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Last Posted April 26, 2024 at 5:56 AM
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#4 Corsair CX PSUs in Hardware

CXM 2015 yes, CX 2017 no.
Anything older hard no.

CXM 2015 is a decent budget PSUs. Nothing wrong with it, but you get what you pay for and to be fair you're not paying a whole lot.

CX 2017 (non-modular) reeks of bait-and-switch. It was supposed to do 80+ Silver, didn't, became a bronze unit instead and shortly after launch Corsair apparently decided that that whole custom platform thing wasn't working out and switched to a standard design from a cheaper OEM. No samples sent to reviewers by the way. Now if you buy one you get to join the great raffle because you could get either one. Same part number as well, but Corsair added a second "definitely not a part number" to be able to tell them apart.

With the CXM update they at least had the decency to change the wattages, so even if they reused the series name you could tell that those had to be different PSUs.
Then again they did it with the CX series before. I mean technically the naming scheme did change from CMPSU-430CX to CMPSU-430CXV2 to CX430, but they printed "CX430" on all 3 so I'm not counting that.
And they're still selling the 2013 CX series to this day, listing them as the same series as the 2017 CX because it's all CX, right?
Yeah I'd appreciate if they cut that bullshit.

Buying PSUs by the brand that rebranded what they bought from an OEM is beyond retarded. Especially when that brand doesn't believe in that whole "model number" thing and sells different PSUs under the same name, even at the same time.

posted about 5 years ago
#38 what are you in Off Topic

RNGesus says Slowrow

Then I made the mistake of swapping.

I think I do now.

posted about 5 years ago
#14 Best CRISP(eu)/CHIP(na) ? in Off Topic

posted about 5 years ago
#21 Unresponsive computer upon entering OS in Hardware

Is that new? I mean it's always possible that there was a combination of issues.

But against all odds it seems that the CPU is FUBAR.
I mean if I read this correctly it's "Bank 6: baa0000000000118" which according to google has never happened before and according to the MCE decoder means
Bank: Floating Point Unit (FP)
Error: Physical register file (PRF) parity error (PRF 0x0)
You shouldn't even have to know what any of those words mean because none of this should ever break.

Bank 5: bea0000000000108 is fairly well known and fixed by disabling C-states, so you could try that but it shouldn't be that.
I think that's one for AMD support. It just screams warranty/DOA.

posted about 5 years ago
#105 On NATF2's Future in TF2 General Discussion

Higher time limit -> teams will park the bus because they don't have to push.
Lower time limit -> teams will park the bus because they can wait for the time to run out.

Now some have concluded that this means any deviation from <current time limit of their choice> will result in an immediate and irreversible public transport apocalypse where busses rule the world and everyone is too afraid to even leave spawn.
Others might say that apparently the team that is ahead can and will park the bus regardless of the time limit if that's what they want to do.

posted about 5 years ago
#19 Unresponsive computer upon entering OS in Hardware

Yeah, my money is on the GPU then.

I'd expect quite a few people to upgrade to Ryzen 3000 CPUs, so if there's any way I would take advantage of the market being flooded with used Ryzen 1000/2000 next month. Even if you really can't wait you could abuse return policies. Buy a new CPU, wait for the launch, buy a used CPU and return the new one.

posted about 5 years ago
#3316 PC Build Thread in Hardware

I forgot to ask: What qualifies as a "newer title"? 3 years old vs released in 2020 obviously makes quite a difference.
It's just a matter of changing the GPU though, so here's 3 baseline builds. Details can be changed as necessary.

Intel 8C/16T: (not much wiggle room left for a better GPU though)
Intel 6C/6T: (similar price, slightly better for games, but significantly worse for streaming than the 2700X)
In between there'd be the 9700K, not that much worse for streaming than the 2700X/9900K, but not as outrageously expensive as the 9900K. Depends on what you're willing to pay and how much of the budget is left if you want a faster, more expensive GPU.

posted about 5 years ago
#17 Unresponsive computer upon entering OS in Hardware

There's no HDD/SSD plugged in, the mobo isn't shorting out and has been replaced and the PSU isn't exactly working hard during boot (not like a G3 is going to crap itself like that anyway) which means there's only 3 components left.
1. The CPU. Obviously difficult to test.
2. The RAM. Run memtest, maybe just one stick, etc., maybe replace it if you can borrow some.
3. The GPU. Sadly you've got no integrated GPU (that's why you're not getting any signal with HDMI plugged into the mobo) so you'll need a different GPU to test it. Or test your GPU in a different PC.

posted about 5 years ago
#3313 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Shouldn't it be GBP then?

