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#580 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

Not really. There's 4400+ RAM on the QVLs. It's 2:1 for the IF clock beyond 3733 though so it only benefits bandwidth, not latency.
You asked for benchmarks with 3733, so now you don't get to act like 3200 vs 4133 is a completely fair and realistic scenario.

Either way different demos and different configs so I'm not sure where you're going with this. Or did you really think that just pushing it to 5.0 and using 4133CL17 would make the 8350K >50% faster than a 3600X?
The only other results (equally unfair) are actually higher than yours. So I don't get where the "pounding all these Zen2 chips" talk is coming from.

Clocks != voltage. 4.9 is less common than 4.8, 5.0 is less common than 4.9 and so on. Big surprise. That doesn't tell you what they consider excessive vcore or if they are limited by voltages at all, not thermals.
On top of that 8350Ks that make it to 5.2 by silicon lottery's standards exist and I can absolutely guarantee that those don't need excessive vcore for 4.9. I mean they claimed 82% to 4.9, 59% to 5.0. Does that mean they always use excessive vcore? That'd be your definition then, not theirs because they obviously think that vcore was fine.

posted about 5 years ago
#578 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
whitepuzzleNot sure what you mean. My 8350K is pounding all these Zen 2 chips in TF2 performance. Unless you mean you regret not getting a much better overall chip that still has decent TF2 performance.

Which one do you mean?
Moist running a stock 3600 with 3200 RAM, benching a completely different config and demo and getting 360 fps? How is that getting pounded by the 8350K?
Or do you mean mousiope's stock 3600X again with 3200 RAM, no config and highest settings getting 190 fps? I guess 300 fps is a lot more than 190, but by the same logic the 8350K is also pounding itself. Drop the RAM to 3200 (probably CL16?) run -autoconfig, crank everything up to max and see how many fps are left. There's still the overclock and different scaling with RAM but at least you'll have a better idea of what the performance difference looks like.

whitepuzzle4900 and above start to require excessive vcore.

That depends on the chip. And what you define as "excessive vcore".
I've seen 7600Ks at 5.0 with 1.25V.

posted about 5 years ago
#3374 PC Build Thread in Hardware

#3372 (and #3371)
Still some issues.

Don't buy coolers by brands. Go by performance. And aios are still a bad joke.

Of course you can lock the fans to max speed and beat the D15 by 1°C at the cost of going full jet engine.
However you can get the same performance and noise for half the price with just any big lump of metal (e.g. HR-02) and a 5k rpm fan for half the price.

Mobo is just for the VRMs I assume so there's cheaper equivalent options.
Same with the RAM although I haven't checked the QVL.

More reasonable HDD. Paying for NAS features makes no sense. Buying an HDD for speed when you've got a 1TB SSD makes no sense. Even 2x5 TB 7200 rpm would be cheaper and the 10W extra really don't matter. If it's about sequential speed for rendering then go RAID0. Cheaper and much faster than any 10 TB HDD, no matter how expensive.

850W is overkill. Even if you push the 3900X to 200W it'd still only be 600W total. Where do the other 250W come from? Pushing the 2080 Ti to 500W? Yeah no. And even then it's hard to justify paying 15$ more than for a Focus Plus Platinum for an HX Platinum.
Anyway highest I'd go would be 750W if you're really worried.

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 3.8 GHz 12-Core Processor ($499.00 @ B&H)
CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-D15 SE-AM4 82.52 CFM CPU Cooler ($90.00)
Motherboard: Gigabyte X570 AORUS ELITE ATX AM4 Motherboard ($199.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: G.Skill Sniper X 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3600 Memory ($139.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung 970 Evo Plus 1 TB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive ($217.89 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda Compute 8 TB 3.5" 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive ($149.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: Asus GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB ROG Strix Gaming OC Video Card ($1219.99 @ Newegg)
Case: NZXT H500i ATX Mid Tower Case ($114.98 @ NZXT)
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA P2 650 W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply ($85.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $2717.81
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-07-25 06:34 EDT-0400

Has already been said but just to reiterate:
NH-D15 SE-AM4 or it won't fit the socket. Maybe a bit overkill for the 3600X though.
Fuck aftermarket thermal paste. It's rarely better than what any good cooler comes with and never worth it. Iirc the still uses NT-H1 which performs about the same, but NT-H2 actually beats Grizzly Kryonaut. That means on new Noctua coolers that switch will actually make things worse. Good deal for 10$, isn't it?
5700 (XT) is a thing now.

