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Country Australia
Signed Up March 9, 2015
Last Posted June 28, 2022 at 9:51 AM
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#2 The Top 20 Oceanic Players of the Past Five Years : Introduction in News


posted about 2 years ago
#22 Tf2 comp history records in TF2 General Discussion

don't forget the i49 fragumentary -

posted about 3 years ago
#3 OZF 29 High Playoffs preview in News
2345ySpe0The team consists primarily of AsiaFortress/PURE players
I don't know why you wouldn't just call them "Asian players" lol

because you can be an asian player without playing asiafort or pure..?


posted about 4 years ago
#32 Leagues order Promod à la carte in News
TailorTFI'm unclear on how exactly the sticky det delay bug worked. Could anybody help me understand? Was it just you couldn't det stickies when you switched weapons?

posted about 4 years ago
#2 TF2Metrics to be discontinued in News

thank you for four years of work @1stirling!

posted about 4 years ago
#22 Leagues order Promod à la carte in News
Thank you.

as per my previous email......

posted about 4 years ago
#1 name change in Requests

From muppet to Sean
Or Sean. or Sean_ if Sean taken...

posted about 4 years ago
#3 ozfortress rankings & statistics in Projects

Now with a log analyser that runs 6v6 logs through the various statistical models and spits out best in server per log, i.e:

- accessable at ozfstats

Example here from the lockdown throwdown grand final.

Keep in mind that the models are based on AU premier division officials. Differences in meta/regional skill may come into play in the resulting scores from EU/NA logs.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 ozfortress rankings & statistics in Projects

I've been slowly developing an ozfortress ranking model and statistics website and coronavacation has given me the boost I needed to get it to a somewhat presentable level. I know that mostly only Ausrtalians care about this, but you can check it out at

Rankings table:

I know this isn't too dissimilar to 1stirling's tf2metrics, but the rankings system operates on different principles. I have also limited the scope of the system to only ozfortress and to not consider non-premier games. This is mostly for simplicity's sake, given that this functionality (comparing regions) is done by the tf2metrics system, but restricting the data also allows for more sound models to be produced when attempting to gauge performance.

The primary difference between this ranking system and tf2metrics is that this ranking system doesn't inherently care about "counterparts" (i.e. both demomen in a gamecan gain rank on a game if they both played well). Rankings are generated based on how well a player does compared to how well they are expected to do based on the class they are playing, and the map they are playing on.

The about page broadly explains how the rankings are calculated.

In addition to the ranking feature, there is also the ability to compare previous seasons and old players against current players, as well as assess each players change over time in the "Season Rankings" section.

Season explorer:

These results will actually change retroactively as the models are updated as more data continues to pour into the database.

There is also another section "Data Explorer", that is still a little rough around the edges, but lets you manually peruse the seasonal data.

Data explorer:

Features will be added and tweaks will be made over time, but feel free to leave any feedback!

There will be team rankings, as well as the ability to post any log and get metric feedback (i.e. if the players were performing above, below or at the expected levels based on the game conditions).

posted about 4 years ago
#2 AFC 13 UBF: ت vs Prinny Pirate Plunderers in TF2 General Discussion

~ go aishou ~

posted about 6 years ago
#11 KovaaK's FPS Aim Trainer Launch Trailer in TF2 General Discussion

i think the usefulness would be if you wanted to explicitly focus on your mechanical aim, noting that this FPS aim trainer has stats, accuracy and damage efficiency up constantly, as well as being able to log your progress.

it's a supplement if that was your one specific area that you wanted to focus on. the same way that watching a demo of a scrim should help improve your decision making. something like this would be perfect to develop your mouse control and muscle memory without having to deal with shitters camping on sheet metal or jewing in house.......

posted about 6 years ago
#29 International Ranking System in Projects

Nice work with the playoff articles !

posted about 7 years ago
#33 Why does asiafortress not stream on tftv? in TF2 General Discussion
FozzlmThat is not the reason you don't do production for TFLIVE and you know it. Stop lying and trying to make us look like the bad guys here, I'm sick of it.

idk man he used the quote block that's pretty conclusive evidence

posted about 8 years ago
#30 Why does asiafortress not stream on tftv? in TF2 General Discussion
mitchcliff123I only started this to bring more coverage to the table.

If you really did want to just bring more coverage to the table, I feel like you'd just have sorted out your PC stuff and become a producer for TFLIVE. Instead you haven't sorted your shit out and have attempted to start some half assed org.

I'm not sure the demand is there for more coverage dude, casting open level play, while maybe interesting to you, is not the pinnacle of tf2, and does NOT make for a good spectator sport.
IF we did want more coverage I would only want this to be TFLIVE, the same org that has already established itself as THE Australian casting org, of the back of huge efforts by those associated with it.

Not to mention, that if you really care at all about the community you seem to want to help, you'd notice that you've actually done nothing that really helps them - whether that was your intention or not. Your persistence with cappingtv has only lessened the reputation of Australian casting orgs and australian tf2.

I'm sincerely asking you to stop wtih cptv, because as an ozfortress player - this is embarrassing.

posted about 8 years ago
#4899 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

who is old enough to have watched the original grease movie

posted about 8 years ago
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