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Signed Up March 29, 2014
Last Posted May 13, 2018 at 1:05 AM
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#49 Official Jasmine Tea i58 Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#33 TF2 Dream hack photos and videos in LAN Discussion
GizmoshorasI think it's AMS, Hank and Setlet.Yeah, that's Hank, not sure about Setlet though.

As a Setlet can confirm that it's Setlet

Source: Setlet

posted about 8 years ago
#2 dhs thanks/shoutout thread in LAN Discussion

Shoutout to the crowns people (heny etc.) for letting me sleep at their house!

posted about 8 years ago
#13 ETF2L S24 W5: B@GSER FIVE vs. PC MASTER RACE in Matches
Chill_ColinsSorry for your loss setlet.

I might need to add that she had had cancer for a year now and she finally lost the battle so it wasn't really that surprising and I have had plenty of time to cope and deal with it. I still appreciate your comment greatly. I would never admit that it would ever had any impact on my gameplay but as I was essentially emptying my thoughts here I figured it would fit there. I have never brought my personal life to these forums (or to anyone in TF2 scene) so I guess that's a first. I'm not waiting for pity or it being "the be all end all" reason why I lost one official. Maybe only small amount but I would never admit it.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 ETF2L S24 W5: B@GSER FIVE vs. PC MASTER RACE in Matches

Lack of confidence in myself and my team, lack of comms in general on what to do and bad DM on my part are the ingredients on how to lose games. Gratz to B5, you really deserved this win and hopefully you can see that nothing is lost yet and I hope you will continue forward and participate in future seasons.

I take 95% responsibility of this game. No passion on my part, no motivation to win and being selfish towards my teammates who probably wanted to win this much more than me is something I can only blame myself for. I attempt to take this as a lesson as I have now seen how disruptive one player can be if he doesn't share the same mindset as his other teammates. I have forgotten what makes me a good demoman and I feel like I'm trying to be something I am not. I hope I can regain trust of my teammates so they can still believe that I'm worthy player in their eyes and not just a leech who is there to get glory in expense of others.

I hope I will find the passion and motivation to go forward but I'm not actually sure what to do. Hopefully I can "find myself" at Dreamhack so I can see what it's like to LAN again (my last TF2 lan was 2011 summer assembly), hopefully giving me a boost in confidence and hope for future so I know what I'm doing this work for. I promise to do my all so I won't let skeej's team down. I also thank them for giving me the opportunity to play even though adysky was available to play in the end. This is my PoV of the game, maybe you'll see some similarities in my gameplay and the things I said in this post. Shoutout to cuteTEA for hosting and all the viewers that tuned in, sorry for not being able to provide you with action that I could say I was proud of.

Why did I write this? I'm not sure but it kinda helped me to sort out my thoughts. They've been kinda all over the place recently, especially since my mother died last week. Hopefully we don't make any unnecessary roster changes on others' expense and hopefully we can continue building our team and get points from our future fixtures. I need to admit though, that it won't happen overnight and we need to be in the same page in order it to work. I hope nobody blames any singular player, and if you do, blame me instead.

posted about 8 years ago
#47 removing rng from competitive tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

Pistol has random spray? Tell that to quad...

posted about 8 years ago
#433 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
infinityMy favorite TF2 format is 12v12 pubs.
I just wish more skilled people played in pubs and there were alive community servers that aren't 24/7 badwater or some kooky mods.

The thing is that the more people are good at pubs the worse it becomes, when you realize that 12v12 with no classlimits and shitty PL or A/D maps is a horrible experience if the goal is to win.

posted about 8 years ago
#381 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
Birdyrockspeople who think this game was better vanilla are idiots, gunboats made this game so much more fun to play and watch

Maybe it made it more fun to watch, but playing against it wasn't fun and even today I still hold a grudge against it. Goes to the same category as equalizer/bonk/sandvich. At least some of those unlocks are still banned/nerfed.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 DHS Fundraiser Showmatch: Crowns vs. Comfortably Spanked in News
it_is_crownIf, by any chance, they won't succed needed funds, what happens then?

Maybe some random swedes will stand in.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 ETF2L S24 W4: B@GSER FIVE vs. Crowns eSports in Matches

And still no full 6 points for Crowns

posted about 8 years ago
#116 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

vanilla ruleset (+med unlocks) was better

posted about 8 years ago
#8 ETF2L S24 W4: LEGO vs. nameLess in Matches


posted about 8 years ago
#7 ETF2L S24 W4: LEGO vs. nameLess in Matches

3-0 6-1 for nameLess

posted about 8 years ago
#4 B@GSER FIVE undergo roster shuffle in News

Needs more paragraphs

posted about 8 years ago
#29 Why noone has unusuals in competitive? in Q/A Help

Initially when they were introduced I didn't want to buy them because they ruin some hiding spots (notably the bush at badlands choke). Now I just don't care about hats.

posted about 8 years ago
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