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Last Posted May 13, 2018 at 1:05 AM
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#80 Heavy & Pyro: How could they be changed? in TF2 General Discussion
IntellectualSetletI was also thinking about having a slow for fire, so if you get caught by pyro's flames you'd be fucked.This is similar to OW's Mei, who is very unfun to play against. Pyro with slowing in TF2 would be worse, especially because he can crit to kill with his secondaries and melees. Slows/stuns are not fun in FPSs, as we have seen with the Sandman and Natascha.

I'd argue the annoying part of Mei is the stun and instagib aspect of it, not the slow itself. I think it's hard to make pyro viable unless he is basically a better damage dealer than soldier unless you give cc elements to him (which airblast already is)

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Sonic Mania in Other Games
DarkNecridSetletIf this is a Sonic Generations style of a game it can definitely work. I hope they don't try to innovate that much (like in Lost World and Boom). Maybe make 2D Sonic more faithful to the classics (in terms of physics) and bring back Boost mechanism from Colours/Generations for 3D Sonic.

But hey it's SEGA they will fuck it up somehow

Yes sorry I was supposed to quote the previous poster about Project Sonic 2017

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Sonic Mania in Other Games
kirbyI just found out about Project Sonic 2017 and added the trailer to the OP. Could a mod edit the title to include that as well? ty

If this is a Sonic Generations style of a game it can definitely work. I hope they don't try to innovate that much (like in Lost World and Boom). Maybe make 2D Sonic more faithful to the classics (in terms of physics) and bring back Boost mechanism from Colours/Generations for 3D Sonic.

But hey it's SEGA they will fuck it up somehow

E: added the quote

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Sonic Mania in Other Games

This soundtrack so good

posted about 8 years ago
#22 Sniper improvement in TF2 General Discussion

If you feel like you're not a flashy player and you'd rather be a consistent player, I recommend using the Machina and going for full charge bodyshots.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 TF2 Class Tier list in The Dumpster

Spy is better than sniper

Greetings from Dreamhack

posted about 8 years ago
#48 Medic class unpopular? in TF2 General Discussion

I think they should nerf the medic so that the game gets more fast paced as medic picks are more and more likely.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Medic class unpopular? in TF2 General Discussion

bring back concs and medic will be fun again

posted about 8 years ago
#61 Muselk's criticism of the MyM update in TF2 General Discussion
micspamYou're not wrong, but don't forget that because of quickplay a ton of the old community servers shut down.

When I was doing the text I managed to delete this part. Yes you are right.

posted about 8 years ago
#59 Muselk's criticism of the MyM update in TF2 General Discussion

I feel like people who are now whining about the lack of quickplay aren't the people who played prior to that update (whenever it came, like 2012?). TF2 pubs in my mind died back then. Quickplay is the worst fucking thing ever and while casual is essentially the same (I've heard it's better but I haven't tested) it really disgust me that people have the audacity to 'want' that back. Those people don't know what TF2 is and was about.

I mean I find 6s 100x enjoyable than those old community pubs ever were, but still.

posted about 8 years ago
#53 ETF2L Nations Cup #6 viewer’s guide in News

Latvia will wreck if they have destructo as demo

posted about 8 years ago
#28 Demoman Detonation Delay in TF2 General Discussion

nvm im a retard and didnt watch the video and jumped in to conclusions

posted about 8 years ago
#33 Heavy & Pyro: How could they be changed? in TF2 General Discussion

Push the pyro to the pocket role, where he would be the best protector of the medic but lacking damage and mobility. Also, letting him have utility in terms of blocking enemy heals, maybe to 50%, so hitting a flare shot would basically "mark dead" the enemy and now your teammates have a clear target to focus. 50-50% pickrate on pyro/soldier as pocket would be ideal.

I was also thinking about having a slow for fire, so if you get caught by pyro's flames you'd be fucked. Would be pretty useful for protecting teammates. Pyro shouldn't do 10k damage, but instead allow his teammates do the damage for him. Maybe slow mids like process and sunshine would allow this the best, whereas like gully or badlands would be hard for the pyro.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 DreamHack Summer 2016 highlight movie released in News

I was wondering why there weren't any Setlet frags and then I realized how shit I was.


posted about 8 years ago
#54 TF2 Major confirmed by Sideshow in TF2 General Discussion

TF2 Major:

No classlimits
Maps like Gorge and Swiftwater
Every unlock allowed

Thats what Valve wants right?

posted about 8 years ago
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