Massive shoutout to dashner, you guys have no idea how much work he's done for this.
Shoutout to stream 2 friends - particularly Suyo, Turbotabs, and Ryushi.
Shoutout to everyone else on production too, you're all fucking great people.
Shoutout to nymthae and fiyahstorm for organising all sorts of shit.
Shoutout to Sideshow for surviving.
Shoutout to Tagg for enduring England.
Shoutout to Bluee for enduring Tagg.
Shoutout to the players for making the first lan I attended a great one.
Shoutout to the massive wanker on this train whose police siren alarm keeps going off as I try to sleep.
Shoutout to Gecks for being a huge player and disappearing last night before I could humiliate him at arm wrestling.
C u @ i58