Are there any specific Intel features that you need so I can pick the right SKU or is it just the "Intel inside"-sticker? Because I can get one of those for you if you need it to feel comfortable.

posted about 5 years ago
#3311 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Any shops specifically? Never had to look for an Irish price comparision site so far, so if you can point me in any direction it would help.
Good fps as in 60+ or as in 120+?
For the SSD and HDD how about 512 GB + 2 TB or do you need more?

What #3312 wrote is theoretically an option. A 2700X is a reasonable option so you wouldn't even have to replace it if you decide not to. It's basically the tradeoff of going with Intel/Coffee Lake for the higher single threaded performance but either higher price or fewer cores or saving some money with the 2700X but slightly worse performance in games (even closer or possibly better when streaming though) and the option of upgrading to Zen 2 which should get you at least the same performance without streaming and better performance when streaming at a lower price compared to Intel.

posted about 5 years ago
#3308 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Screwball is very biased and didn't put much effort into this so take his advice with a grain of salt. And yes, I asked him.

He's got that CPU, so you must buy the same one.
He's got that RAM kit, although 16 GB, he just picked the wrong (like I said, not much effort) so you must buy the same one.
He bought a Vega 56 because it's much cheaper at similar performance (not wrong there) so you should too.
His case fans (different case though) broke within a year so you should replace your immediately.
Also he picked the PSU because it's 80+ Gold and fully modular (again not a bad reason), because he assumed it's made by SuperFlower (wrong) and because it's cheap (not true in europe, on sale in the US because it's horribly overpriced at MSRP). 750W is a bit much so you can get something cheaper by looking at the prices you'd actually be paying.

So this is literally what he would buy right now, partially it's even what he did buy.

Pcpartpicker isn't that accurate in Europe so where will you be buying the parts? No use in picking a part for a sale that's only in the US.
What's the goal in terms of performance? Or do you just want to spend 1.2k no matter what for no reason other than doing so?
What's your preference for the storage setup? Capacity, SSD+HDD, one large SSD (expensive and fast or not as fast but more reasonably priced)?

He's also very salty about µATX. He wants all the VRM phases he can get. 4 is just unacceptable but the manufacturers only offer 6 on the expensive full ATX X470 boards.

posted about 5 years ago
#14 Unresponsive computer upon entering OS in Hardware

I see you're still avoiding double posts.

posted about 5 years ago
#3300 PC Build Thread in Hardware
Also buying by brand instead of by reviews is dumb. For Corsair Aios it makes even less sense because they aren't even built by Corsair, just rebranded.

The part list will obviously change because there will be new CPUs and GPUs, but you can just post here again. By September most launches should be done or at least it'll be known what's coming in October and if that's relevant to you.

Three years is nothing for a PSU and 650W is more than enough.
Afaik the CX series from 2015 is actually better than the one from 2017 you picked for the new build and cheaper. Ye olde bait and switch.

Not bigger, faster.

posted about 5 years ago
#3298 PC Build Thread in Hardware

I'd change the cooler (single fan all-in-one liquid coolers are especially terrible) and the PSU, other than that it looks reasonable.
I'm assuming the 1080 is on sale or used, otherwise get an RTX 2070 or maybe RX 5700 XT if you can wait for that.

Generally summer is launch season so newer/cheaper/better CPUs and GPUs are coming if you're not in a hurry.
I mean Cyberpunk 2077 won't be out for another 10 months so it's not like you're in a hurry.

If you are then here's some minor adjustments:
Could get a better SSD if you want, it's obviously well within budget.

posted about 5 years ago
#12 Unresponsive computer upon entering OS in Hardware
SetsulUnplug the HDDs, remove the mobo from the case, place it on a non-conductive surface and try Linux again.

Also upgrading to W10 usually breaks things so I'm not surprised.

First step is to figure out whether or not this is a hardware problem. See the quote above.

To be honest I think windows is just fucked. Boot manager is fucked and now it's even more confused with the new microcode.

posted about 5 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ⋅⋅ 229