EVGA P2 is on sale, see above.

What's the PCIe Ethernet card for? Do you need more than the one integrated on the mobo?

Also the mobo isn't that great. Mobo + external wifi is usually cheaper. VRMs are good enough for a 6 core if you're not going to do anything crazy, but you can get the same for 100$ with a B450 mobo if you're willing to deal with the BIOS update and lack of PCIe 4.0.

Well they never compared with the overclocked 3600X.
There's 2 reasonable choices: Either you go all the way and pay 90$ (or less tbh) for a cooler, 200$ (or less) for X570 mobo and buy the 3600X to oc hard or you're fine with 10% less performance and ditch both. 3600 with a 90$ cooler would be neither here nor there.
That's also where that review breaks down. If you use the same overkill cooler on both SKUs, which are the same chip then performance is going to be rather similar. If you compare them stock vs stock it's a bigger difference because those 50$ also include a better cooler. It's obviously market segmentation and price-performance ratio is still worse for the 3600X, but that's normal.
But going "see, if I put a 140$ aio on the 3600 it performs almost as well as the 3600X" is retarded.

posted about 5 years ago
#3365 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Depends on what's actually available and what features you want. You know, the usual, Sync vs strobing, TN vs VA and so on.

posted about 5 years ago
#3362 PC Build Thread in Hardware

You see, the problem is you want to go from avg 90 to constant 250+ fps. That means you need a CPU that's more than 3 times as fast. None exist.

posted about 5 years ago
#3360 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Not quite the right thread? Or are you building it?

Usually CPU, mobo, RAM and a cooler. For ow probably a GPU as well.
How many fps are you getting with your current config and hardware?

posted about 5 years ago
#3355 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Yes, that's something I can work with.
There's a lot of guesswork involved, impact of RAM speed, scaling in general and I think those are CPU-Z benchmark results instead of anything ingame but this means that at stock a 3600X (4.4 GHz 1-2 core boost) would perform either the same or better than a 9600K (4.6 single, 4.5 dual core boost). The whole limitation of not getting past 4.3-4.4 all core is not a concern because you only care about the 1-2 core boost clock, which PB2 should automatically bump up.

Either way the "best value" would actually be a 9350KF, unless you're going to run something else that's CPU limited and uses more than 4 threads.

Yeah, future proofing isn't really a thing. Price to performance ratio only gets worse past ~300£.

Why would 1300£ be ideal? Usually less is always appreciated.

posted about 5 years ago
#3353 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Best value for what? The goal isn't the overclock, it's the overall performance. Well what is the mysterious game that you're building it for where single core performance is important? Why are you buying a 6 core CPU if you want single core performance?
Usua aio water cooler disclaimer:
M.2 is just the connection/form factor. This is about NVMe vs SATA and speed in general. Is a faster SSD worth it over a slower SSD? There's no universal answer to this question.
Well first you'd have to find a 2060 Super that's actually in stock. A 2070 should be faster though. The cheapest 5700 XT that's in stock is cheaper and faster than either, so that's a thing too.
About the 2070 Super: Well how much performance do you need? If a 2070 is fast enough it's 100£ for no benefit. If you desperately need it to get x fps in game y then the normal 2070 isn't really an option.
We'll deal with the mobo later. It's ok, but there might be cheaper options.

Could you be a bit more specific about the games? I won't google "benchmarks for racing games in VR" and hope it's the right one.

