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Signed Up March 29, 2014
Last Posted May 13, 2018 at 1:05 AM
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#21 Tf2Pickup Germany DM server in TF2 General Discussion

Hey as long as you're here lamqta. Can donators have longer AFK time and able to play a class which is "full".

I only play demoman and its frustrating to see both servers having a demo on both teams and being forced to beg for the spot and usually people are too much concentrated in aiming to see the chat.

AFK timer could be a minute longer

posted about 8 years ago
#15 A few questions about null-movement scripts in Q/A Help

One thing some scouts like nukkye and gor3 does is to hold either strafe button (A or D) and then tapping the other one in random intervals, making you very unpredictable. I think null cancelling would not allow this.

Null cancelling does help prevent you accidentally fucking up double jump (where you lose all momentum) I think.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 ETF2L Season 25 Pre-Season Premiership Playoffs recap in News

None of the players in that picture play in Spanked LUL

posted about 8 years ago
#14 ETF2L S25 Prem Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

1. Crowns
2. Lego
3. Spanked
4. Top5
5. Thanks Nursey
6. Danger Dogs
7. 3/6
8. Animate

posted about 8 years ago
#18 ETF2L S25 Preseason Playoffs: Animate vs. Stevie Wonder's Aim School in Events

I feel the stars were more aligned for us that day. Any team could have won. I think we got lucky in the map picks, as badla/gully were the only maps we've had success in. GG!

posted about 8 years ago
#19 please ban stupid shit from dm in TF2 General Discussion

badlands only dm servers back pls

posted about 8 years ago
#5 PS4 OW in Other Games
I'd rather play with some cool tf2 people I know than some random OW people :3 is basically TFTV but for OW. Not many nontf2 players use it.

posted about 8 years ago
#51 CommanderX's Blog - i58 Player Rankings in TF2 General Discussion
Orang3SetletOrang3"And soldier isnt quite underpowered" Who ever said he was underpowered :/
What are the downvotes for?

I was curious on why people think soldier is underpowered.

Because scout and demo is better?
That doesnt exactly make him up.

I mean Soldier is much better than any of the other classes available so in that case he isn't UP but lets say if scoutlimit was 3 and demolimit was 2, we wouldn't see any soldiers I think.

This is of course if we think the skill level is equal for the players.

posted about 8 years ago
#48 CommanderX's Blog - i58 Player Rankings in TF2 General Discussion
Orang3"And soldier isnt quite underpowered" Who ever said he was underpowered :/
What are the downvotes for?

I was curious on why people think soldier is underpowered.

Because scout and demo is better?

posted about 8 years ago
#78 Adjustments made to global whitelist in News
KavCow mangler hasnt had 5 rockets since 2013 dude

Well I guess that it's a buff for the secondary fire then. Less time to reload a full clip means more minicrit instagib aids

posted about 8 years ago
#76 Adjustments made to global whitelist in News

I had the honour to play against Warhuryeah's cow mangler, where he mostly used the mouse2 option of the weapon. I know it has downsides (losing all of your clip, being forced to charge, moving really slow) but still it can give the option to instagib anyone except a soldier. I think even a medic will die to the burn afterwards and in midfights the Demo doesn't usually have full hp. Just a cheap way to get kills and not fun to play against. In gullywash we lost 3 mids because either our demo or medic died instantly. In badlands, maybe two mids.

I know that eventually people will realize how to counter it, listening to the sound and being more aware where the soldier carrying it is. But for the moment, it's super annoying to play against.

Not to mention if you don't like using the mouse2 shot, you can always rely on your primary fire which is basically identical to normal RL but has 5 rockets and no ammo. Not being able to get kritzed and doing shit damage to sentries are not significant downsides. Also the projectile feels like being harder to dodge. I'm not sure when the projectile actually hits and what is the radius etc... Maybe it's just me.

On the other hand I think soldier needs a buff as it might be a bit weaker than demo at the moment. Nerfing the scout would be a better way to buff soldier imo.

posted about 8 years ago
#51 Adjustments made to global whitelist in News

New mid meta: Soldiers jump the enemy demo to kill/force him to go back. Then your gunslinger engineer builds minisentries so enemy scouts and these new cow mangler sollys cant do shit about it

posted about 8 years ago
#47 Weapon Bans in TF2 General Discussion

Loch and load to do massive damage, stickies to trap everything.


posted about 8 years ago
#382 Global whitelist unveiled in News

Loch and Load will most definitely be a buff to the existing meta. It has more consistent damage than rollers. Long range directs in maps like Process or Snake is going to be much easier. Demos don't need to commit that far if they want to do high amounts of damage. Think of it as pre-nerf loose cannon.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 ETF2L Nations Cup #6 recap in News

basH is the guy in picture?

posted about 8 years ago
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