted 8 months ago
#3 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

Sept 13 2023
This is my first entry everyone I've had a fairly eventful day today. I have been sick the past few days which is quite annoying but I am getting through it like a soldier! I woke up around 9 am today despite my alarm being at 10, I walked down to downtown which is around 15-20 minutes away from my dorm to buy chalk for climbing, I also had a phone call with my father as I walked there. Once I got home I read for about 45 minutes then I felt more sick so I took a nap on my floor. I almost slept through my first class at 1 but I got up at 12:40 and grabbed the yerbe mate in my fridge. I tried the tropical flavor which wasn't my favorite but was still enjoyable. During my first class, I mainly worked on a paper and not much else, I feel kind of lost but I am doing ok. The next class I had was math where I had an exam, I was the first one done which I felt proud about and I was able to check all my answers and I'm pretty sure I got 100%. During the test, I realized I had forgotten about the class after. I was supposed to go on a date with this girl in my math but she was feeling tired (she didn't do well on the exam) and I was guilted into going to class by my friend. During my class, it was a boring lecture that I didn't care about so I played cool math games and looked at Google Maps. after this, I went home took a shower, and looked at my phone for about an hour. I also helped my roommate put her mattress pad on because she didn't know how the clips on the bottom worked. after that, there was a fire drill which was kind of annoying but it only took about 10 minutes. Getting back inside from the fire drill I did some work for my environmental class then I warmed up for scrims which I hadn't done in a few weeks, It was quite strange because it was a very bad night of scrims but it was fun playing with my team. After that, I talked with my good friend Macron on his Discord server and that is where I thought of the diary idea. I've been thinking about doing this for a while taking over a random thread but I decided this would be a better idea.

posted 8 months ago
#1 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic

Hello, people of tftv I have been thinking of starting a diary and I think this is the best place to put it. I am hoping to keep you all updated with my day by day and I hope you will respond with criticism and positive words of my daily activities. I think this will also help build a stronger tftv community and break the bridge of people's inability to get their thoughts and experiences out in the world. Hopefully, this thread will mainly be about my days but feel free to post your own thoughts!

posted 8 months ago
#3 G6 Merch Drop!! in TF2 General Discussion

She wants me for my official g6 merchandise

posted 8 months ago
#6 RGL S13 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I think 1 is dying too

Crit_Noob5 teams in adv btw
posted 8 months ago
#4 RGL S13 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

posted 8 months ago
#2 viewmodel bindtoggle happening w/lawena in Q/A Help


posted 8 months ago
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