Closer to 1300£ or lower than 1300?

posted about 5 years ago
#3351 PC Build Thread in Hardware

No, we wouldn't be underclocking because that lowers the performance.
However the cache doesn't make too much of a difference and on Skylake there's not separate voltage for it so if the cache is the problem you either need to bump up vcore even more, which leads to temp problems or lower the cache frequency.

I'm not sure what guide you've been reading but this should've been covered. Either way that's not really a build question anymore.
Find a better guide with a bit more details than "just up vcore until it stops crashing" and you'll figure it out.

posted about 5 years ago
#3349 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Yeah, depending on your RAM and the error messages it could be VCCIO or VCCSA that need a bit more instead of Vcore, once you get it reasonably stable.
What do you mean what's the impact? Lower frequencies are more stable.

posted about 5 years ago
#3347 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Temp problem wouldn't bluescreen.
There are other voltages than VCore you know?
You might have to lower the cache frequency as well.

Just read a guide, but 1.280V for 4.8 would be quite low. If you needed 1.250V for 4.5 there is absolutely no way it'll make 4.8 with 1.280V. Anything under 1.4V should be safe, 1.35V if you're really careful, but you're more likely to run into temp problems before you reach unsafe voltages.

posted about 5 years ago
#3345 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Compated to the 8350K. I mean realistically in what game that is programmed well enough to use more than 4 threads are you limited by a 8350K at 4.5 GHz? So it's just down to the clockrate.

I mean sure a 3600(X) would be nice for rendering because going from 4 to 12 threads should be around twice as fast but on the other hand even a 9900K (let alone a 9700K) is cheaper than buying a CPU and a mobo and a cooler and that's faster at stock than either option.

EDIT: My point is you've got a CPU and mobo that are barely over one and a half years old, if even that, now is not the time to upgrade. New shiny things are released every year. Doesn't mean you have to upgrade every year.
Same for the GPU.

posted about 5 years ago
#3343 PC Build Thread in Hardware

3600 would be the cheapest, 3600X for editing, 9600K for games. Still a massively weird sidegrade. Essentially 500€ for 3% better performance in games.

posted about 5 years ago
#3340 PC Build Thread in Hardware

At least B350 obviously, he doesn't really need to OC so pretty much anything will do. Maybe someone is selling both CPU and mobo to get PCIe 4.0.
Same thing with the cooler, even if he wants to oc any thick (not slim) single tower or dual tower should be ok-ish, just depends on what's cheap. I've seen 50$ coolers for 90€ because god knows why.

4.5 isn't much of an overclock for a CPU that can boost to 4.6. You can always replace the cooler and/or delid the CPU if you do run into thermal problems. Deciding what overclock you'll be able to run before you even got the chip and know whether it's good or bad seems a bit strange.

Well I don't know when exactly B550 is being released.
Either way I'll wait for street prices to settle before making a partlist.

posted about 5 years ago
#3336 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Define "near future".

Current CPU?
Destiny 2 (and Cyberpunk etc.) should be GPU-bound, especially after a CPU upgrade so I don't think you'll get 150 fps.

Rendering is basically infinitely parallelizable so it will use all the cores.

It's about the mobo and especially the VRMs, not the chipset.
Overclock does matter but 10% are 10%. He's not going to push a 2600 to 5 GHz so any 8 core CPU will win. The 2600 is neither here nor there. For single threaded/games he'd want the 3600 and if less ST is fine because the games are GPU-bound anyway he might as well go for more cheaper cores like clearance sales or used 1700(X)/1800X/2700(X) or even a 1900X/1920X if he wants to get really weird.

You don't really need the extra cores. Throwing out the cooler and mobo doesn't make sense either. A 3600(X) isn't really going to be faster than an overclocked 9600K(F) and a 3600(X) + mobo + cooler sure as hell aren't going to be cheaper than just the 9600K either.

An aftermarket 5700 XT would be a minor upgrade but again where are you going with this? NVidia finally caved in and supports Adaptive Sync now no matter how much they are trying to rebrand and hide it so what's stopping you from using it?

posted about 5 years ago
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